“Boss, there is a fire here. Should we still do this business? It will be easy to solve the problem, but it will be troublesome to escape.”

A group of nearly ten thugs from Southeast Asia climbed up to the upper floors through the fire escape.

They saw that the flames were fierce and the black smoke was billowing. Three floors were already engulfed in flames.

Although they had already run to higher floors and did not have to worry about the fire downstairs, it would be troublesome to evacuate if something happened here.

The dark and thin leader showed murderous intent in his eyes and said,”In our business, reputation is very important. If the mission is not completed, who will come to us next time?”

“More than 100 million yen is not a small amount. Killing an ordinary girl is totally unnecessary. Of course, there is a risk.”

“The Japanese police are just a bunch of trash. Are you afraid of them?”

When the subordinates heard this, they all laughed.

They were all a bunch of crazy people who would do anything for money. In their eyes, the Japanese police were really just a bunch of trash, as soft as women.

“Okay, let’s just do it, make things bigger, find the target and solve it, then evacuate immediately.”

The thin dark man licked his lips, and two claw knives appeared on his hands. He made a beautiful knife flower and stabbed directly at a young woman who had just escaped from the fire and was rejoicing.

The claw knife was extremely sharp, and instantly opened a huge gap in the abdomen and chest of the woman who had not yet reacted.

The wound was deep enough to see the bone, and blood splattered out. The thin dark man’s eyes were full of brutality and pleasure. After killing one person, he went to kill the second person with bloodshot eyes.

The other killer thugs from Southeast Asia followed their boss like a tiger into a flock of sheep, chopping anyone they saw.

The people who had just escaped from the fire scene and were calming down were stunned when they saw the sudden killing, and then ran away, screaming in fear:

“Murder, murder!”

There were so many people running out of the library that the upper floors of the entire building were crowded and bustling like a vegetable market.

Some people held their cell phones and cursed, asking the fire department to quickly send fire trucks and rescue personnel.

There were also people who took out their cell phones and broadcast the fire scene live.

Conan, who was hiding in the crowd with a group of children, moved his ears and heard shouts of murder downstairs.

Hearing the shouts, he was not afraid, but his expression was happy, thinking that he had encountered a murder scene.

Isn’t this a great opportunity for me, the famous detective, to take action.

Although Uncle Maori is not here, it is not easy for me to use Uncle Maori to solve the case, but I can find someone at the scene to solve the problem.

Thinking of this, he immediately squeezed out of the crowd and ran downstairs.

There was a fire downstairs at this time, and the criminal was among this group of people. He would definitely not be able to run away!

A group of friends saw Conan running out in a hurry. They didn’t know what Conan was going to do, so they hurriedly followed him.

“”Conan, where are you going?”

Seeing these little kids following him, Conan felt helpless and said,”I heard someone shouting ‘murder’ downstairs, I guess there’s a murder.”

Upon hearing about a murder, these kids were not afraid, but excitedly said,”Great, this is a good opportunity for us to show our skills, Junior Detective Team, attack!”


Conan’s mouth twitched, but seeing that the group of children had followed him, he had no choice but to rush downstairs with them.

Humph, although there are many people here, the criminal can’t escape!

Conan pushed his glasses, he was very confident that he would be able to find the hidden criminal through clues.

Then, he regretted it.

Because there was no need to find the criminal.

This was not a murder case, and the criminal did not kill someone and then run away or hide. This was a naked, glaring massacre!

Nearly ten dark and thin men holding strange knives were chasing the shouting and fleeing crowd with strange smiles.

As long as they were caught up by them, they would be chopped down with a knife.

Although the knife was not very lethal and it was difficult to kill someone with one knife, they didn’t care. As long as they could see blood and as long as they could injure someone, they would be satisfied.

Conan’s hands and feet were cold.

He, he shouldn’t have run here to commit suicide!

He thought that the case he encountered was the same as in the past, that as long as he found the criminal in the crowd, he would surrender and be taken away by the police.

