Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 135 Confident Alice (3)

Erina looked at Liu Ming unhappily.

She tasted those unpalatable dishes sadly there, while Liu Ming, a genuine examiner, sat there leisurely and made a phone call.

How could such unfair treatment make her feel balanced.

But Liu Ming didn't like her at all, and her identity was completely useless to Liu Ming.

Didn't you see that her grandfather's invitation was not taken seriously by the other party?

She was so angry that she wanted to find someone to vent out.

But being bullied by Liu Ming so many times in a row, it's not like she hasn't grown up.

At least in terms of endurance, she is able to control her emotions very well. Even if the cooking done by many students does not satisfy her, she does not get angry because of it, but a venomous tongue is still inevitable.

Alice's group was also done, but instead of "five nine three" showing it to Erina, she came to Liu Ming instead.

"Master examiner, my cooking is finished, please taste it. Alice looked at Liu Ming confidently.

Liu Ming glanced at her and reached out to take it.

A fist-sized piece of meat was placed on the dinner plate. The upper layer was burnt yellow, the middle layer was tender and white, and the lower layer was light red.

Looking tender, thick and plump, it is exactly the same as fat and tender pork belly.

He sniffed it lightly, and the crispy orange scent floated into his nose.

The sour taste is exciting.

If he hadn't known the theme of what he produced was meat but not meat, Liu Ming would have thought that the piece of meat in front of him was pork belly.

"Hey, am I very good?" Seeing Liu Ming's surprised expression, Alice immediately became proud.

"To be honest, your meat is simpler than yesterday's noodles."

Alice began to explain complacently, "Isn't the so-called meat just a combination of some protein, various amino acids, and carbohydrates?"

"As long as you understand its ingredients and use my molecular gastronomy, you can easily extract the corresponding things from other vegetarian foods.

"After an effective combination of recipes, a piece of meat with a high degree of similarity can be perfectly made."

Liu Ming raised her eyebrows, what she said seemed to make sense.

Just watching Alice keep bragging about how advanced and powerful his machinery is, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

Alice in front of her seems to have put the cart before the horse. Foreign things are always just foreign things. If she keeps relying on these foreign things, her cooking skills will be the same.

However, if I tell her these things now, I am afraid that the other party will not listen to him.

It's just that Liu Ming seems to have forgotten that he can have such exaggerated cooking skills because of external things.

It may be because this kind of improvement is affected by both body and mind, which makes him think that he is so powerful.

Liu Ming began to taste it.

The fork was lightly pressed up, and the elasticity of the meat was revealed, and it quickly recovered.

The feeling of jumping and jumping is a bit like pudding.

"Hey~ Isn't it amazing? I added special ingredients in it, which greatly improved its elasticity and enhanced its chewiness. You will definitely not be disappointed." Alice couldn't help but jumped out again, excited explain.

Liu Ming has black hair.

He was about to taste it, but Alice chattered like a fly.

Seeing Liu Ming staring at her, Alice blinked Yugu.

what did she do wrong

She was clearly explaining to Liu Ming the charm of molecular cuisine with good intentions.

Another guy who doesn't understand science.

"Humph" Alice hummed coquettishly, turning her head away.

Seeing that she finally shut up, Liu Ming secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He took a bite of the piece of meat lightly, and the full meat juice exploded in his mouth immediately, and the rich meat fragrance spread.

Gives the feeling of eating meat.

After the sweetness of the orange, the meaty taste is more mellow and attractive.

Liu Ming couldn't help but closed his eyes, savoring carefully.

After all, it was his favorite work, so how could Alice really not read it.

She kept staring at Liu Ming from the corner of her eyes, and seeing his expression of enjoyment, she couldn't help but also had a smug look on her face.

After a while, Liu Ming finally opened his eyes, looked at Alice, and said with admiration, "It's a very good dish, I'm very satisfied, your group is qualified.

With advanced machines and superb molecular cooking skills, this meat-and-non-meat dish has been able to make it look like the real thing, which is really amazing..

"Hmph, I definitely won this time." Alice said confidently.

At this time, Erina also brought over the dishes of her group. After hearing Alice's words, she didn't even pause, and walked towards Liu Ming calmly.

"This is the dish of our group, an improved version of crab."

As soon as Erina finished speaking, Alice laughed loudly behind her, and she said with a smile, "Hahaha, Erina, I didn't expect you to have today.

Erina couldn't help frowning, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "What do you mean by that. 17

"You still ask me what I mean, don't you even understand the title clearly? It's not meat, even fish is meat, don't think I don't know how to race crabs

Alice stretched out her finger, pointed at the dish in Erina's hand, and said word by word, "Your dish does not meet the requirements at all, and there is no need to try it."

Alice has already decided that she has won, and her expression is very proud.

It has been almost ten years since I followed my father to Denmark when I was a child, and conducted research on the most advanced cooking techniques based on molecular food theory.

Her ultimate dream has finally come true.

4.4 It's all so unreal.

"Who told you that I used fish?" Erina's words were like a sharp needle, ruthlessly shattering Alice's fantasy.

After Alice's expression was stunned, she quickly continued to say, "Even if it's shrimp meat, it won't work, anyway, if there is meat, it won't work.

"Who told you, I used meat." Erina still looked at Alice calmly, with an extremely calm expression.

"Impossible, if you don't use meat, how can you make this dish crab."

Alice was about to go crazy, she was about to win, why was there an accident.

"By the way, the taste of your dish must not be very good, right?" Alice said though.

But with such a statement, Alice herself couldn't convince herself. .

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