Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 114 Family Matters (2)

After starting the car, Liu Ming didn't intend to go anywhere else, but drove directly towards home.

It was very calm at first, but when he was about to overtake another locomotive on the side of the road, the woman in the back seat of the locomotive jumped off directly.

You must know that the locomotive is driving now, and the speed is not too slow.

What's more, the car Liu Ming was driving was about to pass by it, which made the direction of the car just opposite to the ~woman who jumped out of the car.

Liu Ming's complexion changed drastically, but fortunately, his physical fitness is several times that of ordinary people now, and he is operating quickly with both hands and feet, controlling the steering wheel, stepping on the brakes, and the clutch.

After a series of gorgeous maneuvers, the car passed the woman dangerously.

Only then did Liu Ming heave a long sigh of relief, and then he showed an angry face. This person simply doesn't take his own life seriously.

Through the rearview mirror, he saw that the woman who jumped off the car was fine and was hugged firmly by the owner of the locomotive.

It seems that the locomotive driver's driving skills are very good, so he can turn his head in time to save the woman.

However, this does not mean that Liu Ming will let them go. You must know that if he hadn't reacted faster just now, there would have been real deaths.

He found a place next to him, parked the car, and walked back.

When he was about to approach, he heard bursts of shouting and cursing from over there.

"Asshole, are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous the behavior was just now? You are looking for death."

Liu Ming couldn't help raising his brows, why did the voice sound so familiar.

With doubts in my heart, I slowly leaned over. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be that guy Onitsuka.

"People have said that they don't want to go home, woo~, if they force me to go home, it's better to let me die, woo~" Mizuki Nanako's voice was mournful, revealing bursts of sadness.

Onizuka was stunned for a moment, and fell silent immediately.

After Nanako said what was in her heart, her mood improved a lot. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now, but

I really don't want to go back to that cold home. 11

As Nanako was talking, she stopped suddenly, and looked behind Onitsuka with fixed eyes.

Onizuka turned his head abruptly, and when he saw the appearance of the person coming, he immediately showed a surprised expression. After he was stunned for a moment, he asked strangely, "Ming, why are you here.

"I was the one driving that car just now." Liu Ming glared at Onitsuka angrily. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have almost hit his brother.

Onizuka didn't expect such a coincidence, so he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it's you, if it were someone else, I'm afraid we would have bumped into each other long ago."

"You have the nerve to say that if it wasn't for my decent driving skills, you would be lying in the hospital now." Seeing Onitsuka's heartless expression, he became angry for a while.

Onitsuka scratched his head in embarrassment.

"What's wrong with you guys? You committed suicide." Seeing that there were outsiders here, Liu Ming couldn't bear to scold Onizuka too much, and changed the subject.

"To be honest, I was also confused, okay, she jumped out of the car suddenly." Sijia blinked blankly.

Liu Ming looked at the two of them again, then looked back at the scene just now, and probably thought of what was going on, he said to the two, "This is not a place to talk, go to my place first.

Before solving the problem, Onizuka didn't dare to let Nanako ride in his car again. Otherwise, what if she jumped off the car again? At that time, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to rescue her.

Liu Ming had to take Nanako back to his car, waited for her to fasten her seat belt, and then started the car.

Nanako sat quietly on the car without saying a word.

Twenty minutes later, the three came to the restaurant.

Thor and the others who stayed on the first floor couldn't help being surprised when they saw Liu Ming come back with two people. After all, Liu Ming just went to see off people, not to pick them up.

"Buy yourselves, don't worry about us." Liu Ming said to everyone, and then led them to one of the cubicles.

Although Thor and the others were a little curious, they didn't intend to ask. There is only one exception, and that is Miu.

But before she got close to the cubicle, Xiao Kong grabbed her.

"Sister, aren't you curious? It's so late, Brother Xiaoming actually brought someone back." Miyu didn't give up, and was going to use words to seduce Xiaokong and pull her into her camp.

0...asking for flowers...

Xiao Blank glanced at her and didn't say a word, regardless of Meiyu's resistance, he directly pulled her back to the second floor.

In the cubicle, Liu Ming poured a glass of water for each of them, sat there, and looked at the two of them.

He looked at Nanako and asked, "Now we can say, what the hell happened to do such a stupid thing."

Onizuka also set his sights on Nanako.

Nanako hugged her arms tightly, and after a moment of silence, she spoke slowly.

In the past when we were poor, the family lived lovingly and lovingly with each other, but now the taste has gradually changed due to the accumulation of wealth.

The father no longer takes care of the family, the mother no longer misses the family, the conflict between the two sides is getting deeper and deeper, even if it is because of a small matter, the two will quarrel.


Obviously the whole family lives in the same house, but her daughter can no longer feel the warmth of the past.

What is the reason for this?

She would like to go back to the past.

At that time, although the family was very poor, they lived happily and warmly.

Not like now, facing a cold wall every night.

"Sure enough, I'm still a child. I'm going to commit suicide just because of such a trivial matter. I'm childish." Onizuka cursed suddenly, and then he turned his head to look at Liu Ming, "Ming, is there anything to eat? I haven't had dinner yet, I'm already hungry."

Liu Ming gave him a deep look, stood up without saying a word, and walked out of the cubicle.

Not long after Liu Ming left, Onizuka also stood up, and he said to Nanako, "After eating, remember to go home, a girl should not spend the night outside.

"Didn't I say that I don't want to go back to that cold home." Nanako said loudly.

"Then, are you going to never go back for the rest of your life? Escaping won't solve any problems." After leaving these words, Onizuka also left the cubicle.

Nanako stayed there in a daze, tears streaming out again.

Not long after Liu Ming returned to the kitchen, Onizuka followed.

Liu Ming glanced at Onizuka, and asked calmly, "What are you going to do?"

Onizuka shrugged indifferently, and said, "It's just a wall, it's fine if you smash it."

Liu Ming gave him an angry look. .

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