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"Lord City Lord!"

"Lord City Lord! Under your wise leadership, our army has completely wiped out the invading zombies!"

An intelligence officer walked into the City Lord's Mansion with a happy face, flattering Pollitt.

"Total annihilation! Haha, these zombies are really overestimating themselves. They are nothing in front of our human magic defense system! Haha!"

The haze between Polit's eyebrows was swept away immediately, and he laughed out loud.

Behimo looked at Polit, who was full of joy at this time and no longer took the necromancer seriously, and sighed in his heart.

The army of plants and zombies under the command of the necromancer.

They were able to occupy the Agate Plateau and conquer Tarot City in a short time. How could they be easy to deal with?!

The zombies that came to attack today were so easily annihilated. I am afraid they were the advance troops sent out to test the strength of Chaoge City.

Soon, the opponent's army will really go out.

By then, even if Chaoge City with a magic defense system can be defended, he dare not say.

But Behimo will not tell Polit about these concerns.

What if this cowardly guy hears these concerns.

Maybe he will surrender immediately when the opponent's army arrives.

"Lord Mayor, this is the invitation to the banquet from Baroness Qina."

"She hopes that you, the heroic city lord who fought against the monsters, can honor her and attend the banquet she is hosting!"

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed as a butler also came over and handed an invitation to Polit.


Paulette's eyes lit up and he grabbed the invitation.

He read the thin invitation carefully, his small eyes filled with an alternative light.

Baroness Qina is naturally beautiful, graceful and charming.

She is a well-known socialite in Chaoge City.

In addition, her family is also one of the great nobles in the empire, with countless wealth. Many male nobles are proud to be able to bow down at her feet.


Baroness Qina's contacts are all nobles with potential and strength.

With a strong family background, she does not need to flatter anyone.

Paulette had coveted her for a long time.

However, except for receiving an invitation as a courtesy when he took office, he never received an invitation from Baroness Qina.

Baroness Qina's grace at the banquet deeply attracted Paulette, and he has not been able to forget it until now.

"Behimo, come with me to this banquet tonight!"

Polit said with joy.

Behimo thought carefully for a while.

With his great swordsman by Polit's side, there would be basically no problems. He nodded and agreed. Late at night.

In front of a luxurious villa, there were many luxurious carriages engraved with various noble family emblems.

In a banquet hall in the villa.

A well-dressed noble brought his female companions and chatted with boys.

A handsome waiter shuttled between those well-dressed nobles with glasses of fine wine.

In the sky above the banquet hall.

The magic crystal lamp with a long-lasting and soft light illuminated the hall as if it were daytime.

In the whole banquet hall. There was no peculiar smell produced by burning candles, but a faint fragrance.

The beautiful woman in a black low-cut evening gown looked extremely gorgeous and full of temptation.

She moved among the nobles with ease, attracting the greedy eyes of countless male nobles and the jealous eyes of their female companions.

Not long after the banquet began, a carriage drove over.

Two middle-aged men got off the carriage.

One fat and one thin, they were Pollit and Behemoth.

When Pollit and Behemoth walked into the banquet hall, the beautiful woman who attracted the attention of many men had her eyes lit up, and she greeted Pollit and Behemoth with her charming steps.

""Our great hero of Chaoge City, Lord Mayor Polit, you are late!"

The beautiful woman who attracted the attention of many men complained with a bit of resentment.

At the same time, she extended a white jade-like wrist to Polit, which almost made his bones soften.

Especially the jealous eyes of the male nobles at the banquet made Polit feel full of happiness.

He also knew that he was not capable enough. Although due to his status as the lord of the city, no one would say it to his face.

But the unpleasant discussions in private have never stopped.

Polit suppressed his excitement and took the white wrist of Baroness Qina.

He walked into the banquet hall with his head held high.


After dealing with several nobles, Qina and Paulite whispered in Paulite's ear:

"Our great hero, I have some small gifts for you, come with me, okay?"

Polit's blood boiled when he heard it, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

After that,

Qina took Paulit to the depths of the villa.

But Behemoth didn't seem to be aware of being a light bulb, and followed the two until they came to a large room.

""Master Behemoth, Master Polit and I are going in. Do you want to come with us?"

Qina said with a smile, looking at Behemoth who looked embarrassed.

"Uh... I'll be guarding outside the door!".............,·

In this extraordinary period, even though Behemoth is a level 12 master, he had to act as a bodyguard.

He had to ensure the safety of the Chaoge City Lord, Polit.

Qina chuckled, took Polit's arm, and strode into the room.

When the door closed, Behemoth withdrew his gaze from Qina.

The space behind him fluctuated strangely.

A gust of wind blew by,���There was a bloody hole on his neck.

With fear and confusion, Behemoth's head fell from his neck.

A large amount of blood spurted out from his neck.

Then, the headless body fell into a pool of blood.


The person who came was none other than Fang Hao's newly created bamboo shoot girl, Chunying

【Bamboo shoots: Chunying】

【Intermediate humanoid intelligent plant, energy level 11】

【Possess basic weapon: Dragonite】

【Possessing the innate magic: Dragon Attack. 】

Clothed in a tight dark green outfit, Chunying, like a Japanese ninja, looks capable and sharp.

Like the ground thorn girl Feiyan, Chunying is also good at assassination and ambush.


Chunying casually threw down a piece of eggplant-like plant.

Transformed into eggplant!

When the transformed eggplant flew over Behemo's body, the small body began to wriggle strangely.

Not long after, a clone who looked very similar to Behemo, but with slightly different strength and temperament, appeared outside the door.

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