Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 108 Ordinary Chinese Restaurant (1)

"Grandpa, you are the head coach of Yuanyue Academy, don't you give him too much face by doing this, this is just an ordinary Chinese restaurant" Erina couldn't help but said out loud, she said to Liu Ming really didn't like it.

Originally, she planned to come here alone, and then she had to use her reputation as the tongue of God to promote Liu Ming's restaurant well, so that the other party would have no business to do.

Who knew that she would be pulled over by her grandfather ahead of time, messing up all her plans.

"Erina, don't you understand?" Senzaemon looked a little disappointed.

He thought that after going through the incident last time, his granddaughter would change, but who knew she would still be the same as before.

Erina wrinkled her nose, she couldn't understand what Senzaemon said.

"Miss Erina, this place is not ordinary." Qianyou Xiaya said out loud.

"What do you mean by that?" Erina asked.

"The food here is the most delicious I've ever eaten. If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't leave, I'd want to eat here every day." 057 Qianhua Xiaya's tone was very admirable, looking like a little girl .

Then she let out a long sigh, and said, "Oh, I haven't been here for a long time since I left last time. Every day when I eat, I always feel that something is missing. Today is a rare chance, I must eat enough, otherwise , I don’t know when I will be free.

Erina really wanted to say that the other party had never seen the world and had never eaten first-class cuisine, but when she thought about the other party's identity, she felt it was impossible.

And the other party seemed to be a gourmet, so he should have eaten a lot of good things. However, even if this is the case, she still said this, then there is a problem.

Could it be that the bastard's cooking skills are really so good, Erina really doesn't want to believe it.

"However, you just heard that tofu and bean sprouts are not ordinary ingredients, no matter how delicious they are (acdb)" Erina continued.

Senzaemon didn't speak, but looked at Chiba Natsume, after all, she was the only one who had eaten here.

Qian Wu Xiaya thought for a while and said, "Before I left, I only ate two things on the special menu, and one of them was mapo tofu with tofu as the main material. That taste

So far I have endless aftertaste. "

"Ma Po Tofu? That's a famous Chinese dish, but even the most authentic Mapo Tofu is not as exaggerated as you said, and you give it such high praise." Erina was puzzled.

"You haven't eaten it, so you don't understand. It can't be described by the taste alone, but rises to the soul level. To be honest, I don't know if this is the right way to describe it, but as long as you eat it, you will understand Yes, it’s a feeling beyond the taste.”

"Really, that taste, that feeling, that touch, is beyond words." As he spoke, Qian Wuxia Ya couldn't help swallowing.

Erina's black line for a while, if she didn't see that she was acting normally, she would have thought that the other party was describing eating 'fans'.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but asked aloud, "You are exaggerating. Could it be that he used forbidden ingredients?"

"Erina..." Senzaemon suddenly yelled loudly. Erina's words were not only insulting Liu Ming, but also insulting Qiantao Natsuya.

If it is spread that Qian Wuxia Ya can't even tell whether the dishes use forbidden ingredients, it will deal a big blow to her reputation.

At their current level, reputation is very important.

Erina's complexion changed, and then she stopped talking, because she found that Qianwu Xiaya's complexion had become ugly.

Seeing this, Senzaemon hurriedly gave his granddaughter a step, he said, "Erina has something to say, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm sorry, Miss Chiba, I said something wrong just now." Erina whispered.

"Miss Erina, I don't know what conflicts you have with Boss Liu, but when you haven't eaten his dishes, I hope you can maintain the respect you deserve. This is the self-cultivation that a person should have, and Liu The boss is a very good cook." Chiba Natsuya said seriously.

Erina clenched her fists tightly and nodded reluctantly.

It was that bastard again, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have lost her composure like this.

Erina blamed the fault on Liu Ming.

After such a commotion, the three of them lost interest in talking, and the atmosphere suddenly became dull.

Before I knew it, it was the opening time, and regular customers of the restaurant came in one after another.

Erina was taken aback by the scene in front of her.

She never thought that this small Chinese restaurant would be so popular. In addition to them, there are so many people who came in advance. She has seen the menu above, and the price is not cheap.

At this time, Xiao Kong came over, and after greeting several people, she said, "Several, please follow me.

Senzaemon looked at Natsume Chiba.

Qian Wuxia Ya shook his head, then nodded, and said, "It should be a different place to eat. It is really inconvenient to eat in the hall."

She seemed to recall the embarrassing situation she encountered when she ate the dishes on the special menu for the first time, and her expression turned red.

If it wasn't for Liu Ming last time, she might have disappeared. .

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