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Very quickly.

Tarot City, which was already in a state of preparation for war, was completely boiling!

Troops began to gather one by one.

The city lord Morton was also dressed in military uniform and climbed the city wall at the first time.

When he looked around, the outpost in front was already submerged by an endless tide of corpses.

"Aiden... You are a brave imperial soldier. I will take good care of your family!"

Morton murmured to himself.

Then he put on a serious expression.

"Soldiers, the evil necromancer is approaching our homeland!"

"No matter what, we cannot compromise with him! Take up your weapons!"

"Our homes and families are right behind us. Let us fight to the end! Defend our homes!"


Morton raised his sword high and said in a very magnetic voice.


Under Morton's encouragement, the human warriors on the city wall all held their weapons tightly and shouted in agreement.


Behind the countless zombies, a number of corn cannons, like armored vehicles, were moving forward at full speed.


With Fang Hao's order, the number of cannons increased to 300, and immediately fired a large number of corn cob missiles!

The coverage of this large number of missiles completely covered the width of the entire wall of Tarot City!

"Artillery! The enemy has long-range artillery!"

"Quick! Lie down! Lie down, everyone!"

"It's over! How can our city walls withstand such huge artillery?!"

Under the terrible shadow of these corncob missiles, the soldiers' morale, which had just been accumulated, suddenly collapsed.

One by one, they immediately hugged their heads and huddled in the battlements in a panic.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three hundred corn cob missiles were fired.

However, they were not fired at the walls of Tarot City.

At some point, a large hemispherical golden shield covered the entire Tarot City! When you look around, you can see the three magic spires in the city, all of which are emitting brilliant magic light. This golden shield was created by it! Under the bombardment of so many corn cob missiles, this layer of golden shield only lasted for a while.

After that , it completely offset the energy of the corn cob missiles!

"The top level of Saint Rank, which is Level 13, is really amazing!"

Fang Hao, who was far away, could not help but gasp when he saw this.

You know, Morton, the strongest man in Tarot City , is just a Saint Rank Earth Level strongman.

And this Spirit Crystal Magic Defense System can actually create such a powerful defense energy throughout the city.

Its value is naturally self-evident.

"Our Tarot City's magic defense system has been activated! These evil zombies will never be able to break through our city gates!"

"Soldiers, now, let's teach these zombies a lesson!"

With Morton's order, a large number of soldiers and magicians began to prepare for a counterattack.

"Ballista ready!"

"Trebuchets ready!"


Under the command of the commanders of each phalanx, countless crossbows, boulders, and even incendiary bombs were thrown out at once!

In an instant, it seemed as if a rain of arrows fell from the sky, followed by a shower of meteorites.

"Boom boom boom……"

These arrows and stones penetrated the protective shield from the inside and fell directly into the charging zombie army.

However, what shocked the soldiers on the city wall was that these heavy defense equipment could hardly cause any damage to them!

Not to mention those giant zombies.

Crossbows and boulders were just tickling attacks for them.

And the zombies in the back, wearing iron barrels, holding iron gates, and even wearing armor, also looked like they were made of iron and bronze.

Crossbows could not penetrate them, and boulders smashed them to pieces.

Even the incendiary bombs that exploded could not burn them to death!

After such a large wave of attacks

, those who lost their combat effectiveness were just a small wave in the endless tide of zombies.

"These zombies...what kind of monsters are they! Why are they so strong!"

Morton's sturdy and strong body couldn't help but tremble slightly at this moment.

"City Lord! All the magic heavy artillery and magic mechanical puppets have been charged! The magicians controlling the squares have taken their positions!"

At this time, a guard beside him spoke up.

""Okay! Start it immediately!"

Morton was immediately inspired when he heard this.

The remaining 20 magic heavy artillery and 5 magic mechanical puppets in the city were their real trump cards!

Sure enough, under the bombardment of the magic heavy artillery, the zombie army below suffered massive casualties.

"Don't think you're the only ones with firepower!"

"Catapult zombies, pitcher corps, fire!"

Fang Hao's eyes were sharp, and he didn't care about these familiar magic machines at all.


The first to appear were a 1,000-strong army of trebuchets!

They drove large trebuchets that were more than five meters long.

The huge ammunition bags were filled with huge stones weighing one or two hundred kilograms.

""Aim! Load!"

Following the order from Nili, all the catapult zombies immediately moved in unison and began to adjust the gun mount and gun muzzle.

At the same time, they loaded a stone bullet into the bullet hole behind the gun barrel!


""Buzz buzz buzz!"

A series of air-breaking sounds rang out.

Huge rocks were thrown out one after another!

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