Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 136 The Progressive Erina (4)

That is Erina who is proud and arrogant, how could she serve unpalatable dishes.

Alice racked her brains but couldn't figure out why.

Erina looked at her with pitiful eyes, and then said, "Since you can make a real dish of pork belly, do you think I can't imitate the taste of fish?"

Alice was stunned for a moment.

Then she realized it was a double simulation.

First, make ingredients that taste like fish, and then make dishes that taste like crab.

But how did Erina do it?

You must know that this is not a simple one-way simulation, the difficulty increases geometrically, and each step may produce a chemical reaction, which will change the taste.

"The taste will definitely not be delicious." Alice prayed secretly in her heart.

"It's interesting." Liu Ming looked at Erina differently, never expecting that she would choose to cook a famous Chinese dish - Sai Crab.

Seemingly aware of the strangeness in Liu Ming's eyes, Erina panicked, and hurriedly quibbled, "I didn't choose to cook Chinese cuisine because of you.

Liu Ming blinked, why did he feel that Erina's words were even more suspicious to 02.

Erina was stared at by Liu Ming, and anxiously explained, "Who do you think you are, who would deliberately learn about Chinese cuisine because of you."

"It's only because this Chinese cuisine fits the current exam questions that I choose to make it, so don't get me wrong."

The few people present looked at it strangely, and Erina kept explaining. Why do they feel that Erina is trying to hide it now.

Liu Ming was even more speechless, he still hadn't said anything, did Litu think too much?

And what the hell is that shy expression on your face? If Liu Ming remembers correctly, it seems that the few times the two met were not very pleasant.

Could it be that Erina has the attributes of M and likes to be bullied?

Alice walked up to Erina curiously, and looked her up and down.

Erina felt uncomfortable being watched by Alice, she shrank her neck and said dissatisfiedly, "Alice, what are you looking at?"

"Erina, you don't like this guy, do you?" Alice's shocking words startled everyone present.

Fei Shazi couldn't help recalling Erina's unusual changes these days. After thinking about it, I couldn't help but think a little bit, and began to agree with Alice's words.

Erina was stunned for a moment, but when she realized it, her whole body exploded.

Anxious, she didn't care where it was, she just roared at Alice.

"Are you kidding me? I would like this annoying guy. Do you know how nasty he is? He is obviously a man, but he is very stingy and has no gentlemanly demeanor. He keeps bullying me. I wish I could bite him to death. "

Seeing Erina's angry look, Alice found it very interesting.

Is this still the Erina she knew, who even ignored the aloofness she had always maintained, and completely expressed the true emotions in her heart.

Just like a real little girl, she will be happy, angry, sad and happy.

"Ahem." Seeing the two talking more and more outrageously, Liu Ming had no choice but to interrupt them.

If they were arguing about other things, he would still be happy to watch the fun, but now that the topic they were discussing was related to him, Liu Ming had no choice but to intervene.

"Hehe, he actually spoke up to defend you. We really have an affair." Alice blinked her beautiful big eyes, and looked at Erina playfully.

"Alice, you still said that I'm really angry." Erina's face was already blushing, and she wanted to find a place to hide.

Liu Ming would not let Alice do anything wrong, and directly rewarded her with a hand knife.

"Ah, Ai asked Yuan to go down holding his head.

"Haha, you deserve it." Seeing Alice's miserable appearance, Einari immediately turned from anger to joy, and let out a happy laugh.

She has tasted the taste of hand knife, but she knows that feeling is not good.

After all, Alice and the others are not Meiyu and the others, Liu Ming's hand knife will not treat them gently, and the force is even more intense.

"Damn it, you guys are definitely tricky, and you must be taking revenge on me." Alice's eyes were already blinking with pain, but she still refused to admit defeat.

"Alice!" Erina gave Airiri a hard look. If the two were really related, she wouldn't have tasted this hand knife several times.

After admonishing Alice, a clown, Liu Ming stopped paying attention to her and began to taste Erina's cooking seriously.

Picking up the food and smelling it lightly, a fresh and fragrant smell of crab roe floated into the nose.

There is no other miscellaneous smell.

You must know that it is not a real crab, but simulated by other ingredients, and it only emits the fresh fragrance of crab roe.

As expected of God's Tongue, it is able to blend ingredients together so skillfully to produce a qualitative change.

Liu Ming took a bite lightly.

The taste is very smooth and tender, and the seafood is delicious.

Moreover, it does not use a single egg, but also duck eggs. The dense taste of the mixture is like swallowing a big mouthful of crab paste, with a very strong and thick sense of satisfaction.

Not a crab but better than a crab.

It has to be said that Erina's dish has already won the essence of Sai Crab.

At this moment, Alice didn't bother to tease Erina anymore, she looked at Liu Ming nervously.

"Honestly, Erina, you impress me a bit." Liu Ming looked at Erina seriously.

Although Erina didn't say anything, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

You must know that since she tasted those dishes at Liu Ming's restaurant last time, she has started to learn about Chinese cuisine seriously in 970.

With a well-connected grandfather like Senzaemon, some treasured recipes were handed over to Erina.

With the help of Erina's tongue-in-cheek, her cooking skills have really improved a lot.

Today's crab competition is the result of her many days of hard work.

Now hearing Liu Ming's praise like this, Erina's heart is quite benefited.

Alice's heart sank immediately.

However, she didn't intend to give up until the last moment.

She looked at Liu Ming and asked nervously, "Which one of us wins?"

Liu Ming cast her a glance, did not speak, but handed the dish to her.

Alice froze for a moment, then took a light bite.

The delicious taste burst out in her mind immediately, and she couldn't help letting out a gasp of enjoyment.

Lost again!

Although very unwilling, after tasting Erina's cuisine, Alice knew that she had lost.

Why, she has worked so hard, why can't she win.

Even once is fine!

Is it that hard to win once?

It was obviously a very delicious dish, but tears of unwillingness flowed from the corners of Alice's eyes.

Erina looked at Alice with a complicated expression, not knowing what to say to comfort her. .

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