
With a loud and powerful sound,

Anderson, who possessed the peak energy of level 12 and was wearing heavy magic armor, was blown away as if he was hit head-on by a rhino.


Anderson flew backwards for more than ten meters, his face sunken, and then rolled seven or eight times in succession, crashing heavily into a tree that was several people's arms thick. He vomited a mouthful of blood before stopping. After he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood foam and took a few breaths, he looked up at the place where he was, his heart suddenly tightened, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he exclaimed:

"What is this?

When Anderson came to his senses, he found that the big-headed zombie next to Fang Hao was actually controlling a zombie mecha! The

Dreadnought mecha was a hundred meters high in its complete state.

However, Dr. Zombie could also adjust the Dreadnought mecha to its basic form, just like the mecha form that appeared now, which was only more than two meters high.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!!"

Erin Mona and Adams Jonah both screamed in shock.


Fang Hao was too lazy to look at it anymore, and directly waved his hand to issue an attack order!

""Roar, roar, roar!!!"

Gargantuar, who had just been promoted to level 14, was in urgent need of a battle to verify his strength.

Now, his body had grown to more than 20 meters tall, standing out from the crowd on the battlefield.

Next to Gargantuar,

Dr. Zombie, who was driving the Dreadnought mecha, was like Optimus Prime.

"How, how is it possible... two supreme masters……"

The usually calm Archdruid Elder Adams Jonah was also completely stunned at this moment.

"Your Highness, order a retreat! Otherwise, all the elves will be wiped out!"Adams

Jonah widened his eyes, suppressed the fear in his heart, and growled at the elf prince beside him.

"All troops, prepare! Break out to the north!"

After seeing the two giant supreme masters, Anderson knew that his side was doomed.

"Ha, you want to just run away after running wild in my territory?"

Fang Hao clearly controlled every move on the battlefield through the detector, and could even hear the conversations of those elves.

"Gargantuar! Dr. Zombie! Kill!"

"We can’t let them enter the battlefield… Otherwise, we will definitely lose!"

Seeing the enemy coming aggressively, Adams Jonah seemed to have made up his mind and immediately went to meet them.

At the same time, Anderson also led the Chimera Legion to resist the attack of these two supreme powerhouses.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The giant zombie army led by Gargantuar immediately rushed towards the Chimera army!


"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

On the battlefield, the roars of zombies continued to resound.

Countless zombies crawled out of the zombie tombstones, gathering a terrifying number of up to 2 million!

""Swish, swish, swish!!!"

The first to attack were the 100,000-strong javelin hunter army!

Countless zombie hunters holding poisoned javelins swung their arms vigorously at the same time, throwing javelins like a rain of rain!

""Defense! Defense! Magic shield!"

Even in the face of the sudden attack of the zombie army, the elf army reacted very quickly.

The ancient war trees near the attack range quickly moved.

"Puff puff puff……"

The ancient war trees resisted most of the poisoned javelins' attacks.

However, they were also pierced by countless poisoned javelins, leaving traces of devastation!

Many poisoned javelins that fell into the elf army were blocked in time by the elf warriors with magic shields.

"Whoosh whoosh……"

In another direction,

100,000 ball-spinners, holding the burning ball-spins tightly, began to spin rapidly in place!


The burning chain balls surrounded by flames were thrown all over the sky and thrown towards the ancient war tree.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The weight of the burning chain ball smashed big holes in the ancient war tree.

Coupled with its explosive power, the ancient war trees were blown to pieces!

The horrible explosion set off a gust of wind, blowing the elf warriors hiding behind the ancient war tree to pieces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, countless iron barrel zombies and armored zombies rushed over one after another.

"Huntresses attack! Slow spell! Release!"

As the commander, Irene Mona saw many powerful ancient war trees being destroyed in an instant, and her heart sank, but she gave orders without panic.

