Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 110 Highly Commended (3)

"This time seems to be really right, let's take a look at the last dish. Senzaemon's face is full of smiles at this moment.

"If Mr. Liu didn't lie before, then the ingredients used in this dish should be bean sprouts."

"I'm curious, what kind of top-level dishes will he make with ordinary ingredients like bean sprouts? It's really exciting." Senzaemon focused on the last dish.

Because this dish in front of me is really special.

The height of the cover on this dish is several times that of the other two dishes.

With such an obvious special treatment, even a person like Senzaemon couldn't help but put it at the end.

Erina and Sento Natsume were also aroused by Senzaemon's words, and looked over.

"Then I'll open it." After Senzao "177" Weimon finished speaking, he gently picked up the cover.

A golden light that was several times stronger than before shot up into the sky, and it seemed that there was a plan to reach the sky, making the entire cubicle shine golden.

Then, a melodious but majestic cry sounded in the room, and then a scene that shocked them appeared.

A noble phoenix like white jade flew above the heads of several people. It hovered above it non-stop, as if it was patrolling its own territory, and let out ten crows from time to time.

A few seconds later, the white jade phoenix seemed to have completed its inspection, turned into a little bit of starlight, and regrouped into the cooking.

At this time, several people came to their senses and looked over quickly.

With a golden beak, red gills, a holy white body, and a colorful tail, isn't this just a phoenix that just flew.

Seeing the white phoenix standing proudly in front of him and staring at the front, Senzaemon couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, convinced, I am convinced as an old man."

"Grandpa~" Erina looked at Senzaemon worriedly.

"Haha, little Erina, you should be happy for grandpa, because grandpa, I can see the direction of progress again. Although I don't know if I can get there, but it's really been a long time. Such passion."

"Oh, it's a pity. He is obviously a super genius, but there is no way to invite him into Yuanyue. It is really Yuanyue's loss." Senzaemon suddenly became distressed.

"Hehe, it's going to be difficult for you to invite Boss Liu to join Yuanyue. Boss Liu is quite lazy, so it's impossible for him to agree to you."

Qianwu Xiaya heard that Senzaemon was also beaten by Liu Ming, and couldn't help laughing happily, they were both Tianya's fallen people.

"Yes, I was rejected immediately." Senzaemon sighed.

"Hmph, what's the use of such a bastard no matter how good his cooking skills are, his character is so bad, he doesn't have a gentleman's demeanor at all." Erina murmured to herself.

"Okay, let's not talk about these, let's taste them. After all, a good dish is not only about the color, aroma and shape, but also the taste.

Erina looked at the three dishes in front of her. The phoenix crystal was so beautiful that she couldn't bear to destroy it. The magic mapo tofu was a bit too stimulating for her God Tongue, so it was better to put it in the back, and finally she chose the reincarnation spring rolls.

She picked up a spring roll and took a small bite.

The wave that I felt before appeared again, and this time it was deeper and more real.

How could it be possible, the sea bream came alive, it was like a live sea bream jumping in the mouth, it was so fresh.

With a variety of fresh vegetables to expand the spread on the tongue, it is really delicious, just a small bite, even if you can taste the whole season.

Erina, who was addicted to delicious food, didn't realize that the clothes on her body had cracks.

And the other two have already started tasting delicious food, and they will pay special attention to her there.

Senzaemon was also a bit reluctant to destroy the Phoenix Crystal, so he chose the Magic Mapo Tofu.

After taking a light bite, his clothes burst open immediately, and the overbearing spicy aroma immediately invaded his taste buds, and the tenderness of the tofu slid down his throat from time to time, and the tastes alternated with each other. fusion.

He now somewhat understands what Qian Wuxiaya said just now. It is indeed not only the enjoyment of taste, but also the blending of mind and spirit, the combination of ingredients and people. It's a good thing he can think of this way.

"It's really an incredible dish." After all, Senzaemon is not an ordinary person, and he has not indulged in the illusion constructed by food.

He turned his head to hear Erina's thoughts, but when he saw Erina's situation, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

At this time, the clothes on Erina's body had many cracks, revealing the white skin inside.

He looked at Qianwu Xiaya again, only to find that Qianwu Xiaya was in a much better situation than Erina. Although the clothes on her body bulged air pockets from time to time, they didn't break.

In this way, Xianzaemon also understood why the other party left three pieces of clothes here.

It's all about preventing them from getting naked.

Senzaemon himself doesn't care, after all, he is already an old man, but Erina is just a girl in her teens.

If they were dining in the hall just now, just imagining the consequences would make him a little scared. At that time, I am afraid that Erina will be ashamed and want to commit suicide.

It is also possible that Liu Ming, the instigator, was killed first, and then committed suicide.

Ahem, I think too much.

Senzaemon stood up, took a piece of clothing, and put it on Erina.

After all this is done, I move on to enjoying the food.

This time, he set his sights on the white jade phoenix.

Although it was a pity, he still planned to attack it.

Pick up the chopsticks, gently pick up some, and then put it in front of your eyes.

Sure enough, it was bean sprouts, and the white parts of Fenghuang's body were all composed of bean sprouts.

This skill can be regarded as art.

5.0 Senzaemon gently put the bean sprouts into the mouth, chew slowly, close your eyes and enjoy.

The bean sprouts are very refreshing, but its original astringent taste is gone, replaced by bursts of sweetness.

It is not as overbearing as the mapo tofu just now, but it is another extreme, like a breeze, caressing people's faces, gentle people's minds, and nourishing people's bodies.

Suddenly, he felt like a flame rising from his body.

It's just that this flame is not hot, even a little warm, as if there is a phoenix calling for the vitality in the body, the whole person is like returning to youth, full of strength

But it's like returning to the embrace of mother, so warm, so reassuring, people can't help but forget the troubles around them, and gradually sink down. .

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