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"Cluck, cluck, cluck.....crack, crack, crack……"

The original three magic mechanical puppets were transformed into a giant magic mecha by Dr. Zombie.

When Dr. Zombie entered the control array inside the magic mecha, the entire magic mecha immediately started to operate.


Just as the bone dragon was about to fall, the magic mecha suddenly jumped up, held up the giant shield in its hand, and directly faced the falling bone dragon.

After the giant shield blocked the impact of the bone dragon, the magic mecha swung the giant sword in its other hand fiercely and chopped the skeleton of the bone dragon fiercely.


The giant sword smashed into the skull of the bone dragon, causing it to sway twice and almost fall from mid-air.

Then, a turbid red beam of light quickly shot out from the chest of the magic mecha!


Frightening energy continuously burst out from the chest of the magic mecha, and the red beam pulsated like a thick blood vessel.

The huge body of the bone dragon was constantly bombarded and forced back by the red beam, until it was finally smashed to the ground!


You can see the skeletal dragon falling to the ground.

Many of its bones are broken, and there are dozens of holes in its wings that leak air. It is even shaky in its ability to fly.

"This... is this a human magic mechanical puppet?! No! How is this possible!!"

Saruman stared with his eyes wide open, staring blankly at the bone dragon with countless broken bones.

On the battlefield, the performance of the undead army was even worse. They were continuously strangled and swallowed up by the plant and zombie armies of various types of soldiers.

At most, in one or two hours, the entire undead army that had previously dominated the entire town and was so majestic would be strangled to death without leaving any residue.

"Damn it! Boy, don't go too far!!"

Saruman looked at his army of undead and elite knights with a painful look on his face. They were being destroyed continuously, and he was so angry that his dry hand holding the staff was shaking constantly:

"Whatever conditions you want, just make them. I, Saruman, admit defeat this time."

He couldn't help but bow his head.

He had worked hard for decades to build a great army of spirits, and if it was destroyed, he would be doomed!

"Okay, since you are so sincere, I will forgive you this time.

Fang Hao knew that the time was almost right, so he snorted and said:

"But as my enemy, you have only one choice: surrender or be destroyed!"


Saruman shouted in shock and anger:

"Impossible! I am the servant of the Lord of the Underworld, and I will never submit to you. Boy, although your strength is good, it is still far behind the great Lord of the Underworld. If you anger him, you will die without a burial place."

"It seems so."

Fang Hao said calmly:"Did you choose to destroy?"

" can't do this, I am a slave of the Lord of the Underworld.……"

""All troops, charge, leave no one behind!"

Fang Hao waved his hand coldly.

The endless army of plants and zombies seemed to sense a hint of anger in their master's tone, and immediately became agitated, their brutality and terror increasing.

Especially the zombie doctor who smashed the bone dragon to pieces, immediately drove the magic mecha and rushed towards Saruman like an arrow.

He casually swung the giant sword, sweeping away dozens of skeleton soldiers, and laughed coldly:

"A lowly creature, the Lord of the Underworld, what is that?! And you are just a stupid and weak bug, die!"

"Boy, you forced me to do it."

Saruman was shocked by the momentum of the magic mecha and took two steps back. The dark fire in his eyes burned with anger.

Then, he took out a black scroll from the space ring. As soon as the scroll appeared, a strong breath of death quickly spread in all directions, as if even the temperature around it had dropped by more than ten degrees.

Fang Hao's pupils shrank. The black scroll gave him a feeling that it seemed very dangerous.

"Great Lord of the Underworld, your servants pray that you will come down from the underworld to the human world and let these ignorant enemies feel the greatness of death."

Saruman chanted loudly, and the black scroll in his hand burned with a ball of black flames. The space beside him began to gradually distort.

""Sun God Zombie Army, absorb the magic energy!"

Sun directly intervened in the battle and linked all the Sun God Zombies with his spiritual waves.

However, no matter how the Sun God Zombies waved their staffs, they had no effect on the magic energy gathered by Saruman!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

On the other side, the catapult zombies, the imp zombie cannons, and the three brothers of corn, cabbage, and watermelon pitchers all aimed at the lich Saruman and launched a swift throwing attack.

Countless long-range attack energies pierced the air and made a sharp whistle.

Even the bone dragon could not withstand the simultaneous bombardment of so many long-range attacks, not to mention that the opponent was a necromancer who was not good at physical strength.

Facing the crisis of being shattered to pieces, Saruman seemed to be completely unaware and continued to chant:

"Your power of the underworld will rule the world again, and everyone will prostrate themselves before your throne of Hades.

Just as countless long-range attacks were about to hit Saruman, a huge claw stretched out from the distorted space beside him, grabbing all the long-range attack energy.

"Boom boom boom~"

The extremely violent explosion made people's ears ring.

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