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The Terror Knight raised the blood-stained sword in his hand high.

Following the unstoppable momentum of the Skeleton Warhorse, he slashed at the Sun God Zombie Legion in front of him with an extremely cold force.

""Throw frozen lettuce!"

Yori, who had been keeping an eye on the surroundings of the army, immediately gave the order.

The next moment, all the Sun God zombies threw countless cute little frozen lettuces towards the charging Horror Knights. The frozen lettuces were ice blue in color and only the size of a steamed bun. They did not need to be exchanged for sunlight, and as free plants, their number was simply inestimable!


The frozen lettuces all started to sing.

Their big black eyes glared, and immediately a chilling cold aura spread out!

"Puff puff puff~~~~"

The freezing effect spread at a very fast speed.

The first frozen lettuce froze the skeleton horse's four hooves; the second frozen lettuce froze the skeleton horse's entire body.

Then the third and fourth frozen lettuces froze the Terror Knight's attack in mid-air, turning it into a lifelike sculpture!

"Bamboo shoots! Vegetables!

Fang Hao wanted to test the combat effectiveness of the newly acquired troops. He immediately spread out the newly planted green carpet.


The first to attack was the boxer Caiwen, who was more than two meters tall.

The two long curly leaves were Caiwen's invincible fists.

As soon as Caiwen appeared on the green carpet of plants, he squinted his eyes.

Then he punched out with both fists, and punched in rapid succession!

The terrifying knights, who were temporarily frozen into ice sculptures by the frozen lettuce, were immediately beaten up by Caiwen without any mercy.

"Bang bang bang bang……"

A series of drum-like sounds rang out.

With one punch, a big hole was seen on the ice sculptures of the Horror Knights.

Ice crystals filled the sky, and blood flowed down.

After just a few seconds, the huge ice sculptures were turned into ice crystals all over the ground by the Caiwens.

At the same time, the Horror Knights standing at the back also took the direct hit of the Bamboo Shoots.


As soon as the bamboo shoots appeared, they caused a large ground collapse.

All the Terror Knights within the range immediately fell into the collapsed hole.

Then, countless bamboo shoots broke out of the ground.

They spun at high speed, like a drill, crushing the Terror Knights into countless ice crystals.

"Add energy beans."

Fang Haoxin waved his hand and added energy beans to the Caiwen Corps and the Bamboo Shoot Corps.

For a moment, the sky was full of flying fist shadows, and all the Terror Knights in the area were hit into powder; and in the gullies under the ground, giant bamboo shoots like drills burst out from the ground, like a rampant earth dragon, crushing all the Terror Knights in the area into powder.

Within the short eight seconds when the frozen lettuce took effect,

1,000 Terror Knights with energy levels of 8 were wiped out.

On the other side, the bone dragon Oguto was also temporarily frozen by the ice mushroom.

However, neither the hot pepper nor the cherry bomb could cause effective damage to it for a while.

After an energy explosion, the bone dragon was able to break free from the shackles of freezing and spread its wings again.

""Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The bone dragon roared in anger, and its raging anger turned into rolling magic flames, falling from the sky like a waterfall.

Faced with such a fast and direct magic attack, the magic absorption of the Sun God Zombie is difficult to take effect in time.

So at this time, the white radish army is about to make a brilliant appearance.

The white radishes are about two meters tall, with many roots on their sides inserted into the soil.

When they appear, a magic defense shield will be generated in a certain area in front of them.

This magic defense shield has a strong defense against magic attacks and mental attacks.

When the white radishes are adjacent to each other, the magic defense shield will automatically connect to expand the scope of protection.

At this time, the terrifying dragon breath that seems to be able to burn everything in the world once again descended on the zombie army.

At the same time, the white radishes suddenly emerged from the ground, with solemn and fierce expressions, and immediately erected a magic defense shield covering the entire army.


Under the violent energy collision, the magic defense shield built by 3,000 white radishes only showed a slightly uneven shape.

After that, it completely offset the destructive breath of the bone dragon!

"Damn it! What on earth are these?"

Saruman was completely panicked after witnessing the complete annihilation of the Terror Knights, the freezing of the Bone Dragon, and the ineffective dissipation of the Destruction Breath.

"Roar, roar, roar~~"

Seeing that its attack was broken, the bone dragon folded its wings fiercely.

Its huge body turned into a meteor and smashed directly towards the magic defense shield below.

Under this purely physical attack, the magic defense shield would probably be unable to withstand it.

"Doctor, this bone dragon is now in your hands."

Seeing this, Fang Hao's face turned cold.

In three days, Doctor Zombie had completed the transformation of the magic mechanical puppet.

This was originally Fang Hao's secret weapon to use against the empire, but now he had to use it for emergency.

"As you command , my master."

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