But this time, he saw a group of real desperate thugs!

“Hey, there are a group of children, come, children, don’t be afraid, uncle will make you pain-free..”

A dark and thin man laughed loudly, licked his lips, and looked at Conan and others with a fierce look.


Yuanta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko screamed in fear. At the critical moment, Conan suddenly kicked out and kicked an ornament in front of him away.

The ornament flew like a meteor and hit the man’s stomach, causing him to stagger and step back.

Conan looked confident and thought that he could knock the other party out with this kick.

However, the dark and thin man smacked his lips twice, stood up while holding his stomach, and said angrily:”What the hell, boy, you are dead, I will peel off your skin!”

Conan was stunned.

He thought that his invincible kick could solve the problem, but he didn’t expect that the other party was just a little painful, nothing happened.

The murderers he faced in the past were just a group of ordinary people with poor resistance to blows, and of course they couldn’t withstand this kick.

But at this time, he was facing a real trained thug, and such an injury was nothing.

Conan took two steps back with fear on his face, and shouted hoarsely at Ayumi and the others:”Run, let’s run!”

A group of children ran towards the road where they came from, crying.

We don’t want to play the Young Detectives anymore. We don’t want to be skinned. Kamen Rider, save me!


“Yukino, here!”

Yukinoshita Haruno dragged her sister and followed the crowd to the fourth floor above the floor where the fire broke out.

Here, the burning sensation was gone. Although the fire was still burning downstairs, there was no danger to life.

“Where’s Fujiwara-kun?”

Yukinoshita Haruno found that Fujiwara Toru was not around, and she looked around anxiously.

Yukino was so frightened that her face was pale. She bit her lip and whispered:”There must be too many people just now, and we were separated from him.”

Haruno thought about it and it made sense. There were so many people just now, and she only grabbed her sister, not Fujiwara Toru. It would be easy for her to be separated by the crowd who were fleeing in panic.

She also felt a little regretful at this time. She should have grabbed Fujiwara Toru at that time. She could only blame herself for her useless reserve as a girl.

But soon, Haruno put aside her worries, shook her head and said:”Fujiwara-kun should be fine, he ran out of the fire scene with us, no matter which floor he is on now, he is safe.”

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly. She also felt that Fujiwara Toru should be fine. Although they were separated, they ran out of the library together just now, so nothing should happen.

Haruno took out her cell phone and typed quickly.

A few seconds later, she received a message and said with joy:”Fujiwara-kun is downstairs. He is fine. He told us not to move. We don’t need to look for him. Just wait for rescue.”

Yukinoshita Haruno looked around. There were still too many people here. It would be very difficult to find Fujiwara Toru. The correct choice was to listen to him and wait until the fire department came to rescue.

“I didn’t expect that I would encounter such a thing when I went out with Xueno.”

Yang Nai said jokingly after relaxing.

She looked at her sister. Her fair face looked a little black because of the thick smoke just now, which was very funny and made her laugh out loud.

Xueno snorted and muttered,”You are the same, your nose is blackened.”

As she said this, the two sisters moved closer.

The experience of escaping made the two sisters seem to be much closer.

Just then, they heard terrified shouts from the noisy crowd:”Murder, a group of crazy people are killing people everywhere!”


“What? A vicious murder occurred in Jiangmu’s library, and a group of people were slashing people with knives?”

“Okay, let’s go now. By the way, those thugs didn’t have weapons like fully automatic M16s, did they?”

The people from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Violent Crime Investigation Division 3 were already frightened by the last large-scale attack in the suburbs of Tokyo.

When they heard that there was another large-scale violent incident, they subconsciously thought that the other party might be bombing everywhere with helicopters again.

“Didn’t hear any gunshots? Okay, okay!”

“Come on, don’t dawdle, let’s get going!”


The security guards in the department responded quickly and set off with their equipment.

Since the last incident at the suburban research institute, these police officers have been equipped with higher-standard bulletproof vests.