The elf huntresses riding on the night blade leopards blessed themselves with magic such as giant strength, agility, acceleration, and armor-breaking. They quickly stood in front of the elf archers, their fighting spirit surging, attacking the zombies that rushed over.

At the same time, gray magic ripples appeared on the zombies that rushed over, making their movements extremely slow.

"Swamp magic! Release!"

Under Irene Mona's command, another series of brown magic ripples appeared in the center of the zombie army.

Soon, the originally solid land suddenly turned into a muddy swamp.

The zombies on it immediately sank deep into it.

The female hunter's fighting skills were extremely superb. If it was a one-on-one fight, a zombie would definitely be easily cut in half by her.

But the densely packed zombies that formed a terrifying zombie tide were extremely terrifying.

In an instant, a female hunter had to face four or five zombies that were not concerned about life and death and were threatening to attack.

She chopped and broke the skull of a zombie.

But when she broke the zombie's skull, several sharp claws had blocked all her escape routes and chopped her into pieces the next moment.

"Elf Temple Watchers, the first brigade attacks!"

Even though they were trapped in the swamp and their speed was greatly reduced, the zombies were still extremely powerful and terrifying. As soon as the female hunters fought with the zombie army, casualties began to rise sharply.

Although the number of zombie deaths was far greater than that of the female hunters.

But Irene Mona still didn't want her people to suffer too many casualties, so she sent out the most elite 3,000 Elf Temple Watchers to support them.

Those 3,000 well-equipped Elf Temple Watchers with level 10 energy intensity were like a sharp knife, deeply inserted into the zombie group, dividing and dispersing those zombies.

The female hunters rode on the Night Blade Leopard and kept killing the divided zombies.

At the same time, under the continuous shooting of countless elven archers behind them, the zombies kept dying.

Although there were still weaker female hunters dying from time to time, the death rate of the elven warriors had slowed down.

"Commander Mona, underground! There are zombies moving towards us underground!"

An elf scout wizard used the two magics of Eagle Eye and Earth Perspective to monitor the underground movements at all times.

Soon, he saw many miner zombies digging holes and leading dense zombies, moving quickly towards them from underground. What was even more terrifying was that the swamp magic did not resist the zombies for long. Soon, zombies kept jumping into the swamp, and the rest of the zombies stepped on the bodies of these zombies, crossed the swamp, and rushed towards the elf army.

At the same time, a dark cloud flew over from the distant sky.

Irene Mona could see at a glance that the dark cloud in the distance was actually countless flying zombies.

"The second battalion of Elf Temple Watchers attacked! Entanglement! Release!"

In order to resist the zombies that rushed through the swamp, Irene Mona sent out 3,000 Elf Temple Watchers to stop them again, and ordered the Druid Mage Corps around her. The

3,000 Elf Temple Watchers were full of fighting spirit and rushed over.

Together with the remaining Elf Temple Watchers, Elf Warriors, and Huntresses, they formed a flesh and blood wall to kill the zombies that passed through the rain of arrows.

At the same time, the Druid Mage Corps around Irene Mona chanted.

The green magic light on their bodies flashed, and with a point of the magic wand in their hands, the green light sank into the surrounding trees.

Under the effect of magic.

The roots of those big trees grew wildly underground, as if they had spirituality.

They entangled the miner zombies who were digging holes, and then twisted them hard, crushing the miner zombies into fertilizer.

Under the effect of magic entanglement, many zombies attacking from underground returned empty-handed.

"Target found!"

Through the detector's field of view, Fang Hao clearly saw the Druid Mage Corps casting magic, and his mouth curled up slightly.

In the distance, on another hilltop seven miles away from the battlefield,

"Boom boom!!!"

The 10,000-strong catapult zombie army finished loading the boulders and adjusted the positions of the gun mounts.

The next moment,

""Buzz buzz buzz!"

A series of air-breaking sounds rang out.

Tens of thousands of boulders were thrown far away.

