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"Boom boom boom!

Thousands of boulders crashed down on the golden energy shield of Tarot City.

The energy thrown by each boulder was comparable to the explosion of level 8 energy.

The energy of thousands of boulders superimposed together could reach level 10 or even 11 energy.

Add to that the explosion of level 11 energy of the mud plow itself.

This time, the entire energy shield began to tremble violently!

But there was no sign of collapse yet.

"Next! Energy Walnut, go big!"

The advantage of the trebuchet zombie over the corn cannon is the fast reload and recovery speed!

Fang Hao waved his finger.

On the holographic image in front of him,

1,000 energy walnuts were immediately injected into the virtual image of the trebuchet zombie army.

The next moment

"Uh! Uh!"

The catapult zombies on the battlefield all showed their might and quickly loaded the stone bullets.

"Bang Bang Bang……"

Thousands of boulders were thrown again.

The difference was that this time, the boulders suddenly burst into flames during the throwing process.

At the same time, their size suddenly expanded by more than double, comparable to the size of a small car!

"Then...what is that?"

"Meteor shower! It's holy magic!!"

"How could that necromancer use fire magic!"

Amid the exclamations of a large number of soldiers, this terrifying energy, which was comparable to a meteor shower, fell on the golden shield.


The loud sound, like a landslide, made the soldiers present have tinnitus.

When they finally opened their eyes, they could not help but find in shock that the golden shield above Tarot City had dissipated by half!

This scene was as if half of the sky had collapsed!

"This... How is this possible?!"

The scene before his eyes made Morton the first to scream out loudly.

The soldiers on the city wall immediately became chaotic.

Are you kidding!

Without the magic defense system, they are just a bunch of sitting ducks!

If there is another artillery attack, they will be buried with the entire city wall!

"The magic defense system has only temporarily collapsed! Don't panic! Stay calm!"

A magician with a gray beard stood up.

"Now the magicians in the magic tower are urgently restarting the spirit crystals and magic cores!"

"Quick! The magic mechanical puppets move forward to resist. We must withstand the opponent's firepower before the system restarts!"

Morton also quickly turned around.

""The artillery is coming again!"

I don't know which soldier shouted.

This time, what was thrown was countless strange plants.

Corn, cabbage, watermelon.

And... the spikes of cactus!

When everyone on the city wall looked, they could see giant cacti that were seven or eight meters tall!

The cacti were covered with spikes, and their trunks were thick and hard.

They could stretch their bodies at will, making them look like a Roman column that was several people hugging thick!

At this time, from their high pouting mouths, huge steel spikes one meter long and half a meter thick were quickly spewed out!

"This... How can we stop this!"

This overwhelming firepower made all the people present feel numb.

"Boom boom boom!"

Continuous huge roars sounded.

Thousands of terrifying steel spikes instantly pierced the five magic mechanical puppets blocking the city wall into pieces!

"Bang Bang!"

Under this attack, two magic machine puppets were declared scrapped.

The huge bodies were directly scattered into pieces all over the ground!

The other three magic machine puppets were also in a shaky state.

Then, countless corn bullets, cabbage stone bullets and watermelon bombs bombarded the remaining three magic machine puppets one after another.


Not surprisingly, they were blown to pieces, with smoke and dust everywhere!

"Magic defense system, why hasn't it been restored yet!"

""Cannon! Cannon is coming again!"

The city wall was no longer able to block the enemy.

At this moment, all the human soldiers trapped on the city wall became trapped turtles!

"No... It's bad! Lord City Lord! The magic spire in the west has been breached!"

At this time, a scout magician hurried over to report.

"You...what did you say?!"

Morton was panicked.

When he looked back to the west, he could see thick smoke billowing from the location of the magic spire.

When he saw this scene,

Morton felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground and fainted.

Fang Hao, who was far away, looked at it calmly.

Everything was under his control.

He attacked the city fiercely outside the city, diverting the attention of most of the fighting forces in Tarot City.

The Thunder Wolf, who had been lurking inside Tarot City earlier, also took this opportunity to open the teleportation black hole.

Among them, a group of plant girls and zombie generals had been waiting for a long time.

Next, they launched a fierce attack on the defense force of a nearby magic spire at the speed of a blitzkrieg.

Although the defense force of the magic spire was also outstanding, it happened to be the time when the system was restarted.

In a hurry, the magicians could not organize an effective defense.

In the end, the control square of the entire magic spire was completely destroyed!

The three magic spires in Tarot City just formed a defensive magic circle.

Destroying any one of them would make the magic circle completely ineffective.

"All troops are out! Give me... to flatten Tarot City!"_

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