Three and a half hours later.

The first rays of sunlight at dawn began to shine on the temporary camp built by humans.

A winding stream was flowing around the edge of the camp.

At this time, many human soldiers began to go to the stream to get water, and wisps of smoke rose from the camp.

Looking closely at this human camp, it was surrounded by a whole circle of wooden walls built with local materials.

The wooden walls were covered with wooden spikes and wooden corners, as well as magic traps and arrow towers and other defensive offensives.

Above the camp, there were more than a dozen wizard eyes in each direction, replacing the tired dragon eagle knights to monitor every movement around.

This human army camp was only 5 miles away from Taro City.

It was in an open area with endless views and excellent vision.

There were also wizard eyes with a field of vision of 2 kilometers arranged around it.

Enemies attacking from any direction can be discovered at the first time.

The magic heavy artillery that followed closely behind will also bombard the enemies exposed to the field of vision at the first time.

This time, the human army carried 1,000 magic heavy artillery, which were placed in the middle of the camp like tanks.

Moreover, they were easy to move. As long as the enemy entered the field of vision of the camp, they would be immediately covered by fire.

The magic heavy artillery in the artillery array would deal a devastating blow to any enemy that approached.

Often after several rounds of bombardment, the enemy might have been burned to ashes by the blazing magic energy before they even got close.

If the enemy managed to break through this first line of fire coverage and came to the periphery of the camp, then they would face even more terrifying magic war machines.

In addition to the magic heavy artillery, the military camp also had 500 more destructive land-based magic mechanical puppets and 50 sky-based magic mechanical puppets.

In addition, there were 500,000 regular human troops and 400,000 soldiers from the three long-established elite war groups in the military camp.

In addition, there is a corps of 5,000 Swift Magicians led by the Grand Mage of the Palace, Frodo Leok.

The combat effectiveness of this human army is enough to defeat any of the millions of Warcraft armies and the 800,000 elves.

If it weren't for the necromancer Fang Hao making so much noise, he would have occupied most of the western part of the Penglai Empire.

Otherwise, the empire would never have withdrawn the elite regiments stationed on the border for a long time, allowing such an elite combat force to travel thousands of miles to wipe out this necromancer force.

Because in the eyes of some high-ranking military officials in the empire, using these imperial elites to fight some ugly zombies is simply an insult to them.

But in the end, the facts have proved that those ugly zombies in their eyes have powerful combat effectiveness and are definitely worthy of their serious treatment.

"Is it already dawn? It seems we have missed the best opportunity."

In the central army tent, General Lolafede said with some regret.

However, the court mage Leoke quickly replied:

"General, however, Fang Hao will be greatly weakened in his battle with the demon beasts and the natural elves, regardless of whether he wins or loses. This period of time is a good time for us to send troops to attack him."

"Well, that's right!"

Last night, Lolafield received the news that the Warcraft army was defeated by Fang Hao.

Not long after, he received the news that the natural elves had launched an attack and were trying to capture the White Deer Forest base.

In this way, the Warcraft and the natural elves have already had a large-scale battle with Fang Hao's side. While the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits.

The party that has been watching from the sidelines may be able to be the fisherman this time.

At this moment, an anxious reconnaissance wizard ran in from outside the tent.

"What happened?"

Lolafede asked when he saw the strange look on the scout mage's face.

"No... It's bad! The Elf Army was defeated and has retreated to the Elf Empire!"

"Now, the zombies are attacking!"


Lolafede's expression changed instantly.

In just one night, the army of Warcraft and the army of elves were defeated one after another?!


Standing on the observation tower, with the enhanced vision of the Eagle Eye Technique, Lolafede and others saw from afar countless zombies several miles away, raising a cloud of dust and rushing towards this side.

At the same time, the endless tide of steel zombies did not rush directly to the heavily defended human camp.

Instead, they split into more than a dozen groups, bypassed the main force in front of the human camp, and broke through the conventional army positions outside the camp.