Just as those tens of thousands of boulders were thrown out, a strong sense of crisis came over Irene Mona. This intuition had saved her many times.

Irene Mona's fighting spirit surged all over her body, and she strengthened her five senses to the limit. She actually saw from afar the countless boulders that were heading towards her and the Druid Mage Group behind her.

"Defensive magic!!"

Irene Mona's hair stood on end, and she shouted loudly.

At the same time, she thrust the Watch Wheel in her hand into the ground, pouring all her strength into the Watch Wheel in her hand.

Suddenly, the Watch Wheel emitted bursts of green light, and then quickly decomposed.

In the green light, a towering green tree formed in front of Irene Mona.

""Forest Wall!"

Finally, at the critical moment, Irene Mona completed this top-level magic defense!

After receiving Irene Mona's order, the druids immediately released emergency magic shields.

Almost as soon as the towering tree was formed, tens of thousands of giant stone shells hit it. The towering tree was instantly blown up.

With the help of the clan's holy weapon, Irene Mona, who released this magic defense, was bleeding all over and almost collapsed.

The rest of the giant stone shells easily penetrated the fragile magic shields of the druids.

The remaining force did not decrease, and many druids were flattened at once.

Only one wave of attack took away the lives of more than 500 elven magicians.

If it weren't for Irene Mona's almost self-sacrificing guard, I'm afraid this wave of giant stone shells would make the elves cry.

You know, druids are also extremely precious combat power among the elves.

""Druids, slow magic! Entanglement magic! Elf archers, retreat and shoot!"

Irene Mona remained strong, and continued to command the retreat with great strength.

The remaining druids suppressed the fear in their hearts and released the slow spell and entanglement spell again!

Countless colorful magic ripples rippled in the zombie army.

The movements of countless zombies became slow again.

At the same time, the surrounding trees grew wildly.

They formed thick vines that entangled and killed the zombies one by one.

The 200,000 well-protected elven archers retreated while shooting, retreating to the elven army's camp outside the White Deer Forest.

Although the death toll of the zombie army has exceeded 20,000 due to various killings, the zombies showed no signs of retreating fear. Moreover

, the dark cloud composed of the zombie air force also flew over and pounced on the elven temple watchers and huntresses who were entangled with the zombies.


The zombie air force was overwhelming, just like a thunderstorm!

In the sky, a large cloud was made up of balloon zombies suspended by balloons; a large cloud was made up of sickle zombies with bat-like wings; and the last large cloud was made up of seagull zombies caught by countless seagulls!

""Puff, puff, puff!!!"

Balloon zombies and seagull zombies were equipped with swift wind blades in their hands.

When they waved gently, countless swift wind blades ejected rotating wind blades more than one meter long, which shot down from the sky! The sickle-bone zombies, covered with killing weapons, fell to the ground one after another and started a crazy killing!

Under the attack of the ground zombie army and the sky zombie air force, the magic shields of some weaker female hunters collapsed.

The moment her magic shield collapsed, she would be cut into countless pieces of flesh and blood by countless wind blades falling from the sky.

The Elf Temple Guards and female hunters were horrified when they saw the miserable state of their companions.

They could only use their full strength to kill the zombies in front of them and the buzzing zombie air force around them.

"Those elf warriors can no longer be saved, Mona! Retreat quickly, otherwise more elf warriors will be trapped here."

Beside Irene Mona, an elf commander spoke up.

"How can this be possible! We cannot abandon our companions casually!!"

Irene Mona refused firmly.

"Tree Wall! Faerie Fire!"

"The first and second battalions of the Elf Temple Watchers, and the female hunters slowly retreated! The third and fourth battalions of the Temple Watchers are responsible for the support!"

Erin Mona frowned and ordered as she watched the zombies that kept coming and seemed to be endless.

The Druid Mage Corps began to chant again.

Twenty seconds later, green magic power sank into the woods.

In an instant, the trees began to grow wildly.

