Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 115 It's Obviously A Family (3)

Looking at Onizuka's expression, Liu Ming knew that the other party might really do that.

However, this is the reality here, illegal entry and even damage to other people's property is a crime.

If the other party really wanted to sue Onizuka, it would not be as simple as losing his job as a teacher at that time, and he might even go to jail.

As an old friend, it was impossible for Liu Ming to let him act like this.

Just according to Onitsuka's character, unless he can think of other ways to solve this matter, otherwise, he will definitely do so.

After all, this is Onitsuka, and what happened to the three bad students last time proved all this very well.

To be honest, this is about people's hearts, and it is really difficult to do. I don't know if Thor has magic with related effects.

No, I can't think that way, Liu Ming shook his head. Forcibly changing the will of others is not a solution to the problem at all.

Just when he was distressed, he suddenly remembered what Nanako said just now.

Cooking can bring happiness.

The dishes that incorporate the heart can also be felt by people.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming immediately took action.

He kept rummaging in the kitchen.

Fortunately, he runs a restaurant. It didn't take long for him to find all the relevant ingredients and start cooking.

"Hey, are you going to make sukiyaki? It's so late, and you still bring me such a rich food, how embarrassing you are." Onizuka rubbed his hands, his eyes fixed on the inside of the pot

Liu Ming glanced at him, and directly punctured his fantasy, "Hehe, do you think this is possible?"

Then he started to prepare another dish,

Hot water, add oil, put the noodles, then scoop it up, put it into a soup bowl with sauce, sprinkle a little chopped green onion on it, add a few slices of blanched vegetable leaves, a bowl of super simple green The noodle soup is done.

Liu Ming handed the noodles to Onizuka, "This is your dinner, eat it while it's hot."

Onizuka was suddenly dumbfounded. He looked at the bowl of green noodle soup that was too small in front of him, and then at the sukiyaki that was simmering on the other side, and he suddenly became unbalanced.

"No, you treat me like this, we have been brothers for more than ten years. As for Nanako, you just saw it for the first time today.

"It's just that I heard that she liked to eat sukiyaki when she was a child, so you cook sukiyaki for her. Is it too much for you to treat her differently? It's easy for you to have no friends like this."

Onizuka's entire face darkened, the person in front of him was simply a representative of the opposite sex but no humanity.

"Who told you that this sukiyaki is made separately for her to eat?" Liu Ming rolled his eyes at him and explained.

"Then why are you cooking sukiyaki all of a sudden, this is a Chinese restaurant?" Onizuka didn't believe it at all.

"Of course it's useful for me. Do you want to eat this side?" Liu Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with Onizuka anymore, the other party was obviously greedy.

"Eat, of course, if you don't eat it, you won't eat it." Onizuka was afraid that Liu Ming would really take away the green noodle soup, so he quickly took it away.

Smelling the fragrance emanating from the noodle soup, Onizuka couldn't help swallowing.

"It's just a bowl of green noodle soup, why does it smell so good?" Onizuka muttered to himself in confusion.

He just saw the making process of this bowl of noodles with his own eyes. It was super simple, but the smell was a bit foul.

At this time, his stomach was already very hungry, so he took the chopsticks and started to eat.

After taking the first bite, Onitsuka's eyes lit up.

"The taste seems to be really good. The fragrant soup and the smooth noodles constantly moisturize the body and warm the body and mind."

A big bowl of noodle soup can be eaten by him in less than three minutes.

After Onizuka drank the last drop of soup, he patted his belly contentedly.

"As expected of Ming, there is nothing to say about his culinary skills, just a bowl of noodle soup can cook so deliciously, the ghost said in admiration.

Liu Ming glanced at him and didn't say anything, then he looked at the situation of the sukiyaki, carefully counted the time in his mind, and felt that it was almost time.

"Since we're full, let's take Nanako home," Liu Ming said calmly.

"Now? But she hasn't eaten yet?" Onizuka asked puzzled.

"Food is more delicious when you are with your family. In short, listen to me and send her home first. By the way, I will go there with you." Liu Ming did not explain in too much detail.

Onizuka was silent, and then he said, "Although I don't know what your plan is, but you, a military adviser, can't make a mistake...but I also have my own ideas. You can lend me a sledgehammer, and I will be useful later. "

Liu Ming took a deep look at Onizuka, and seeing his serious eyes, Liu Ming knew that he had made a decision, so he didn't stop it.

After all, Onizuka is Nanako's teacher, if he is not allowed to do something, he will definitely feel uncomfortable inside.

Onizuka sat in the back seat of the car with a sledgehammer in his hand without saying a word.

After Liu Ming put the things away, he went to the cubicle to call for someone.

Looking at Nanako, he said calmly, "I'll take you home right now.

"Can I not go back?" Nanako asked helplessly.

"What are you talking about! That's your home, your family must be very worried about you" Liu Ming gestured towards the door.

"They won't," Nanako retorted loudly.

Liu Ming stopped talking and just stared at her steadfastly.

"Ah~" Nanako scratched her hair vigorously and vented loudly. Then she gave up, obediently followed behind Liu Ming and sat in the co-pilot seat again.

After getting in the car, she also saw Onizuka sitting in the back, but now Onizuka's expression seemed to be very different from before, less playful and more serious.

"Address" Liu Ming turned to look at Nanako.

"Huh~" Nanako snorted heavily, but she still told her address at 4.5, and then turned her head to the window in displeasure, looking at the scenery outside

On the way, Nanako who had been silent for a while suddenly spoke out.

"Why, why did my family become like this?"

"Obviously we are a family, why can't we live happily?"

"We are obviously a family, why do we dislike each other?"

"It's obviously a family, why do they act like enemies?"

"Obviously we are a family, why do I feel so lonely?"

Like telling, like shouting, Nanako's tears flowed down again.

Looking at the sad girl next to her, Liu Ming didn't know what to say.

Onizuka behind him clenched the handle of the hammer tightly, his eyes became firmer. .

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