"Gortat, Gafandi, Kuros, go back and command your respective legions to defend! Don't let a zombie break through your defense line!"

Even though he was extremely shocked, Lolafede, the commander of the entire army, also forced himself to remain calm and issued an order

""Yes! General!"

The three of them saluted and responded.

Then, a red light flashed on Gafandi's body.

He jumped down from the high platform and ran quickly to his Blood Blade Legion headquarters.

Kuros looked at Gafandi with disdain, and then he and Gotat, who was calm and known as the"Big Tree General", strode down the platform and headed to the headquarters of his Steel Shield Legion.

In the human defense line.

On the position named No. 3, there are 5,000 human regular soldiers in light armor.

Position No. 3 is surrounded by a fence composed of countless sharpened thick wooden spikes.

In this position, there are 50 huge crossbow carts.

At this time, everyone in the position is on full alert, and a communicator has just left.

They know that a group of zombies are approaching them.

And the reinforcements from the three elite regiments will arrive within twenty minutes.

""Enemy attack!"

A young soldier shouted loudly on the observation tower above the position.

The dense tide of iron barrel zombies had already rushed towards their position.

What was even more shocking was that the iron barrel zombie army was only the rear army.

As the vanguard, there was a 1,000-strong battering ram zombie army!

They drove giant battering rams that were six or seven meters long. The battering rams were made entirely of steel and covered with wet animal skins to prevent them from being burned by flames. The battering ram zombies sat high in the middle, protected by the steel battering rams in all directions.

Only by hitting Only after the steel ramming car is broken can the ramming car zombie inside be harmed.

The ramming car is similar in shape to a ladder, with six wheels at the bottom. It is also equipped with shields, winches, grappling hooks and other equipment inside, and is fully functional.

The most important part is the huge steel column extending from the middle, with sharpened ends.

Through collision, the steel column can cause powerful destructive force to obstacles such as city walls or city gates, and open a gap for attack.

The young warrior had just finished speaking.

The human warriors near the fence had already seen countless blue-black figures of zombies through the fence.

""Catapult! Shoot!"

The battering ram zombie army was moving very fast.

A human officer immediately ordered after estimating that the enemy was within the range of the catapult.

50 huge wooden spikes with sharpened heads were shot out with the huge force of the machine.

Instantly, they were immersed in the iron jungle-like battering ram zombie army.


However, the crossbow arrows, which had the powerful penetrating power to penetrate rocks, could only leave some shallow marks on the steel ramming vehicles.

"Damn, what is that thing? Why is it so hard?"

A human soldier immediately started to curse.

"The reinforcements will bring magic heavy artillery! Hold on first! Archers, shoot!"

The human commander of the No. 3 position was extremely shocked to see that the zombie's steel ramming ram was so hard.

However, he, who had been through many battles, did not show any abnormality on his face, and he still gave orders calmly.

1,000 archers pulled the bowstrings to the limit and then let go.

1,000 arrows sank into the ramming ram zombie army.

Although these 1,000 arrows all hit the attacking ramming ram zombies, not a single one missed.

However, these arrows without fighting spirit, shot at the steel ramming ram, and bounced off one after another, without causing any effect on them.

If there is any effect, it is to add more white spots on the body of the car.

Seeing that desperate scene.

On the No. 3 position, the 5,000 human warriors felt a chill in their hearts, knowing that they would probably not be able to survive this time.

"Follow me! Hold on, as long as you hold on for a while, our reinforcements will arrive! Brothers, for the honor of our Penglai Empire, for our own lives, follow me!"

The human officer roared, and brought hundreds of personal soldiers to the fence, trying to rely on the fence to hold on and wait for help.

Although it didn't work, the human archers continued to shoot arrows, trying to stop the enemy from attacking.���The zombie army is advancing, even if it can delay their progress a little bit.

"Rumble Rumble~~~~"

The aggressive battering ram zombie army soon rushed to the fence built by humans.

The powerful steel battering rams knocked down the wooden fences one by one like a dead tree or rotten wood.

