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Tải ảnh: 0.164s Scan: 0.055sThe battle at the entrance of Goron Valley has entered a white-hot stage.

The Goron Giants and Fang Hao's army of plants and zombies are fighting fiercely.

Only a few hundred Goron Giants, relying on the terrain of the deep valley, have suppressed the army of plants and zombies that is ten times their size.

If Fang Hao did not have a large number of long-range soldiers to suppress them, he would probably be the one retreating now.

At this time, with the effect of the strange night dark erosion magic, the situation on the battlefield has undergone a huge reversal.

"Long Teng, it's your turn to appear.

Fang Hao looked at a newly created zombie general beside him and smiled faintly.


Long Teng is the zombie general evolved from the jumping zombie.

【Jumping Zombie: Dragon Rising】

【Medium Humanoid Intelligent Zombie: Energy Level 11】

【Possesses basic weapon: Dragon Jumping Pole】

【Possessing the innate skill: Dragon Soars and Tiger Leaps. 】


Long Teng rode a bouncing pole engraved with a golden dragon.

���5,000 jumping zombies suddenly swept out from the valley.

Those Gorons who were fighting had no idea that there would be a large army of zombies behind them, and were caught off guard.

Several Gorons standing behind died immediately under the violent trampling of Longteng.

In addition, there were more Goron giants who were overwhelmed by the large number of jumping zombies in the blink of an eye.

"Why, why are there so many zombies!"

"How come they appear from behind us?"

"Chief, Chief! We can't stop it! Ah……"

The Goron giant's miserable screams began to sound continuously behind the Goron giant.

Fang Hao in the distance could not help but sneer.

Long Teng led a group of jumping zombies and directly crossed the mountain and appeared at the back of the valley.

At this time, under the magical effect of the strange night eclipse

, the attribute bonus that the Goron wizard can bring to the Goron giant is almost equivalent to a negative number.

Without the defense and attack bonus of the rock armor, the rock layer on the Goron giant's body was quickly crushed by the giant zombies.

The Goron giant, who lost the protection of the rock, no longer had any advantages in front of many giant zombies that were equally thick-skinned, huge and violent.

They would soon be hammered to pieces and become bloody mud trampled under the feet of the zombie army.

For a time, wailing was rampant, and fear began to linger in the hearts of all the Goron giants.

Their morale also began to decline all the way to the bottom of the valley.

"The earth is shaking!"

The leader of the Goron giants, the fire giant Alman, was in a state of panic, and a reddish-brown energy light appeared all over his body.

Then he exerted all his strength, raised his fists fiercely, and slammed them heavily on the ground.


With a heavy bang, the ground beneath his feet shook violently as if there was an earthquake!

The surrounding ground cracked under this shocking blow.

The zombies surrounding it were thrown into the air.

Even Gargantel in front of him could not withstand the shock and took several steps back.

""Go to hell!"

The fire giant stood up and roared, and swung his fist forward.

Violent reddish-brown energy burst out of his fist.

The powerful impact blew away the zombies surrounding him.

This was its unique elemental attribute, making every blow full of the power of the earth and magma.

"Quick! Let's retreat!"

The fire giant escaped with the power of this attack and looked back.

A large number of jumping zombies were already attacking its rear.

It knew that if it continued like this, all the Gorons would be surrounded and killed here.

But just as it turned around, deep in the valley, in the direction of the gathering place of Goron women and children, a shrill wail was heard at the same moment.


The fire giant roared in a desolate voice.

All the Gorons knew what was happening at the moment, and they all tried their best to rush back.

The screams coming from there indicated that their Goron tribe had been attacked by the zombies in front of them.

The defense there was very weak, and there were only a handful of Goron giants who could fight.

Their reactions had long been expected by Fang Hao, and he would naturally not let these Gorons get their wish easily.

A large brigade of zombie air forces began to swoop down.

Among them were carrying countless cherry bombs, hot peppers, ice mushrooms and a number of consumable destructive plants.

These zombie air forces, under the cover of the pitcher corps' powerful firepower, steadily threw these terrible destructive plants around the fire giant.

Only to hear"Boom!"With a loud bang that shook the earth, the whole earth trembled.

The violent explosion caused a large area of collapse of the surrounding rocks.

Flames, ice, poisonous gas, and burning light.

Nearly thirty Goron giants were blown into several pieces in the explosion. Nearly a hundred Gorons were injured and fell to the ground.

Only the powerful fire giant was still standing there, and it used both hands to tightly protect its head.

At this time, its body was covered with blood and flesh, and there was almost no good place.

The hard lava armor had been completely shattered, and the tough flesh and blood body.

Under the corrosion of toxins, a whole layer of skin was peeled off, and the extremely smelly pus and blood were"sizzling" out.

Even its eyelids were dissolved cleanly under the corrosion of acid, leaving only blood blurring the eye sockets.

"Ugh! Ahhh!"

The fire giant roared to the sky, expressing the heart-wrenching pain.

Sometimes the tenacity of life becomes its most fatal torture.

""Roar, roar, roar! Go to hell!"

Gargantuar, who was not far away, would not let go of this opportunity.

He shouted loudly and rushed towards the fire giant with powerful steps.

At this time, his whole body was condensed with strength, emitting a layer of blood-red light like fighting spirit.

The giant totem pole in his hand also made a"buzzing" sound at this moment.


Gargantel took a few steps to the side of the fire giant.

Suddenly, he jumped up, and the totem pole in his hand banged on its head.


Gargantur roared, and his totem pole chopped down from the head of the fire giant along the shoulder, cutting off half of its body.

The blood and internal organs in the fire giant's body were splattered everywhere along with the upper half of the body that was chopped off.

After the remaining half of the body, after spitting out the blood, fell heavily to the ground.

So far, the strongest fire giant Alman has died in battle.

The remaining Gorons fell into despair.

In addition, the zombies like a tide are still rushing towards them.

It is only a matter of time before they are defeated.

"Surrender or perish, it's your choice!"

At this time,

Fang Hao's voice was heard throughout the battlefield.

The Goron Giants had never thought they would fail.

They stared at their leader's body in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Fang Hao's voice echoing in the sky was like a funeral bell.

It made them lose hope of life and the strength to continue fighting.

""Roar, roar, roar! Surrender or perish!"

Gargantuar stepped onto the corpse of the fire giant.

He raised the half of the fire giant's head with one hand and roared loudly.

Long Teng also echoed him at this time.

He was covered in blood and scars, but his fighting spirit was higher than ever before.

All the zombies behind him let out a soul-stirring scream.

"Surrender or perish!"

This shout from the zombie generals and zombies echoed in the valley for a long time.

At the same time, it also completely defeated the last bit of racial will in the hearts of the Goron giants.

In their view, these fearless zombies are simply monsters sent by the underworld to destroy the world.

No matter how powerful they are, they can't compare with these endless monsters.

In this war, they Goron completely lost.

At this time, it is unknown which Goron took the lead.

The remaining more than 400 wounded Goron giants bent their knees one after another and knelt in front of the zombie army.

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