Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 113 Super Natural Stupid (1)

After dinner.

Liu Ming stood at the door of the restaurant and watched the people leaving. He scratched his head, feeling that the situation was a bit familiar now.

Suddenly his eyes lit up. Didn't this scene happen at noon? At that time, he thought that Xiaoyu would bring her good friend with her when she came over for lunch.

Now it seems that there is no need for future, this happened that night.

"Brother Xiaoming, thank you for your hospitality." Xiaolu and Xiaonai said goodbye to Liu Ming very politely.

Liu Ming nodded, "Come to play next time when you have time, remember to be careful on the road, and call me if you have anything to do.

"Mmm," the two agreed, and left with Xiaoyu and the others.

"Okay, now it's your turn, I'm going to drive the car out now" Liu Ming looked at Mr. Yamamoto and the three children Xiao Xing.

"Brother Liu Ming, what about me, what about me." Tuma Naozu hurriedly said.

Liu Ming cast a glance at him, and said lightly, "Isn't your home right next door, just stay for one night, and leave tomorrow if you can."

Doma Naojun was immediately dumbfounded, you must know that he was nagged by her grandma all day today, if he came again one night, it would be fine.

And he still has to play games at night, a game fanatic like him, how can he live without games.

In order to eat these few meals today, is it worth it, his heart is secretly bitter.

Liu Ming ignored him, he went to the garage, drove 623's car to the door, and called everyone to get in the car.

After everyone got into the car, Liu Ming waved to Thor and the others, and started the car.

"Xiao Ming, why didn't you invite me to spend the night with you." Xiao Xing, who was sitting in the back, said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Children should go home and sleep." Liu Ming said angrily.

"Really, Xiao Ming doesn't understand girls' thoughts at all," Xiao Xing said.

"Xiao Xing is so bold." Xiaomei covered her hot cheeks, and looked at Xiao Xing next to her with adoring eyes.

Along the way, from time to time, Xiao Xing would say a few headache-inducing words, and Liu Ming didn't know how her old classmates taught their children to be able to raise Xiao Xing to such a state.

She is still just a child, she has just entered kindergarten, so she might be too mature.

It's better to be my own chick, who is cute, cute and obedient, and at the same time knows how to love others. Thinking about it, Liu Ming couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

Xiaomei's home was the first to arrive. When the car drove to the door downstairs, there were already people waiting there.

After seeing Xiaomei, the other party rushed forward happily.

"Big brother." Mei also recognized the other party and called out happily.

Because there were two other people to see off, Liu Ming briefly talked to the other party and left.

Hiiragi was next, and her father, an astronomer, picked her up.

Then there is Xiao Xing. Looking at her former teachers and classmates at the door of her house, Liu Ming couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion, unknowingly so many years have passed.

After chatting with the two of them, because it was already very late, Liu Ming rejected the other party's invitation and was going to send the last person, Mr. Yamamoto, home.

"Mr. Liu, you are really an amazing person." Mr. Yamamoto, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, said suddenly.

"Huh?" Liu Ming responded suspiciously.

"I'm talking about the children in your family. I didn't expect you to be so great. Needless to say, the three sisters Xiaoniaoyou, there are also Xiaolingyin, Xingzi, and Kangna."

"You not only provide them with a warm home, but also teach them the experience of dealing with others. I am really touched."

Teacher Yamamoto looked at Liu Ming adoringly, and his whole body began to exude the brilliance of motherhood.

"Uh~, where did you know these things." Liu Ming asked in puzzlement. Although these things are not secrets, they are not something that can be easily obtained.

"Miwa-chan told me this." Mr. Yamamoto explained gently.

"I knew that only Miyu could be so naughty." Liu Ming was speechless, and he didn't know if it was because Miyu had recovered her original vitality and would be naughty from time to time.

He doesn't hate it, but it's still a headache at times.

On the other side, Miha let out a heavy breath.

"Miyu, are you okay, did you catch a cold?" Xiaokong asked worriedly.

Miha took a deep breath, then waved her hands and said, "It's okay, it might be that Tanzi and the others are speaking ill of me.

At the same time, she thought to herself, "Brother Xiaoming, I can only help you so far. Gentle beauties like Mr. Yamamoto are rare, so you should seize the opportunity."

Then she gave a little foxy smile.

"I just happened to meet (acca), and I'm not as great as you said. How about you, why did Mr. Yamamoto choose to be a teacher?"

Liu Ming didn't want to discuss these matters, so he had to change the topic aloud.

"Me? In the kindergarten I went to when I was a child, there was an excellent teacher. She was gentle and very cheerful. "I feel really happy to be with her."

"I just thought about it, if only I could become an outstanding teacher like her in the future." A yearning smile flashed on Mr. Yamamoto's face.

"Besides, I like children very much. Seeing children's lively and lovely appearance makes me feel very satisfied."

Liu Ming did not doubt what she said, because she herself showed all this very well, he said, "In fact, Mr. Yamamoto is already an excellent teacher now.

"No, I'm still far away," Mr. Yamamoto said gently.

The two said to each other, "I came to Mr. Yamamoto's house before I knew it.

It was her sister Mayumi Yamamoto who opened the door.

She was about to talk to Mr. Yamamoto when she found Liu Ming behind her, and her expression suddenly became subtle.

She covered her small mouth, smiled secretly, and asked cheerfully, "Sister, don't you want to introduce this handsome big brother beside you.

"Ah~" Mr. Yamamoto was stunned for a moment before realizing it, but she, who had a full natural dumb attribute, didn't see the meaning of her sister's little expression.

She smiled and said, "You said Mr. Liu, he is the parent of one of my students, and he sent me back specially."

"Oh~" Mayumi Yamamoto let out a strange smile, and then greeted Liu Ming, "Hi, I'm her sister, Mayumi Yamamoto."

"Hi, my name is Liu Ming. Now that you're home, it's time for me to go back." Liu Ming is not naturally dumb, of course it can be seen that Mayumi Yamamoto seems to have misunderstood something

But he didn't intend to explain, as long as time goes by, the misunderstanding will naturally be resolved without breaking through.

"Hey, why don't you come in and sit down? It's rare for Brother Liu to come here once." Mayumi Yamamoto said hastily.

"Thank you for your kindness, but forget it, it's a bit late now" Liu Ming refused, then nodded to Mr. Yamamoto, then turned and left.

"Okay then, welcome to visit us next time," Mayumi Yamamoto said loudly, waving his hands.

Liu Ming stretched out his hand and waved it, but didn't reply.

"Sister, are you two dating?" Mayumi Yamamoto asked curiously.

"No, I just accompany Xiao Xing and the others to visit Mr. Liu Ming's house today." Mr. Yamamoto shook his head, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

"Oh~" Mayumi Yamamoto didn't believe it at all, she continued to ask her sister what she thought of him. "

"Mr. Liu is a very great person. Mr. Yamamoto nodded and said seriously.

"Wow! Is my sister interested in him?" Mayumi Yamamoto's eyes lit up immediately. It was the first time that her sister admired a man so much.

"How could I have such an idea? It is impossible for an ordinary person like me to be worthy of others. Don't think too much about it." Mr. Yamamoto gently touched his sister's head

Mayumi Yamamoto was speechless. Sure enough, this was her older sister, and she hadn't changed at all.

On the other side, on the way back, Liu Ming almost hit someone to death, which frightened him into a cold sweat. .

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