Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 109: Big Blow (2)

Under the guidance of Xiao Kong, several people came to one of the small cubicles in the restaurant.

At the same time, Xiaokong also put down three pieces of standard clothes, and reminded them to change them in advance, even if they don't change them, it's best to put them on outside.

Erina really wanted to complain about the poor space and layout of the cubicle, but seeing that her grandfather didn't have any objections, she had no choice but to suppress her dissatisfaction.

If the next meal doesn't satisfy her, let's see how she handles that bastard.

"Miss Erina, don't you want to change into your clothes?" Chiba Natsuya said while putting on a loose dress for herself.

Seeing the big characters of Liu's restaurant printed on the clothes, Erina was upset for a while, how could she take the initiative to wear them. She shook her head again and again, rejecting the proposal.

"Xiao Ming, you are such a kind person. You know that those guys have bad intentions, but you still have the mood to entertain them. If it were me, even if I didn't kill them, I would teach them to show their anger." On the other side of the kitchen, Thor Er chattered on and on.

Liu Ming looked at her speechlessly, Thor was too vengeful. Since Erina and the others came in, Thor has been urging him to drive them out of the restaurant~.

Liu Ming glared at her angrily, and then said, "The other party is also a guest, we open the door to do business, as long as the other party is not too much, we still have to entertain the other party."

"Besides, Xiaohui is still in class with them. After we drove her away, the other party was embarrassed when she returned to school-what should Xiaohui do.

"She dares" Thor glared angrily, as if planning to go out and warn her.

Liu Ming hurriedly continued, "Of course, this is just a guess, even if she had this idea, her grandfather would not allow her to mess around.

"You've seen her grandfather too. He's a very sensible old man. We can't embarrass him too much for him, right?"

"Besides, don't you have so little confidence in my cooking? Don't you want to see her being defeated by my cooking?"

Thorton stopped talking for a while, in fact, she did this more to target Qianyou Xiaya, who made Qianfo Zhenya always want to get Liu Ming.

It's a pity that Liu Ming didn't agree with her at all, which made her a little disappointed.

Time flies by.

Liu Ming and Xiao Kong came to the cubicle where Erina and the others were with three dishes in their hands.

"Guests, your food is ready, please take it easy" Liu Ming didn't intend to stay, and after putting down his things, he left with Xiao Kong.

Looking at the three dishes covered by the opaque cover on the dining table, Erina couldn't help muttering, "Hmph, use some useless things.

Chiba Natsuya looked at the cover on the dining table, and then at Erina who didn't intend to change clothes at all. In the end, she couldn't help reminding, "Miss Erina, are you really not going to change your clothes?

"It's so long-winded, I said I won't change it, isn't it just a meal, and he made so many broken rules, who does he think he is." Erina said dissatisfied.

Qian Wu Xia Ya shrugged, anyway, she had already reminded her, since the other party didn't accept it, it didn't matter to her.

Besides, the only man here is her grandfather anyway, so even if something really happened, it doesn't matter much.

"Let's start. I've been looking forward to it for a long time. I hope you don't let me down." Senzaemon stood up, held one of the covers, and gently opened it.

A golden beam of light flashed, followed by the smell of sea waves.

Senzaemon's eyes were wide open. Although he had heard that Liu Ming's cooking would emit a golden light, he still couldn't control the shock in his heart when he faced it.

He sniffed his nose, and muttered to himself, "Is this scent, is it sea bream? But, is it too fresh? This time is a bit wrong."

Erina on the other side has long since lost her previous arrogance, and stood there foolishly.

0...asking for flowers...0

With the tongue of God, she is more sensitive than the two present. The strong fragrance just now had already destroyed all the arrogance in her heart.

Aren't snapper, shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, carrots, spring bamboo shoots, and green peppers all common ingredients that can no longer be ordinary? Why can it be done to this extent.

How she wished that the scene in front of her was an illusion.

Senzaemon took a deep breath, and after enjoying it for a while, he continued to lift the second cover.

The same golden light soared into the sky.

Even if he had already concentrated his attention on observing, he still didn't see any flaws.

What is the principle of this?

Or is it true that the legend is true, as long as a dish is perfected, the light of the dish will be produced.

Senzaemon's mood is very complicated. Known as the Demon King of Food by the world, he thinks that his culinary skills have already stood on the first step of the chef.

But after seeing Liu Ming's cooking, he found that he seemed to underestimate the world.

Erina stared numbly at the second dish.

This should be the magic mapo tofu that Qian Wuxia Ya just mentioned.

Red and white intersect, exuding a devil-like temptation, attracting people to commit crimes.

This spicy scent is much more domineering than the spring rolls just now, just by the smell, it can't help teasing her tongue. The saliva in her mouth kept secreting "She couldn't control the throbbing of her throat.

"Mr. Liu, you are really amazing." Senzaemon had to sigh.

Erina's face was full of unwillingness, even if she didn't have to taste it, she could clearly see how big the gap between her and Liu Ming was.

"Why, why, isn't it just some common people's food, why can he do this." Erina kept shouting in her heart.

As the pride of Yuanyue Ten Heroes, as a talent favored by God like God's Tongue, it is so embarrassing in front of Liu Ming's cooking. .

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