Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 129 Solve The Problem (2)

Liu Ming stood there quietly, looking at the noisy crowd in front of him with a gentle face.

He didn't mind at all, it wasn't his time wasted anyway, and he was still wondering how long it would take them to get quiet.

This wait lasted for 20 minutes, and it took almost half an hour for someone to react.

The man hurriedly ran to Liu Ming and asked, "Mr. Liu, can we start cooking now?"

Liu Ming looked at him in amazement, and asked without hesitation, "What kind of cooking, I haven't explained the content of this assessment yet, what kind of cooking are you going to give me to taste?"

"Didn't you just talk about it?" The student was dumbfounded. Could it be that their discussion for so long just now was all in vain.

"I talked face to face, but I didn't finish." Liu Ming showed a dark smile, and continued without waiting for the other party to ask questions.

He said with a smile, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that although the assessment time here will last until 6 pm, you have already wasted 20 minutes just now, oh, it's almost 30 minutes."

"If you haven't finished discussing, you'd better hurry up, or I'm afraid you don't have enough time to cook food. If you get expelled because of this, don't blame me~ oh."

Everyone was speechless for a while, thinking to themselves that this examiner is a little dark-hearted, and he didn't remind them all the time.

"Xiaohui, has Mr. Liu's personality always been like this?" Xing Ping Chuangzhen looked at Tian Suohui next to him strangely.

"Uh~" Tian Suohui scratched her head in embarrassment, how do you ask her to answer, she can't slander her master, right?

In the end she could only keep silent.

"Well, it seems that you have finished the discussion, now listen to me carefully." After Liu Ming saw that everyone was quiet, he resumed speaking.

"The content we will assess next has two aspects. The first one, as I have just said, is the theme of 'noodles'" Liu Ming paused when he said this, and continued after seeing that no one dared to speak .

"The second is the restriction requirement, two words, face

"What's more, if you need any ingredients, you can go to the woodland outside the house to catch them yourself. As long as they don't exceed the fence, it's not a violation. Considering that capturing ingredients will waste a lot of time, you can form a team of two."

"In a limited space, capture the ingredients and make them into a non-noodle dish, and if I agree with it, it's qualified, above."

That's right, the assessment topic that Liu Ming decided was exactly one of the special examinations that the young master participated in.

For Liu Ming, why should he think about it himself when there are ready-made topics anyway? How troublesome!

With the development of the catering industry, there are already many types of noodles. However, whether it can be realized in such a short time is a bit difficult.

It depends on whether they have this ability.

"Oh my god, who said this question was easy just now, stand up for me and promise not to kill you, I don't even understand the question now.

Many students showed blank expressions, and now they don't even understand the topic, so how can they handle it.

"It's noodles and it's not noodles. How do you do this? It's completely self-contradictory."

Some of the students, Qu Wan scratched their hair.

It's hard, it's really hard.

It's just about breaking people down.

"Mr. Liu, can you explain in more detail, we don't understand at all." The student just now looked at Liu Ming expectantly.

Following his words, other students also looked at Liu Ming.

Facing the expectant eyes, Liu Ming remained unmoved.

He said calmly, "That's your problem. Anyway, I've already given you the title. The rest will depend on your abilities. Don't let me down."

"From now until 6pm, if you can't make a non-face that satisfies me, then I'm sorry, you can only pack your bags and go home.

Takumi clutched his forehead and began to think about what is not face.

Xing Ping Chuangzhen was also thinking about it, he didn't think that Mr. Liu would just come up with a theme to fool everyone.

Since he came up with this topic, it proves that he has his reasons.

"As expected of Mr. Liu, even the questions he came up with are so in-depth." After thinking about it, Xing Ping Chuangzhen couldn't help but praise him.

"Stop praising him, why don't you think about the meaning of this question?" Takmi couldn't help retorting.

"It should mean literally, let's make a noodle dish?" Xing Ping Chuangzhen said in an uncertain tone.

0…ask for flowers…………

Tu Kemi rolled his eyes at him, "Then what do those two words after that mean? That's not noodles, but it's not noodles, you dare to say that it's a business.

"You are endless, if it's not noodles, what is it?" Xing Pingchuang really couldn't refute.

When Tian Suohui heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said directly, "I see."

Xingping Chuangzhen and Takmi looked at her immediately.

Tian Suohui didn't hide anything, she said softly, "Noodles are not noodles. There are two explanations. One of them is to use ingredients that are not noodles to make dishes that are not noodles. The second is to use ingredients that are not noodles to make dishes that are not noodles. It’s a noodle-like dish.”

Xing Ping Chuangzhen's eyes lit up, but then he thought about the problem, and he asked, "Mr. Liu probably won't give us two choices, that is to say, only one of them is correct.

Takumi nodded in agreement.

Then the three of them began to recall what Liu Ming had just said.

Not long after, the eyes of the three of them lit up at the same time, and they said in unison, "It's the second type."

"That's right, it must be the second place, because Mr. Liu emphasized before that 'non-noodles' is a limiting condition, and noodles are the theme.

Liu Ming didn't stop their discussion, anyway, only two people can participate in the final cooking.

The three of Tian Suohui are celebrities in the academy, and their conversations have long been noticed.

After hearing their answers now, many students also understand what the content of this assessment is.

Face is not face, isn't that what it means?

After they understood, they immediately ran to the door [for fear of wasting time.

The three of Xiaohui didn't linger, and led their partner to run outside.

Liu Ming looked at the people leaving with strange eyes.

"Although the problem has been solved, what can you cook to satisfy me?"

"I'm looking forward to it."

"It turns out that making things difficult for others is such a pleasant thing, it's so interesting, I feel a little addicted.

"Xiaohui, let me see your growth."

Liu Ming was sitting quietly in the venue alone, stroking Yikegong leisurely. .

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