Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 118 Encounter At School (1)

Another peaceful day.

In the morning, Liu Ming, Xiao Kong, and Xingzi walked towards the school together.

After all, today is the first day for Xingzi to go to school, even if it is the same middle school as Xiaokong, Liu Ming thinks it is better to go to the past.

And Chick is sent to school by Thor.

"Xiaokong, have you found a suitable club?" Liu Ming looked at Xiaokong next to him.

Xiao Kong shook her head and nodded again, as if she felt that she hadn't expressed clearly, she said, "I was going to continue to join the chorus department, but Song was finally pulled into the light music department by my classmates."

"Department of Light Music?" Why did Liu Ming feel that the name was so familiar.

"Well, what did the minister say? He was a little enthusiastic, and I should say he was too enthusiastic, and the other members were the same. They were not tea, but also snacks, so they had no good intentions to refuse." Xiao Kong smiled wryly, recalling the scene during the visit , I feel full of routines.

"Oh, that's really a group of interesting guys, what's their name." Liu Ming felt more and more familiar.

"The director's name is Tainaka Ritsu, the others are Akiyama Mio, Kotobuki, and Hirasawa Yui is a newcomer like me, and the 780 is also too low to stand their sugar-coated shells, and finally got tricked into it." Xiao Sora said helplessly .

Liu Ming nodded, already understood what was going on.

It turned out to be the light voice department.

What puzzled him was, didn't these things happen in high school? Why did these people meet in junior high school?

But it doesn't matter what it is, Liu Ming knows that Xiaokong used to be in the chorus department, and he likes singing very much.

Although she has joined the light voice department now, she seems to be having a good time, and the light voice department can also sing, the difference is not big.

"The light part should be performed in the form of a band, so what instrument do you use?"

Liu Ming couldn't help being curious, he didn't seem to have seen Xiao Kong practicing an instrument at home.

"I don't have an instrument, I'm just in charge of the lead vocal, I don't need to use an instrument, and I don't know how to do it either." Xiaokong waved his hands again and again, and was a little embarrassed.

"That's okay, as a member of the band, how can you not know how to play an instrument, and you don't want to alienate your partner because of this."

Xiaokong stared at (acca) his big eyes, and asked suspiciously, "Will it be like this?"

Liu Ming opened his mouth and started talking nonsense, "Of course, think about it, when everyone is discussing musical instruments, you can only stay and watch. When everyone is dancing together, you can only stay on the side." Holding the microphone, you can also only watch while everyone adjusts the sound line of the instrument, while everyone...  

When Xiaokong listened to the front, she still agreed with it a little bit, but when she heard the back, the more she heard it, the more strange it became, and she always felt that Liu Ming was fooling her.

However, she also agrees with what Liu Ming said, that everyone in the light music department has their own instruments, and it would be weird if she was the only one without one.

It's just that she really doesn't know how to play musical instruments.

"Cousin, you have a musical instrument, can you teach me?" Xiao Kong couldn't help but look at Liu Ming, and in her perception, Liu Ming seemed to know nothing.

Liu Ming couldn't help being stunned, it seemed that he really didn't know how to play musical instruments.

But if he said it directly, the image of a wise and powerful uncle that he had always maintained would be destroyed.

He patted Xiao Kong's head lightly and said, "It doesn't matter what I know, what matters is what you like."

At the same time, he thought to himself, "I don't know if musical instruments count as equipment. It seems that I have to find some time and search online. If I find some objects left by the music masters, see if I can find the corresponding skills."

However, he quickly realized that his goal was to live a leisurely life like a salted fish, so he didn't need to work so hard.

However, when he saw Xiaokong's expression full of expectation for the future, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

This time, he looked at another person, "What about Kyoko, what club are you interested in?"

"What is a club?" Kyoko asked suspiciously. In fact, she had had this question just now, but she was too embarrassed to interrupt the two of them talking excitedly.

"It is a group composed of people with the same interests and hobbies. It is an extracurricular activity after school. You can choose a club you are interested in to join in the school to enrich your campus life." Liu Ming explained and gave suggested.

"But, I don't seem to have any hobbies." Kyoko scratched her head.

"Don't worry, you're only in the first year of junior high school anyway, so you can take your time." Liu Ming rubbed her head comfortingly.

Soon a few people came to the school, because Liu Ming had to take Xingzi to report to the teacher first, so they separated from Xiao Kong.

"Hina~" Kyoko suddenly turned and looked at the school gate.

"Oh~ it's Kyoko." Hina also saw Kyoko, and her expression changed subtly.

Liu Ming also looked over, and seeing Chu's appearance, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes, and looked at the man standing next to Chi with a bit of sympathy.

He should be Yoshishi Nitta [I raised an ancestor at a young age.

Nitta looked at Kyoko strangely, and asked, "Have you not gone back yet?"

Kyoko shook her head, "The teleportation device is broken, and she was forcibly left here."

"Xingzi, do you know each other?" Liu Ming walked over.

"Well, she is Hina, and he is Xintian who took Hina in," Kyoko said, pointing at the two.

"Hi, I'm Liu Ming, and Xiangzi lives with me now." Liu Ming reached out his hand and shook Xintian.

Xintian suddenly showed a moved expression, he squeezed Liu Ming's hand tightly, "I understand, I really understand, it's really hard work for you."

Liu Ming blinked blankly, the other party seemed to have misunderstood something.

Kyoko is not a chick!

Although Kyoko doesn't have much common sense, she is very sensible and hardworking, just like an angel.

It looks like a chick, and it is simply a model for the ancestors.

Just looking at Xintian's sympathetic and loving expression, it's hard for him to explain it to him, after all, it's too shocking.

Hina looked at Kyoko and said, "It would be great if I could be assigned to the same class as Kyoko."

Kyoko had a happy expression on her face, and then changed to an unhappy expression, retorting, "Don't be kidding, we are enemies, so I don't want to be in the same class as you."

Hinako's expression was blank as usual, and she said, "But I want to go to school with Kyoko.

Xingzi suddenly became uneasy, and said angrily, "I said it all, we are enemies."

"But~" Hina wanted to say something else.

"Manager, let's go quickly~" Kyoko turned around angrily and ran forward.

After Liu Ming nodded to the two, he followed quickly. .

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