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"Corn cannons! Coconut cannons! Attack!"

On a small hill about ten miles away,

10 corn cannons and 10 coconut cannons adjusted their muzzles.


10 corn cob missiles and 10 coconut missiles were fired directly at the gate of Chaoge City.

The city wall could no longer be climbed.

Only by breaking through the city gate could the remaining more than 2,000 armored zombies enter the city.

When the plant missiles flew over at a terrifying speed.

The energy magic circle in the sky above Chaoge City suddenly shone brightly.

Then, dazzling magical lights also shot out from it, directly hitting the attacking plant missiles.

The energies of the two collided in mid-air.

The huge power inside was detonated, and gusts of strong winds were set off!

Just after the energy dissipated, in the energy magic circle in the sky.

Strings of strange and mysterious magic runes shone brightly, and white magic threads full of mysterious atmosphere. They suddenly shot out from the energy magic circle and then intertwined in the sky.

Those white magic threads soon intertwined into an energy angel fully armed with armor!

The energy angel has a pair of wings made of white thin threads on his back, and he looks extremely handsome.

His body is seven meters long, Holding a huge lightsaber, he looked majestic and powerful!

Mysterious, majestic, and powerful.

All the human warriors on the city wall looked at the huge energy angel in the sky, and these words full of praise flashed through their hearts.

The energy angel opened his majestic eyes.

He locked onto the corn cannon and coconut cannon on the distant hill.

Then, he slashed with the lightsaber in his hand.

A white sword light flew to the distant hill at a terrifying speed, slashing the corn cannon and coconut cannon.

The white sword light arrived in an instant.

The corn cannon and coconut cannon on the hill were easily destroyed.

The peak of the hill was also cut off by the sword light.

Then, the energy wings behind the energy angel spread out.

Countless white light wings densely shot at the more than 2,000 armored zombies below.

Under the bombardment of the dense white light wings, the more than 2,000 armored zombies scattered to avoid.

But they were still pierced by those white light wings and were easily killed, without the slightest resistance.

"Wow, this energy angel's weapon is equivalent to a level 13 combat weapon."

"Moreover, it has no emotions, but possesses nearly infinite power. As long as the magic power of the magicians and high-level magic core crystals in the magic tower that serve as its power source is not consumed, it can keep fighting without fear of being destroyed!"

"It seems that the Penglai Empire is only a part of the human race, but it is not a fluke that it can stand at the top of other races!"

Watching the energy angel transform into energy again and finally disappear into the sky.

With the help of the detector and the data collected by the wisdom tree spirit, Fang Hao in the distance quickly completed the relevant analysis.


Fang Hao had expected the failure of this exploratory attack.

He only sent out 5,000 armored zombies, 10 corn cannons and 10 coconut cannons.

He did not send out the main force to attack Chaoge City.

If Fang Hao played all his cards, it would not be difficult for the plant and zombie army to forcibly flatten Chaoge City at all costs. It would just cost a lot of troops and expose his new troops.

However, Fang Hao had adopted the strategy Qingcheng said last night and did not do so.

In the City Lord's Mansion of Chaoge City, a middle-aged fat man, who was heavily guarded by personal soldiers, was walking around in the City Lord's Mansion tremblingly.

This middle-aged fat man was the Chaoge City. The city lord, Pollitt.

His sister, who is only 20 years old, is one of the most beloved concubines of the Emperor of Penglai Empire.

His family is one of the most noble families in the empire.

As the only legitimate heir of the family, he can sit in this position.

Speaking of talent, I am afraid Pollitt is not even an ordinary dandy.

Ever since he knew that Fang Hao’s zombie army was attacking, Pollitt walked around in the city lord’s mansion very irritably.

Sure enough, that group of zombies are low-level creatures who only know how to kill and invade.

Not long after they conquered Tarot City, they began to covet their own Chaoge City!


The timid and fearful Pollitt couldn’t help but said to Behimo, the leader of the personal guards beside him:

"Behemoth, why don't we surrender! I heard that the necromancer Fang Hao is a fake and doesn't like to study evil necromancy."

"He didn't like to kill prisoners, and he treated us surrendered nobles well. Didn't the Clark, Walker and Campbell families also have some members in Taro City? It was said that they were living well and their property had not been taken away."

"But it’s different from the empire. The taxes there are a little more, and everyone has to start from the bottom as a civilian!"

"But if we don't surrender, after the city is captured, not only will our lives be in danger, but our family property will also be confiscated like the Tarot City Lord Morton! We might as well surrender!"

Behimo is burly and looks very imposing.

His cultivation has reached level 12, that is, the Saint level, and he is considered the strongest in Chaoge City.

Behimo looked at the cowardly middle-aged fat man Polit in front of him, suppressing the disgust in his heart.

Even though he is a Saint level strongman, for the benefit of the family, he has to protect Polit, who is unlearned and has a personal strength of only level four.

If Polit is lost,

Chaoge City will fall into the hands of others, which is definitely not in the interests of the Behimo family.

"Paulette, don't worry!"

"The reason why the necromancer was able to easily capture Tarot City was because they had destroyed the city's magic defense system in advance."

"Our Chaoge City's magic defense system is stronger than Tarot City's! They simply cannot rely on their strength to capture our Chaoge City head-on!"

"All you have to do is stay calm and wait for the news of victory."

Behemoth suppressed his disgust and said coldly.

After hearing Behemoth's consolation, Paulite felt relieved.

However, after walking around for a while, he looked up and said in a panic:

"Alas! Why don't we surrender? So we don't have to worry so much!" Behemoth was really angry and mad after hearing such spineless words.

He stared at Polit and slowly exuded the aura of a Saint-level strongman.

"I just said that, I didn't mean anything else!"

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