Although these bulletproof vests are useless if they encounter the same kind of attack as last time, they are better than nothing.

Police cars came to Jiangmu Street with sirens blaring.

But unlike what Officer Megure thought, a fire broke out at the scene of the crime!

The fire department was driving a ladder and using a high-pressure water gun to try their best to put out the fire, but because the fire burned three floors in a row and the location was a bit high, it would take some time to completely extinguish the fire.

Officer Megure found the head of the fire department and asked when the fire could be extinguished.

At this moment, Officer Sato stepped forward and said anxiously:”Inspector Megure, someone posted the video in the building on the Internet, and they are asking for help.”

Inspector Megure quickly took Sato’s mobile phone, and the content inside made him furious after reading it.

It was a video secretly shot by a girl hiding in the corner.

In her video, a group of violent people were holding strange knives, killing and hacking anyone they saw. There were more than 20 people lying on the ground, some of them were dead, some were bleeding from wounds, and screaming in pain.

The girl who posted the video was crying and trembling at the screen:”Someone, someone come to save us, there are a group of crazy people killing people here, someone come to save us, I don’t want to die!”

This short video of only a dozen seconds was posted to X and was immediately forwarded by countless people, causing an uproar on the Japanese Internet.

“Where are the Japanese police officers? Where are those police officers? So many people have died, and those thugs are still killing people, but why can’t we see any of our police officers!”

“These bastards who wasted taxpayers’ money should go to jail. They should be investigated for corruption. They are all a bunch of bugs, a bunch of blood-sucking parasites!”

“Oh my God, so many people died!”

“I was at the scene. There was a fire in the building and the police officers couldn’t get in.”

“Excuses, all excuses!”


Inspector Megure, who was full of justice, looked at the netizens’ criticism and condemnation with an ugly expression and a little ashamed.

Because he really could not do anything standing here.

The cell phone rang again, and Inspector Megure answered the call. This call was from the head of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Director of Warning of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and Director Hakuba, who holds the highest position in the police department.

As soon as he answered the phone, he heard Director Hakuba yelling with spit flying:”What are you guys doing, you good-for-nothings, just standing there and watching?”

“When did a bunch of rubbish like you appear in our Neon Police Department? You should all be fired!”

“The online abuse is right, you are just a bunch of good-for-nothings who only know how to take taxpayers’ money but do nothing good!!”

Inspector Megure held the phone and dared not say anything back, so he quickly smiled.

Director Hakuba said anxiously:

“Hurry, take action, this is almost catching up with the live broadcast. Mr. Fujiwara, the chairman of the National Public Safety Commission, just called me. The committee takes this matter very seriously!”

“If you still want to continue to be police officers, don’t just stand there stupidly!”

Inspector Megure was shocked when he heard this.

The Director General of the Metropolitan Police Department is the highest title for police officers, but the Director General of the Police Department can only take office after being approved by the Prime Minister and the Public Safety Committee.

In other words, the real highest authority in the police department is the Public Safety Committee.

This matter has actually attracted the attention of the Public Safety Committee, which is a big deal.

Although the previous Tokyo Suburban Research Institute suffered more casualties and the fighting was more intense. (To read violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But the scene was not broadcast live at the time, and it was located in the suburbs. The public didn’t know much about the inside story, and there was not much public opinion.

But this time is different. This is the core area of Tokyo. This violent attack and murder was broadcast live, and the impact of public opinion was completely different.

Inspector Megure shouted with saliva flying:”Who will go up with me!”

More than a dozen police officers recommended themselves. Inspector Megure picked out Takagi, Sato and other police officers with whom he had a good relationship, and rushed into the building with guns.

The on-site supervisor of the fire department shouted:”There is a fire upstairs, you can’t get up there at all!”

Inspector Megure didn’t care at all. Is this a fire problem? This is a matter of principle for police officers.

Even if they really can’t get up there, they have to go to the fire scene and wait, instead of standing here in a daze.

This vicious case that happened in Tokyo attracted national attention for a while.

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