Countless tree trunks intertwined together to form a series of solid and thick tree walls. The endless stream of zombies that came like a black tide of death was cut off.

At the same time.

Groups of elven fire exploded in the sky where the zombie air force was like a storm.

The balloon zombies and seagull zombies with weaker defenses fell like raindrops.

However, this is a drop in the bucket for the zombie air force with a total of nearly 300,000.

After such a long period of magic consumption, the Druid Mage Corps seemed very sluggish.

Obviously, their mental strength was beginning to be insufficient at this time.

"Mona, those zombies are breaking through the tree wall! Their destructive power is very strong, the tree wall can't hold them back for long!"

An elf scout mage used perspective to see behind the tree wall.

Under the bites of countless zombies' sharp claws, the tree walls were being destroyed at a terrifying speed.

Irene Mona looked at the Elf Temple Watcher and the Huntress who were still fighting with countless zombie armies, and her heart sank.

Although zombies kept dying at the hands of the Elf Temple Watcher and the Huntress

, as long as he was careless, even with the Elf Temple Watcher's tyranny, he would die under the claws of the terrifying zombies, making it impossible for him to retreat.

"Gravity magic! Then, everyone, retreat with all your strength!"

Helplessly, Irene Mona made a decisive order.

"But, Commander Mona, our current magic power is not enough to cast gravity spells on all the zombies!"

A druid mage leader couldn't help but say

""Mona, leave this to me!"

Just when Irene Mona felt desperate

, the great druid elder Adams Jonah appeared beside her at some point. Adams Jonah pointed the magic wand in his hand at the army of zombies behind the tree wall. The magic crystal on his wand exploded instantly, and the magic robe on his body also exploded suddenly.

Adams Jonah's face turned pale, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. Blood vessels in various parts of his body began to burst. Obviously, when his magic power was about to run out, forcibly casting this magic also caused great harm to him.

However, what can be seen is that waves of magic exploded on the bodies of many zombies, and they actually pressed tens of thousands of zombies firmly to the ground.


After leaving these two words, Adams Jonah's body shook and fell to the ground covered in blood.

An elf warrior immediately picked up the respectable druid elder.


Irene Mona ordered decisively.

""Why retreat? Hehehe... All of you stay here!"

A cunning voice came from the sky.

It was Dr. Zombie driving the Dreadnought mech, standing high in the clouds, looking coldly at the elf warriors below.

"The elves will never surrender! Mona, you must escape from here. His Royal Highness has already escaped through the space scroll, you don't have to worry!"

Although Adams Jonah has always disagreed with the pro-war Mona.

But the kind-hearted him still chose to use his life to illuminate her hope of survival at the last moment.

Adams Jonah stood up, he held the staff in one hand, and stuck it into the soil under him.

He wanted to fight to the death like his ancestors who defended the Thranduil Empire!

As the last bit of Adams Jonah's life force was consumed, his body began to undergo a series of wonderful changes.

His body began to grow taller and larger, his skin began to become dry and rough, roots grew out of his feet, and finally even branches and green leaves grew on his body.

"Is he going to turn into a tree?

Fang Hao was also very surprised when he saw this.

Adams Jonah's body had completely changed its original appearance.

His body had grown to at least fifty meters tall, and as thick as ten people could hug. His appearance was no different from a big tree, and the bark on his body was old and solid, like pieces of hard iron.

Even the giant stone shells of the catapult zombies would probably have a hard time hitting his body.

"This should be the true identity of these druids!"

"Doctor, kill him.

Fang Hao showed no mercy and immediately gave the order.


The Dreadnought mecha roared, and together with countless zombies around it, launched an attack on the giant tree man that Adams Jonah had transformed into.

Although Adams Jonah's 50-meter-tall tree body did not have any special magical attribute attacks, his energy level, which he had forcibly increased to level 14, was still very scary.

