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"I am Fang Hao, Goron Giants, you know that surrender is a wise choice."

Fang Hao used the detector to broadcast his voice remotely:

"As long as you are always at my disposal, I will provide you with shelter, guarantee the safety of all your people, and I will let you get much more benefits than you have now. However, now you all must eat this for me." As soon as

Fang Hao finished speaking, the zombies took out the charm mushrooms that had been prepared long ago.

Fang Hao treated the women and children of the Goron giants in the valley.

He used a certain dose of anesthetic to temporarily control them.

In the Goron tribe, all resisters were killed, and those who surrendered were paralyzed and captured.

After all the Gorons had taken the charm mushrooms,

Gargantel also brought the team back to his side again. Fang

Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and began to slowly march into the valley with the remaining plants and zombie army.

In order to conquer a racial force, Fang Hao was like a Like a head of state.

Walking into a conquered country, inspecting the surrender and weakness of all the conquered.

Long Teng has led a team of elite soldiers to welcome Fang Hao's arrival at the entrance of the valley.

The rest of the zombies have all moved into the valley.

And began to conduct a large-scale security inspection for Fang Hao's arrival.

Fang Hao was completely sure that this valley had passed the detector's entry inspection.

The area here is about 13,000 square kilometers, which is much larger than a large city.

The valley is surrounded by towering and continuous mountains, and there are many mountain ridges extending from the mountains inside. A stream runs diagonally through the valley and eventually converges into a small lake.

In addition, the entire valley is covered with lush forests and the ecological environment is very good.

At this time, at the entrance of the valley, all the subdued Gorons were kneeling on one knee.

They were escorted by zombies on both sides of the road, with their heads lowered, waiting for Fang Hao's inspection.

The same was true for the captured Goron women and children. After being paralyzed, they were all escorted to the front of the Goron tribe, waiting for Fang Hao's decision.

Fang Hao has a lot of plans for these Gorons who have become slaves.

In the future, whether they are handed over to the Queen Zombie for research or Whether it is to study biological genes to create zombie monsters or to use them as war tools, they will be of great use.

The journey was smooth.

Fang Hao soon led a group of plant and zombie generals to the huge cave where the Goron tribe was located.

This cave is like a naturally formed mountain crack, forty or fifty meters high, very wide and magnificent.

The interior has been processed by the Goron giants for generations. Walking into it is like coming to a primitive village built in the center of the mountain, which makes Fang Hao feel refreshed. There are still some left inside, and the Goron's body is like a beast, full of primitive breath.

"Ouch, it stinks... Well, I can't eat it."

The corn pitcher Niangqing on the side immediately went on strike.

Fang Hao smiled and waved his hand, letting the arrogant little corn stay outside the cave.

When Fang Hao walked into the cave, he found that there were many strange murals and cuneiform characters on the walls of the cave.

According to the information he had, these Gorons should be the legendary gods of war.

"Dear Lord Fang Hao, this is all the wealth of our Goron."

At this time, a Goron wizard, carrying a simple wooden box, knelt outside the cave.

"Very good, your name is Sam, right? From now on, you are the new leader of these Gorons. Serve me well, and I will naturally not treat you Gorons unfairly.

Fang Hao smiled slightly.

"Thank you for your gift, sir."

Sam, the Goron wizard, nodded excitedly.

Fang Hao waved his hand and asked Long Teng to move the wooden box over.

As a result, when he opened it, he took a deep breath of air in delight.

Inside the wooden box, there were more than fifty high-level magic cores neatly arranged!

In addition, what excited Fang Hao the most was that among these fifty medium-energy crystals, there were actually five high-quality magic cores!

In addition to the high-quality magic cores dug out from the corpse of the fire giant.

Now he can create six high-level humanoid intelligences at once!

I didn't expect that this Goron giant tribe, which was almost the same as the primitive tribe, had even richer material reserves than Tarot City!

At the same time, the Goron giants also paid tribute to some bone ornaments that they thought were treasures, totem props used by wizards, and a lot of half-roasted meat, etc.

The Goron giants are still in a self-sufficient primitive tribal form.

Because except for the energy magic cores, everything else is too primitive and crude.

In addition to the picture For Fang Hao, who didn't understand magic at all, the Teng props were not only too large in size, but also had no practical use.

Therefore, Fang Hao had no interest in those primitive tools.

However, these magic cores were real good things.

Any magical beast that could breed high-level magic cores was a dominant magical beast and was extremely difficult to hunt and capture.

And these high-level magic cores were good things that the Goron giants had accumulated from generation to generation.

In this battle, more than 300 Goron giants and a Goron leader died.

In the Goron tribe, 50 Goron guards and dozens of other rebels were also killed.

There were about 500 Goron giants left who could fight.

Together with the more than 50 remaining Goron wizards, the combat effectiveness was still extremely strong.

This was much stronger than the dark elves and centaurs that Fang Hao had conquered before!

In addition, the tribe also captured more than 300 Goron women and children.

It can be said that Fang Hao has almost preserved a complete race.

At this time

"A"ding" sound brought Fang Hao's thoughts back to reality.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for conquering the Goron Giants】

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