The human officer standing in front of the fence was covered with green light and roared.

He raised his sword with both hands and slashed at a battering ram zombie that was hitting the wooden fence.


However, under the huge shock of the tiger's mouth, the human officer's sword was shaken away.

On the steel ramming ram, only a sword mark was left.

While the steel ramming ram has strong defense, it also has the disadvantage of a single attack method.

Most of the time, they play the role of attacking cities and rushing around.

Although the effect is minimal.

In front of the wooden fence, human warriors holding spears also passed through the gaps in the fence.

Constantly stabbed at the steel ramming rams, trying to prevent them from destroying the fence.

The human crossbow ram was finally loaded, and 50 crossbow arrows were fired again.

If multiple crossbow arrows were fired at a steel ram at the same time, it could be destroyed in one fell swoop.

""Oh! No! They are underground, they are attacking from underground!"

A human archer had just shot an arrow.

Suddenly, he found a wriggling underground not far in front of him.

Then an iron pickaxe came out, and then the soil sank deep, revealing a big black hole.

As soon as the human archer finished speaking, the miner zombie jumped up.

It pounced on him swiftly, and with a swing of the sharp iron pickaxe, his head was pierced. A steady stream of zombies came out from the ground and pounced fiercely on the human archers.

Archers are weak in close combat.

In front of them, it was a one-sided massacre.


The human archers kept making miserable cries and running around, trying to avoid the ferocious and cruel zombies, but it was useless.

The number of zombies was countless, and the human soldiers could only be easily killed and devoured by the zombies one by one.

Not long after, the human blood dyed the entire No. 3 position red.

And the situation at the fence was not optimistic.

I saw that the barrel zombies stepped on the steel ramming car.

With a strong jump, they crossed the wooden fence that prevented the horse from charging.

One after another, the barrel zombies jumped in this way.

And the ramming car zombies quickly pushed all the wooden fences to the ground.

A human warrior reacted immediately.

He put down his spear, drew out the fine steel sword at his waist, and slashed heavily at a barrel zombie that jumped into the fence. The barrel zombie that jumped into the fence did not dodge the long sword chopped by the human warrior.

Instead, the barrel zombie went up and slashed at the human warrior with a claw.

The human warrior's fine steel sword slashed heavily on the iron skin of the barrel zombie, leaving a white mark, and then bounced off.

However, he was easily broken through the light armor on his body by the barrel zombie's claws

, and then cut into two pieces.

"Damn beasts! You damn beasts!"

One after another, human soldiers kept dying.

Seeing his subordinates keep dying, the human officer's eyes were bloodshot. He roared and led the remaining dozens of soldiers to pounce on a barrel zombie that was wantonly killing human soldiers.

""Uh! Die!"

Unfortunately, this iron barrel zombie was the iron barrel zombie general, Disha.

Disha turned around quickly and pounced. The Disha knife in his hand easily cut the human officer in half at a terrifying speed.

Then, Disha rushed into his personal soldiers and killed them wantonly.

There was no power to resist. It was too accurate to describe the No. 3 position. In less than ten minutes after the zombie army launched the attack, all the people in the position, including the officers, were killed.

Without the support of the magic troops of the three elite regiments, the ordinary human soldiers of these regular armies were generally weak. However, the fourth and fifth levels were no match for the zombie army.

No matter how well-trained they were, they simply could not break through the iron skin of the iron barrel zombies!

The positions where the other non-human main forces were stationed were also easily breached by the iron barrel/armored zombies.

The human warriors inside became bait for the zombies to evolve.

After breaking through the positions of the human regular army.

A large number of zombies passed through the positions and carried out a large-scale roundabout encirclement, surrounding the camps where the three elite legions of humans were located.

At the same time, more than a dozen zombie tidal waves were still attacking humans. The rest of the positions.

They easily captured one position after another, killing all the human soldiers on the positions, and annihilating the human force step by step.

Lolafede, who had been standing on the observation platform of the main camp, observing the battle situation everywhere.

