Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 128 Assessment Topic (1)

After Dojima Gin finished speaking, the accommodation study officially began.

The students in the hall dispersed and divided into several groups to go to their respective examination rooms, and Liu Ming did the same, walking towards his site.

After a while, he arrived at his destination.

This is an open examination room, and there is not a single trace of ingredients here except for some simple seasonings.

If you want ingredients for cooking, you have to go outside and catch them yourself.

To put it simply, he stole the examination room of Gan Hyuko.

However, it is not appropriate to say that they are robbing, because these examination rooms are determined by lottery, and of course the content of the examination is determined by the examiner in charge.

"It turned out to be Master, how lucky I am." Tian Suohui looked happily at Liu Ming who was at the front of the crowd. Unexpectedly, she met Liu Ming in the first assessment. She was really happy.

"It turned out to be Mr. Liu. I don't know what theme he will come up with. I'm burning up."

Xing Ping Chuangzhen's heart immediately became excited, and at the same time he secretly decided in his heart that he must make dishes that Mr. Liu would be full of praise for.

Takmi Aldini, a mixed-race foreign student from Italy, has an inexplicable emotion for Xinghei Chuangzhen.

He stood straight in front of Xing Ping Chuangzhen, "You are that arrogant transfer student Xing Ping Chuangzhen, right?

Xing Ping Chuangzhen scratched his head. Ever since he was teased by Liu Ming last time, he didn't like this name 007. He asked angrily, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, let's have a showdown and see who is more powerful, your Xingping Restaurant, or me, 'Trattoria Aldini'.

Takumi revealed the logo of his restaurant, and stared at Soma Xinghei with fighting spirit.

Xing Ping Chuangzhen looked at Takmi, and then at the name of the restaurant on his body, and the whole person suddenly became interested.

In normal times, Xing Ping Chuangzhen might not pay him much attention, but now his fighting spirit is strong. Faced with Takmi's challenge, he accepted it without even thinking about it.

He pointed to the Xingping restaurant pattern on his chest, and said, "Okay, then let's compete, but I want to add one more person."

After Xingping Chuangzhen finished speaking, he walked towards Tian Suohui.

"Xiaohui, let's compete again, this time I will win you in front of your master, and then challenge him again" Xing Ping Chuangzhen's eyes were sharp, shining with amazing fighting spirit.

"Sure, but I will definitely not lose." Tian Suohui agreed, she would not lose before, and now she will not lose in front of Liu Ming even more.

"Hey, (acbg) are you serious? She is the one who beat Shijie. Do you think we can beat her?" Takmi asked with a frown.

The matter of Tian Suohui was rumored throughout the Yuanyue Academy, and it was impossible for him not to have heard of it.

Although he hadn't tasted the cooking, but from the culinary skills she showed twice, Aldini now has no confidence that he can beat the other party.

Of course, he wasn't afraid, and didn't want to win a battle that was too small.

"If you don't dare, then forget it." Xing Ping Chuangzhen glanced at him and said mockingly.

"What do you say, who dare not, just compare, isn't it ten outstanding, sooner or later I will be able to do it too" Takomi was immediately stimulated, and immediately agreed.

His younger brother snickered.

Just when Liu Ming was about to speak about the content of this assessment, he saw Tian Suohui and the other three walking over.

"Mr. Liu, the three of us want to take advantage of this assessment to compete. I hope you will allow me to be the reviewer of this competition." Takmi said politely.

Liu Ming looked at Takmi, then at Xingping Chuangzhen, and then at Tian Suohui.

He rubbed his chin, nodded after thinking about it, and said, "Okay, but I haven't come up with a question yet, so you decide to compete, isn't it too reckless?"

Takumi and Xinghei Soma looked at each other, and finally Xinghei Soma spoke.

He said, "No matter what subject Mr. Liu came up with, don't we have to do the same thing? Since the three of us can do it, we can make a comparison. We just need to ask Mr. Liu to help make a judgment."

"Since you have considered it, I will review it carefully as you wish. Now you go back first, and I will tell everyone about the content of this assessment."

Liu Ming waved his hand, one person can only join the crowd.

Liu Ming clapped his hands, and after seeing everyone looking at him, he said slowly, "Everyone is here, the content of this exam is actually quite simple, just three words

As soon as Liu Ming finished speaking, the scene suddenly became lively.

One by one the students started to make noise.

"Noodles, it's really quite simple."

"Yeah, this unknown examiner is so easy to talk to, and he asked such an easy question, we will definitely pass this time.

Takmi couldn't help but frowned too. Isn't this topic too simple?

He is different from others, he came to Yuanyue Academy to improve his cooking skills, not to dawdle.

"Hehe, are you on this level?" Xing Ping Chuangzhen looked at Takmi who was provoking him just now with contempt.

"What do you mean by that?" Takumi asked dissatisfied.

"Hehe, Xiaohui, you should have noticed it too." Xingping Chuangzhen didn't explain immediately, but looked at Tian Suohui next to him.

He also wanted to hear Tian Suohui's opinion, which was a kind of secret confrontation.

The innocent Tian Suohui didn't think too much, and just said what was in his heart.

"Look at the surroundings first, except for the simple seasonings on the cabinet, there are no ingredients at all.

"In such a situation, we don't even have the simplest flour, let alone make a dish that satisfies Master.

"Master?" Takumi asked suspiciously.

"Haha, you don't know, the examiner in front of you is Xiaohui's master, he is a very good cook." Xing Ping Chuangzhen stared at Liu Ming with fiery eyes.

Takmi really didn't know about this. From the fact that the other party can serve as an examiner, it can be seen that the other party's cooking skills are not that bad, but is it too much for Xing Ping Chuangzhen to praise the other party too much.

Tian Suohui nodded, but she didn't say much, and continued the topic just now, "I don't know if you heard clearly what Master said just now."

"Master said that it can be summed up in three words, but until now he has only said the word 'face', and the remaining two words have not yet been uttered."

"Then what do you mean?" Takumi couldn't help asking out loud.

"The next two words should be restrictive conditions, and they may be very harsh." Tian Suohui's tone became serious.

Xingping Chuangzhen and the Aldini brothers couldn't help but shudder, and the situation guessed by Tian Suohui is very likely to happen. .

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