Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 117 - It's Over (5)

Because of Onitsuka just now, the few people in the house were terrified, and now they saw a strange man walking in, they couldn't help being startled again.

But with Liu Ming's appearance and attire, he was obviously much better than Onizuka, and he didn't look like a bad guy.

It's just that the two have just experienced such a thing, and they don't have the intention to compare at all. They only know that a stranger broke into their home again.

"Who are you? What does it have to do with that person just now? Don't think we are really easy to bully." Nanako's father said angrily.

"You don't have to be so nervous, I just took the dinner I promised Nanako to her." Liu Ming raised the big casserole in his hand and said kindly.

As he walked, he explained, "The man just now was my little boy. Although he did it out of good intentions, he did cause you a little trouble. This thing is his.

Liu Ming gently placed the large casserole on the table.

"That's not a problem, he just smashed a big hole in the wall of our house." Nanako's father was quite angry, and wanted to pretend that the matter never happened in one sentence

Don't even think about it.

"Hey~~, as long as the person is fine, it's fine. Anyway, it's just a hole, so if you stick a piece of paper on it, it won't be visible." Liu Ming calmly offered a plan, but he was very angry with the other party.

Nanako was afraid that the two would have some problems, so he ran over to stand between them. She looked curiously at the big casserole on the table and asked, "Brother Liu, what is this?".

Liu Ming smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know when you open it."

"Hmph" Seeing his daughter talking and laughing with each other, Nanako's father immediately snorted dissatisfied.

"Husband" Nanako's mother stood beside him, looking at Liu Ming.

"Then I opened it." Nanako took the oven mitts from Liu Ming and slowly opened the lid.

"Sukiyaki!" Nanako's eyes lit up, and he shouted out in surprise. She obviously only talked to Liu Ming about the past, and she remembered it without thinking about the other party, and basically did it on purpose, and she was moved a lot in her heart.

"Hmph, I don't know if there was poison"|Dong Qinzi's father didn't believe that Liu Ming would be so kind at all.

Liu Ming glanced at him, reached out and took out a business card from his pocket, put it on the table lightly, and said, "This is the address of my restaurant, welcome your family to come and dine.

There is another meaning in his doing this, that is, if you have any problems after eating these things, you can go to him at any time.

"Brother Liu, are you leaving?" Seeing that Liu Ming was about to leave, Nanako hurriedly called out to stop him.

"Onitsuka is still waiting for me outside." After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at Nanako's parents.

After thinking about it, he decided to remind the two of them, "I hope you can think about the reason why you work so hard to make money. Don't forget the original intention because of the result." That would not be worth the candle.

Then he glanced at Nanako pointingly, "Don't wait until you lose it to regret it, then it will be too late."

"What do you mean by that?"

Liu Ming ignored him and walked out directly.

"Brother Liu, I'll see you off." Nanako quickly ran to Liu Ming.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Liu Ming turned around and said to Nanako, "Go back quickly, or your parents will worry",

"Well, thank you very much tonight" Nanako said with a smile.

Nanako went back to the house and saw her parents standing at the table looking at the pot of sukiyaki.

Nanako's father actually wanted to throw it away, but he was a little bit reluctant to smell the fragrance in the air.

Nanako happily ran between the two of them, took them lightly, and said, "It's rare that Brother Liu sent them here, let's have a try."

Nanako's father turned his head aside, but he didn't object.

"Well, let's try it, we haven't eaten sukiyaki together for a long time," said Nadoko's mother after hesitating for a while.

"I'm going to the kitchen to get the cutlery now." Nanako's smile widened, and she quickly ran into the kitchen, taking out three cutlery in a short while.

At this time, the Nanako family couldn't care less about the hole in the wall, and the three of them sat on one side and gathered together.

"I'm starting." Nanako picked up a piece of beef, blew it lightly and put it in his mouth.

"The beef is too tender, and why the taste is so deep, it's obviously been stewed. And what's going on with this feeling, why is it so familiar.

In order to explore the familiar reason, my heart sank involuntarily.

Then she saw the scene when she was a child, when the family was eating sukiyaki.

Father, mother, and her, the family was reunited on a small table, but everyone's face was filled with happy expressions.

Before she knew it, she cried again, but this time it was tears of emotion.

Not only her, but also her parents, the expressions of the two are full of nostalgia, and the smiles on their faces are more real.

They remembered the things they had forgotten.

The reason why they worked so hard back then was to let their families live a good life. Now the living environment has indeed improved, but relatively, the family does not seem to be as happy as imagined.

Why it is like this.

At this time, they couldn't help but think of those words Liu Ming said before he left.

They seem to have really forgotten their original intention.

A large pot of sukiyaki was enjoyed by the three of them for two hours.

Although the two didn't say anything afterwards, Nanako found that the attitude of the two towards each other was obviously much better, and the matter of the hole was never mentioned again.

On the other side, Liu Ming drove a car carrying Onitsuka.

`"You have also seen that if you continue to be a teacher, you will definitely encounter such a thing again in the future. Even if this is the case, don't you intend to give up." Liu Ming looked at Onizuka and asked calmly.

"Does it need to be said, I am destined to become the man who is the number one teacher in the world, this small matter will not trouble me (the one who wins the king)." Onizuka has regained his spirit now, and he patted his chest tightly.

"You really dare to say it. But, if you really meet again in the future, don't come to me. I don't want to touch such a terrible thing again." Liu Ming glared at him and called the other party in advance call.

"How can I do that, you are our military adviser, if I don't look for you, why don't you want me to look for that violent man Long Er?"

Onizuka shook his head again and again, he is not stupid, how could he listen to Liu Ming's words.

"Are you qualified to say that? You seem to be more violent than Long Er. Even though you are a teacher, you don't even let your students go," Liu Ming said.

"No way, you still remember. I myself have already forgotten it. And I did this for their own good. Look, don't they adore me now? They don't know how much they respect me at school." said proudly.

"Hehe, don't you have a little trick in your heart?" Liu Ming rolled his eyes at him. .

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