What was even more terrifying was that after a single blow dispersed the enemies rushing to his side,

Adams Jonah stretched out a single arm that had turned into a branch, rolled up a large piece of wood and stuffed it into his mouth.

A magical thing happened, and Fang Hao was surprised to see that the ancient tree man that Adams Jonah had transformed into, after swallowing a handful of trees, his original injuries actually recovered quickly.

""All-out attack!"

With Fang Hao's order, the plant army, which had been dormant, once again began to pour out firepower crazily.

A large number of archer attacks spewed out by the archer army, and the pitcher shells fired one after another by the pitcher army, all fell on Adams Jonah's body like raindrops.

Although the bark was extremely strong, the archer army's attacks could only penetrate a few inches, and some could not even penetrate.

But the value lies in the large number of bases. Any small injury, on this base, will form a fatal injury.

In addition, the Dreadnought mecha continued to fire one after another like fighting spirit outside the encirclement. The same shock wave.

It continued to add scars to Adams Jonah's huge tree body.

So much so that Adams Jonah had to devour a large number of surrounding trees to restore his vitality.

After that, he pulled up a huge tree and used it as a weapon and defensive equipment.

When a big tree was broken, Adams Jonah would pull up another one.

And he kept waving the big tree in his hand to attack the surrounding zombies.

The Fearless Mecha even fought with him for several rounds.

But Adams Jonah, who turned into a tree man, had too strong vitality.

He just relied on his thick skin and flesh to support himself and refused to fall down.

"You're dying, I'll give you some more big guys!"

Fang Hao issued an attack order to the 200,000 zombie hunters and 10,000 catapult zombies.

""Boom boom boom!"

The zombie hunters' javelins and chains, as well as countless boulder shells, fell from the sky.

All the energy hit the tree held by Adams Jonah. The violent explosion almost blew off his wrist. The energy fragments that burst out flew at his tree face at close range.

At this moment, one of his eyes was directly blasted by a bone fragment, and he almost fell to the ground in pain.

"Blow off his roots!"

Following Fang Hao's order, the zombie hunter army launched another attack.

They hit Adams Jonah's legs, which were covered with strong roots and firmly rooted in the soil.

After Adams Jonah turned into a tree man, the roots on his feet that were rooted in the soil continuously provided him with energy for movement. This was also the main reason why he could hold on until now.


After the loud noise, the huge power of the energy explosion blew off Adams Jonah's right foot.���His left foot was almost completely blown off.

His huge body could no longer support him and he fell to his knees with a thump.

"Hehehe... Go to hell!"

Dr. Zombie's eyes flashed with coldness, and he quickly seized the opportunity.

The mechanical arm of the Dreadnought mecha transformed into a knife, slashing fiercely in the air.

The powerful energy flow expanded again, and with a"boom", the knife light instantly passed through the neck of the tree man that Adams Jonah had transformed into, and chopped heavily on the ground.

The earth also shook slightly because of the power erupted from the Dreadnought mecha.

Adams Jonah's head was separated from his body at this time and rolled to the ground weakly.

On the tree man's head, he only had one eye left.

The flame of life also disappeared without a trace at this time.


The tree man body that Adams Jonah transformed into did not lose its power and control until a few seconds later.

Like a hill, it fell heavily in front of Fang Hao.

At this time, the remaining elves led by Irene Mona tried their best to fight their way out.

Back to the outside of the White Deer Forest, the temporary camp of the elven army.

On the battlefield of the White Deer Forest, the ground was riddled with holes, and the elven army had already left behind most of the corpses!

The remaining remnants were only more than 300,000!

Back at the elven camp, the remaining elves met with the elven prince Anderson who had escaped here first through the space scroll.

After that, they did not dare to stay for a moment and evacuated the camp without stopping.

Fang Hao still understood the principle of not chasing after a desperate enemy.

"Next, it's time to end this protracted war!"

The monsters and natural elves have all been defeated.

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