He kept receiving reports that various positions had fallen and all the personnel on the positions had been killed. It has not been long since the official battle with the zombie army, and more than tens of thousands of human soldiers have died in battle, all of them, without any injuries.

At the same time, this number is still rising rapidly.

In addition to the three elite legions, the most elite and core magic guides The troops were not attacked, but all the troops were.

Moreover, after using the Eagle Eye Technique,

Lolafield clearly saw that their retreat had been cut off, and the densely packed zombies had completely surrounded them.

At the same time, the elite zombie legions, led by plant and zombie generals, also launched an attack on the small number of human magic troops that came to rescue.

Faced with the suffocating zombie tide, the main forces of the three legions did not dare to act rashly.

They huddled together to hold their respective defense zones, and did not dare to easily send out magic troops to support the human warriors on other positions.

"Report to the general, position 1 has been breached, and all 5,000 regular soldiers on the position have died in battle!"

An adjutant quickly walked up to the observation deck and reported.

Lolafede waved his hand with a gloomy face, and the adjutant who was holding the message retreated.

"Generals! Pass my order! Blood Blade, Steel Shield, Tiger and Leopard Corps, prepare to break out!"

Lolafide quickly issued the latest order.

At this time, after personally fighting with the endless zombie army, the report of more than 100,000 human soldiers killed in less than an hour made Lolafide personally experience the strength and terror of the zombie army.

It is probably that the evil necromancer Fang Hao has hidden his true strength.

Otherwise, why would the army of millions of Warcraft and the army of 800,000 elves be defeated one after another!

Judging from the current trend, although the main forces of the three elite legions are still intact, the surrounding positions are constantly being removed, and the signals of the death of human soldiers are constantly being transmitted. Come.

A huge sense of oppression and pressure permeated the three elite legions.

If these three elite legions were not elite troops that had experienced hundreds of battles, an ordinary human army would have collapsed by now.

Soon, as Lolafield's order was issued.

The three elite legions, with land-based magic mechanical puppets as the rear guard, abandoned the camp fortifications and positions, and assembled slowly and orderly.

Then, with 200,000 Blood Blade Legion in the rear;

100,000 Steel Shield Legion with greatly damaged strength, and its extremely powerful magic mechanical legion as the reserve; and the Tiger and Leopard Legion, which was mostly cavalry, was in the front

As a result, the huge human army began to slowly break out to the rear of the camp. Under Fang

Hao's command

, the zombie army behind the human army did not confront humans head-on.

Instead, it was led by the miner zombie general Tie Feng, who led a miner zombie army.

With his powerful ability to dig holes, he destroyed the road where the human army could retreat.

This forced the human army to use magic to restore those roads.

This greatly delayed the retreat of the human army and consumed the mana of the human magicians, achieving multiple goals at one stroke.

At the same time, although the blood of the rear guard Under the leadership of Gafandi, the formation of the Blade Corps was in good order.

The catapult zombie corps, as well as the plant archer corps and pitcher corps hidden in the zombie army, under the leadership of their respective generals, used their range advantage to attack the soldiers of the Blood Blade Corps from a distance.

The 100 land-based magic mechanical puppets of the Blood Blade Corps could only continue to consume magic power.

They took turns to open the magic shield to defend against the attacks of the catapult zombie corps and the plant corps.

However, under the attack of the huge stone shells and plant shells all over the sky, many human soldiers still lost their lives.

"The old tree's strategy is still good, offense is the best defense!"

Fang Hao just followed the battle deployment of the wise tree spirit.

Commanding the zombie army on the front line to oppress the human army while constantly killing human warriors to weaken their morale and strength.

After all, the three elite war groups of mankind are very powerful.

Fang Hao wanted to swallow them in one bite, and his side would inevitably suffer a great blow.

Just after the human army had been driving for nearly half an hour, they were horrified to find that a huge mountain had appeared on the originally flat road ahead!

"Scouting Mage! Damn it, how could such a huge mountain suddenly appear in front of us!"

