Yukinoshita Yukino opened the seemingly heavy book in front of her, and she found that there was a layer inside.

And in the hollowed-out layer, there was a wrapped package.

Seeing this package, she showed a curious look, thinking that the previous owner of the book had hidden something in the book.

Then the book was lost in Neon and was placed in the corner of this library for who knows how many years.

Yukinoshita Yukino imagined a touching story in her mind. She carefully opened the package and finally saw what was in the tightly wrapped bag.

In the tightly wrapped fabric, there was a rectangular plastic bag, and the plastic bag was full of rock sugar!

“Who would hollow out a book and put rock candy inside it?”

This was Yukinoshita Yukino’s first thought. She did not immediately associate these rock candies with drugs.

After all, she was just an ordinary high school student. She would not come into contact with these things in her daily life. Seeing these objects that looked like rock candy, she would definitely not associate them with drugs.

But soon, Yukinoshita Yukino reacted.

This thing could definitely not be rock candy, otherwise why would it be hidden so tightly.

Could this thing be the legendary methamphetamine?!

As soon as this thought came up, Yukinoshita Yukino was so scared that she quickly closed the book and put it back in place.

She covered her pounding heart with her hand, looking hesitant.

Should she call the police?

As a good citizen, she should call the police, but Yukinoshita Yukino was afraid that it was not a drug, but just ordinary rock candy.

If she called the police falsely, the police would come over with a lot of fanfare, and finally find out that it was just a joke of others. 26

And if she called the police because of the rock candy, she would have to face the ridiculous eyes of the people around her. , especially her sister’s weird tone.

Thinking of this, goose bumps appeared on her skin.

Besides, if it is real drugs, it will be related to drug dealers, which will be very dangerous. Should I pretend not to see it and pretend that nothing happened?

Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated, but her thoughts were the closest to the public.

After all, no matter who encounters this kind of thing, they will want to pretend to deceive themselves and pretend that they didn’t see anything.

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino finally realized her immaturity. She didn’t even know what to do at this time.

It turned out that she was just an ordinary high school girl. When she really encountered something, when she encountered a big thing, she had no opinion at all and didn’t know how to deal with it.

In a daze, Yukinoshita Yukino returned to the table where Fujiwara Toru and Haruno were. She sat down in a trance, picked up the drink that Fujiwara Toru bought for her, and drank a few sips with a straw.

Noticing that Yukino was in a wrong mood, Haruno asked with concern:”What’s wrong, Yukino, you look so bad, are you sick?”

Although she likes to be sarcastic to her sister, Haruno actually cares about her sister very much. She came over and touched Yukino’s forehead with her hand.

Yukino came to her senses then, pushed Haruno’s hand away, pursed her lips and said,”I’m fine.”

She made a decision that when she left the library, she would secretly call the police, as long as she didn’t reveal who she was.

But if she just said that I found drugs in the library without revealing her identity and leading the police to look for it, would it be treated as a joke and not taken seriously?

Yukinoshita Yukino was very distressed. It turned out that some seemingly simple things were so difficult to do in reality. She was jumping back and forth between the possible embarrassment of being laughed at by everyone and the quality of a good citizen.

Fujiwara Toru was looking around at this time.

He wanted to see who would suddenly fall to the ground and a body would appear in this library.

So, who will be killed here?

Well, it shouldn’t be Haruno or Yukino


“Ding ding!”

In the library director’s office, the library director, who looked sluggish and cold, suddenly changed his expression.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and looked at the prompt on it.

“Someone moved those books!”

The library director was shocked and angry.

I clearly hid those methamphetamines in the most inconspicuous corner of the bookshelf area where almost no one went, why was it moved?

As a drug dealer, he has always been cautious in doing things. Special alarm devices have been placed in the bookshelves where drugs are hidden.

The library director quickly came to the computer and turned on the surveillance inside the library.

There are special surveillance cameras in the area where drugs are hidden.

After rewinding the time for a few minutes, the library director soon saw the scene that happened not long ago.

When he saw Yukinoshita Yukino actually opened the book and saw the drugs inside After taking the drugs, his face turned extremely pale.

Oh no, the drugs were discovered!

Is it time to bet that this apparently young girl will not call the police and will not recognize those things?

No, no, I absolutely cannot bet. If I lose the bet, I will be finished!

Although the sentencing for drug trafficking in Japan is quite low, at least there will be no death penalty, but if his industry chain and channels are discovered, it will be a huge financial loss.

The people above him will not let him go!

He immediately pressed the pause button of the video, captured the video of Yukinoshita Yukino, and sent it to an email address.

At the same time, he picked up the phone and dialed a number

“I’ll give you enough money to send some people over immediately to kill the girl in the photo I just sent you, now, immediately, right now!”

“You mean location? She is currently in the library where I work.”

“How much? Is 100 million yen enough? 200 million? Okay, okay, then I’ll give you 200 million yen!”

