Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 143: Unbelievable Cuisine (2)

Time passed by in a hurry, and soon it was evening.

Because Dojima Bank had confessed, the incident of eating the halberd did not spread, but some rumors were inevitable.

The people in Jixing Liao also became nervous after hearing the news, but they were quite relieved when they finally found out that Liu Ming was among them.

Liu Ming is Tian Suohui's master, so he will definitely ignore him.

On the other side, Dojima Gin took Liu Ming, Tian Suohui, and Xing Ping Chuangzhen to the basement cooking room.

Indeed, Xing Ping Chuangzhen also followed, and asked to come here to increase his knowledge and see the strength of the top ten heroes.

Liu Ming did not object to this, since today's protagonist is not him anyway.

Under the leadership of Dojima Yin, everyone soon came to the underground cooking room.

There were already many people inside.

There are five people in total, four graduates and one current student.

They are Kanhiko, Mizuhara Fuyumi, Seki Shouping, Donato Induda, and Eriso.

Seeing Liu Ming and the others looking at Erina and the others, Dojima Gin explained, "I invited them to serve as judges for this private food festival, but you can rest assured that they will definitely perform their duties as judges fairly and justly. "

317 Liu Ming nodded without speaking, then walked to the side and handed over the venue to Dojima Gin to host.

"I won't say more about the content of this food halberd, lest you say I'm long-winded. In short, the food halberd is limited to 2 hours, and the dishes are not limited, but the main ingredients are mainly vegetables. Now the food halberd officially begins" Dojima Gin said loudly.

"It's really interesting. It turned out to be a food halberd for graduates and current students. Such an interesting thing has never happened before, and I don't know what will happen if Mr. Schapper finds out." Donato Wutongtian smiled said.

"I'm sure you'll be very angry, and even furious. After all, this kind of food halberd is completely bullying. After eating the halberd, I'm afraid it will cause a big blow to that girl. After all, the other party is that guy from Si Gong." Guan Shouping crossed his arms. , seriously.

"I don't care, if I find out, I will put all the responsibility on Senior Shinomiya," Fuyumi Mizuhara said calmly.

"Really, Sigong is still as annoying as before, even bullying such a cute little girl."

Kanhito stared at Kojiro Shinomiya dissatisfied, as if returning to the dark history of her being bullied in the past.

"Don't give me too much trouble, just be a good reviewer for me, and don't say anything unnecessary." Shinomiya Kojiro gave them a hard look.

"Did you hear that, it's just this annoying tone, it's been so many years, and it hasn't changed at all." Ganri Xiangzi continued to sarcastically.

"Isn't his character just like that, he has no friends if he's bad?" Fuyumi Mizuhara also echoed.

The conversation between the few people made Kojiro Shinomiya jump his feet in anger.

But Kanhiko and the others also knew how to measure, after seeing Shinomiya Kojiro start preparing the dishes, they stopped talking so as not to disturb him.

"I didn't expect you to be here." Liu Ming looked at Erina who walked over, and was very surprised.

Erina snorted coquettishly, "I'm one of the top ten, I have an obligation to come and have a look."

"Is it just that?" Liu Ming didn't believe her words.

"Huh, otherwise, what do you think? I don't know what she thinks, but she dares to fight with Si Gongqian. You are the same, you would agree to such a ridiculous duel, you don't really think she can win Sigong Senior Palace."

Of course Erina would not speak out what was in her heart.

After all, Liu Ming has been encouraging her to eat halberds with Tian Suohui, and she came here today to see clearly what kind of strength Tian Suohui has that can make Liu Ming so optimistic.

Liu Ming didn't refute, just staring at her.

Erina felt as if her whole body was about to be seen through, and felt uncomfortable when she was wet. (accb) "What are you doing, do you know that staring at a girl like this is very rude." Erina said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Hehe" Liu Ming cast her a disdainful glance, as if to say, just you? I don't even look at it for nothing.

Erina kicked her feet in anger, but there were so many people around and she couldn't get angry, so she could only stare at Liu Ming angrily.

Liu Ming ignored her and began to focus on Tian Suohui.

Kojiro Shinomiya selected the ingredients early on, and has already started the preparatory work on the ingredients.

And Tian Suohui also began to choose the ingredients he needed.

Because she had already told Dojima Gin about the ingredients she needed, so she didn't need to spend too much effort on it.

Compared with the familiar person Shinomiya Kojiro, everyone seemed to pay more attention to Tian Suohui, a student who dared to challenge Shinomiya Kojiro.

Many people couldn't help frowning when they saw the ingredients she chose.

They couldn't see through what Tian Suohui was going to cook.

At this time, Tian Suohui didn't have a lot of ingredients in his hands. Except for some bean sprouts, the rest were some decorative leaves.

What kind of dishes can be made with such monotonous ingredients.

Unlike others, Erina was already speechless in shock, but she had seen that dish, and even tasted it herself.

The feeling at that time is still vivid in my mind.

"Impossible, how could she, a country girl from the countryside, cook that kind of food." Erina muttered to herself.

You know, she herself has tried many times, but all of them ended in failure.

Liu Ming quietly looked at Tian Suohui who was carefully removing the head and tail of the bean sprouts.

It's just that I haven't seen her for a while, and I didn't expect her to be able to do this kind of procedure.

It seems that she is also working very hard in school.

Of course Kojiro Shinomiya also noticed Tian Suohui's strange behavior, but even he, a vegetable cooking magician, couldn't see clearly what the other party was doing.

A sudden uneasiness rose in his heart.

But he was quickly thrown out of his mind.

He is Kojiro Shinomiya, how could he lose to a little girl.

Even if you don't need to use all your strength, it is enough to deal with it.

Shinomiya Kojiro also began to focus on his cooking.

Compared with him, Tian Suohui's side is much simpler, just sitting there, carefully cleaning the bean sprouts one by one.

He has an extremely serious attitude and an extremely careful expression, as if he is treating an absolute world treasure.

Take good care of it. .

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