Lolafede questioned a scout mage

"No... General! That... That's not a mountain! That's... a Gronn!"

""Oh oh!!"

As soon as the scout mage finished speaking, more than 500 Goron giants standing in front of the human army immediately launched a strong attack.

They picked up truck-sized boulders and smashed them towards the human army with a loud"boom".

At this time, the wise tree spirit who saw the battle situation in the distance with the help of Fang Hao's vision slowly said:

"My lord, the time has come."

"This human army is indeed one of the three most elite regiments in the empire. It is stronger than any enemy we have ever encountered.

Fang Hao's gaze towards the distance gradually tightened, and his tone gradually became colder. He said:

"However, it's time to break this hard bone!"

""All troops, attack! Kill!"

Fang Hao sent a stern order to all plants and zombies through mental communication.

His voice was like a spell that stimulated nerves, making every general, plant, and zombie's eyes turn red and become more violent.

"Cut off the hands of the great general of the empire and bring him to me. All the other rebels shall be executed.

Fang Hao finished his last order slowly. The cold and ruthless aura of dominance spread around him.

He began to sit high on the back of the giant axe king Saru like a true emperor, waiting for the tragic death of the enemy and the arrival of victory.


The sudden attack by the Goron Giants in the front caused the Tiger and Leopard Legion to suffer a lot of damage.

However, as the strongest of the three elite regiments, the Tiger and Leopard Legion quickly launched a counterattack.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

In the sky, huge monsters with lion heads and bird bodies appeared.

4,000 griffin knights!

Each griffin has an energy strength of up to level 8, surrounded by strong wind and thunder, and is swift.

On their backs, a ninth-level griffin knight holding a war hammer, riding a griffin under his crotch, galloping over with a cold face.

At the same time, on the other side,

4,000 dragon eagle knights also appeared.


The 50 sky-type magic mechanical puppets also hovered around the Griffin Knights and the Dragon Eagle Knights.

""Hook and twist, lead your sickle-bone zombie army! Go meet them!"

Fang Hao waved his hand.

Suddenly, countless hideous sickle-bone zombies vibrated their huge bat wings and flew into the air.

""Ew! Ew!"

Just after the human flying troops took off and before reaching the battlefield, a series of sharp screams came from their side.

One of the dragon eagle knights, holding a lance, turned his head and looked.

He saw a large group of black flying zombies rushing towards them from the back of the zombie army.

They were shaped like some kind of flying mantis, but the sickles were on their backs, and they all opened their huge mouths ferociously and screamed sharply.

The dragon eagle knight commander and the griffin knight commander immediately changed the team formation.

But even so, their palms were already full of sweat, and their hearts were pounding.


The sickle-bone zombie leader let out a loud scream.

【Scythe Zombie: Hook】

【Intermediate humanoid intelligent zombie, energy level 12】

【Possessing the innate weapon: Magic Wind Scythe】

【Possessing the innate skill: Slaughter the Wind. 】

Different from other zombie generals.

The form evolved from the hook is still the original appearance of the sickle-bone zombie!

However, it is stronger and more ferocious than the ordinary sickle-bone zombie, and it is as oppressive as a dragon.

Under his leadership.

Up to 50,000 sickle-bone zombie legions are rushing towards the human flying troops at an extremely high speed. The sickle-bone zombies have no means of long-range attack. At this moment, they are completely rushing towards the human flying troops in a nearly suicidal manner.

Fang Hao, who was far away, had murderous intent in his eyes, and he remembered an ancient saying.

If you are willing to sacrifice your life, you can pull down the emperor!

Humans and other creatures will never dare to face death in battle like the zombie army under their command.

Facing the violent sickle-bone zombies, the commander of the Dragon Eagle Knight felt a little weak.

But the enemy is in front, and the honor of the knight does not allow him to retreat.

""Follow me and charge!"

After saying that, he led the human flying knights, turned around, and faced the sickle-bone zombie army.

However, as soon as the commander finished speaking, a violent hook rushed in front of him.

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