“But you have to make a big fuss about it, and make the Japanese police think that this is an indiscriminate massacre, a terrorist attack, and you can’t let the police suspect my business!”

After hanging up the phone, the library director paced on the spot.

His eyes were fierce, and he immediately made a decision.

The human evidence must be eliminated, and the physical evidence must also be eliminated! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


In a rental house in Tokyo, a group of thin men gathered together.

They all took off their shirts, revealing their thin but strong upper bodies. Some of them were smoking and playing cards, while others were laughing loudly.

One of the men with an expressionless face was sharpening his two claw knives on a whetstone.

“Boom boom!”[]

There was a knock on the door of the rental house


Immediately, the room fell silent. These men, who were as thin as monkeys, looked at each other and took out their weapons.

“It’s me.”

The door was opened, and a strong man in a suit with tattoos on his arms walked in.

The strong man was stared at by these murderous eyes, and he was also frightened:”We in the Matsuba Society have prepared a ship for you to leave Neon, and you can set off tonight.”

“But there is a big job before we set off, do you want to take it?”

The dark-skinned, thin man was still sharpening his knife, and asked in a cold voice:”Mission target, price.”

The strong man quickly sent the photos he had just printed to the people present and said:”The target is this girl, but you can’t reveal that the target is her.”

“So, you need to kill some people indiscriminately and make the Neon police think that this is a riot rather than a special assassination. The price is 100 million yen!”

“It’s too little, two hundred million!”

“No, this mission is not difficult at all, and we at Songye will prepare a safe route for you to leave Neon. Two hundred million is too much, one hundred and twenty million, do you want to do it?”

The man who was sharpening the knife stood up, picked up a sleeveless shirt from the side and put it on, and said in a hoarse voice:”Deal!”

“I have prepared the van, you can set off now, the target is this library.”

Without saying anything, the thugs threw their cards on the ground, extinguished their cigarettes, picked up their weapons and filed out.

When there was no one left in the rental house, the sturdy man sighed and looked at the mess on the ground:”These Philippine monkeys are really a bunch of crazy people who don’t care about their lives, but I have to say that the group of people the leader found are really useful.”


A van stopped at the parking lot of the building where the library was located, and nearly ten Southeast Asian-looking, thin, dark-skinned men got out of it.

Some of them had blank expressions, while others showed bloodthirsty smiles as they walked up the stairs.

On the floor where the library was located, Fujiwara Toru, who was chatting with Yukinoshita Haruno, sniffed and frowned,”What’s that smell? Is something burnt?”

The next moment, his expression changed, and as expected, someone shouted in surprise,”Oh no, there’s a fire!”

As soon as the voice���In a corner of the library, a huge fire suddenly burst into flames, and black smoke billowed up. In just a few seconds, a whole shelf of books was ablaze, and the flames instantly swept around, and the fire spread rapidly!————”

The building was immediately filled with the sound of fire alarms and screams of fear.

Toru Fujiwara looked up at the ceiling, but there was no water spraying from it.

The fire extinguishing equipment was not activated? This was a library, how did it pass the fire inspection?


Yukinoshita Haruno stood up. She looked a little nervous. Facing such a scene, even she could not remain completely calm.

Beside her, Yukino’s face was pale, and there was obvious fear in her cold and weak eyes.

Fujiwara Toru did not say a word. He quickly came to the window and looked down.

Just two floors below him, there was also a big fire burning and thick smoke.

The library has a total of four floors and is located in the middle part of the building. If the two floors below are on fire, with so many books in the library, the speed of the spread of the fire will definitely be beyond imagination.

So it is dangerous to go down at this time. The right choice is to go up!

As long as the whole building is not on fire, you just need to run to a place where there is no fire and wait for rescue.

He quickly said:”Go to the fire escape, run upstairs, bend down and lower your head, and move forward quickly!”

It was too late to wet the clothes and cover the mouth and nose. All they could do was to bend down as much as possible and leave.

In a fire, most people who were killed were not burned directly, but burned their lungs after inhaling the hot air, or were choked to death by the thick smoke. As

Fujiwara Toru finished speaking, the Yukinoshita sisters seemed to have found their backbone. They quickly bent down, covered their mouths and noses, coughed, and looked for the intersection of the fire escape.

“It’s on fire, run!”

“Fire escape, the fire escape is right over there!”

The fire spread in the library, the crowd surged, it was extremely chaotic, all kinds of screaming and pushing happened at the same time.

The speed at which the fire spread, and the three floors of the library were on fire at the same time, this was an intentional arson!

Fujiwara Toru pondered.

He thought he would encounter a murder case when he met Conan, but he didn’t expect it to be an arson case!

Conan also realized that this was not an ordinary fire, but an intentional arson. He shouted anxiously:”Geeta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, hurry up, let’s run upstairs!”

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