Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 144 Everyone's Thoughts (3)

After the two began to cook formally, the people at the scene gradually stopped whispering.

As time passed, Kojiro Shinomiya completed the cooking first.

"Mr. Dojima, can I let them try it first, or it will be bad if it gets cold." Shinomiya Kojiro looked at Dojima Yin.

After thinking about it, Dojima Gin nodded ~ agreed.

The few people present are all professional chefs, even if some time has passed, they can clearly remember the taste of that dish.

Seeing that Dojima Yin agreed, Shiyi Kojiro brought the dishes he had made to the tombs of the five people.

"It's really exciting. It's been a long time since I tasted the dishes of Senior Shinomiya." Donato Wutongtian said happily.

Several other people also nodded in agreement.

Since graduation, Kojiro Shinomiya has gone abroad for development. Not to mention his cuisine, even he himself is rarely seen.

"It turned out to be a green cabbage stuffed meat roll, which is a bit surprising." Donato Wutong said in surprise.

"Indeed, this is a relatively common dish in French families. It is not difficult to make. Is it because the other party is a student so you keep it?"

Guan Shouping calmly looked at the dishes in front of him.

"Although it's just an ordinary home-cooked meal, it seems like it's been cast by magic after being handled by Shinomiya."

"Both the color and shape are quite eye-catching, and the vegetable fragrance that emanates from time to time makes people's appetite whet."

Mizuhara Fuyumi also spoke, with a little expectation on her expression.

"That's what I said, but when I think that the cooking is done by the bad and disgusting senior Sigong, I always feel that nothing is going on." Qianyou Xiangzi continued to develop his own views desperately.

Kojiro Shinomiya has been holding back Hinata for a long time, this time he was really annoyed, and directly rewarded her with a knife.

He said angrily, "If you don't want to eat it, then don't eat it. Even if there are only four judges, the winner will be me, and it can only be me."

Ganri Xiangzi immediately screamed in pain, and hugged his head tightly.

Mizuhara Fuyumi and the others ignored Kanhiko who was playing treasure, and they began to try it officially.

After taking a sip, Mizuhara Fuyumi was captivated by the delicious taste.

"The meat used in this dish is not ordinary pork, but chicken breast from local chicken.

"After the chicken is fried in butter, it is mixed with morels, asparagus and other ingredients, which makes the taste even better. y

"Moreover, mousse is added to it. After steaming, the mousse melts in the mouth, and the strong taste instantly sweeps the whole tongue."

"The most amazing thing is the cabbage on the outside, it's almost like magic, the slender sweetness sublimates the overall taste."

"It's an incredible dish."

After tasting, all the judges were full of praise.

"It's just an ordinary family dish, but it's made to the specifications of a high-end restaurant. It's amazing." Guan Shouping couldn't help but admire.

"Although I'm not reconciled, but it's really delicious." Ganri Xiangzi covered her face, her face was full of happiness.

"Huh~" Kojiro Shinomiya smiled triumphantly, but when he saw Erina's calm face, his complacent expression froze immediately.

"Miss Erina, can't I satisfy you with this dish?"

Kojiro Shinomiya's words attracted the attention of many people, and they couldn't help but focus on the fifth judge, Erina.

Erina took out the napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth lightly. She looked at Shinomiya Kojiro calmly, and asked, "Senior Shinomiya, isn't this your proudest work?"

Shinomiya Kojiro was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "You really know how to joke, the opponent is still a student at school, do you think I need to use signature dishes to deal with it?"

"Although I'm very upset with the other party, as a senior, I'm not so stingy to such an extent, how can I give her a chance to win."

Seeing Shinomiya Kojiro's confident appearance, Erina couldn't help feeling a little sympathy in her heart.

"You are really arrogant. Because of your arrogance, you may have to pay a heavy price."

The dignified top ten outstanding graduates were actually defeated by a first-year student, and I don't know if he can bear it later.

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kojiro's complacent face immediately sank.

Gan Rina and the others looked at Erina strangely.

Could Erina's words be too arbitrary? That's Shinomiya Kojiro, even they have to admit his talent.

0...asking for flowers...

"Erina-chan, although I really want to see Senior Shinomiya lose, but that's impossible. It's not like you haven't tasted the taste of the dishes he made just now. With your divine tongue Can't you feel its power?" Qian Ri Xiangzi shook his head, with a helpless tone.

"The previous sentence is redundant." Shinomiya Kojiro gave her a dissatisfied look.

"It seems that you still don't understand, but the other party has a super perverted master." Erina also shook her head, her tone was a little mocking, but also a little jealous.

She herself didn't understand why she had such emotions.

Kanhiko and the others didn't know the specific situation of the halberd eating, so they didn't understand Erina's words, but Shinomiya Kojiro had seen the power of Liu Ming.

He has carefully prepared the menu, and the other party can think of several improvement plans just by looking at it.

It seems that such an exaggerated knowledge reserve cannot be underestimated.

However, the matter has come to this point, and it is useless for him to think more.

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore, let's start judging the dishes made by Tian Suohui." Dojima Gin stood up and interrupted the conversation of several people.

At this time, Tian Suohui also brought out her dishes, a white jade plate covered with an opaque metal cover.

It's hard to see what's inside.

"Huh? Classmate Tian Suohui, do you only have one copy here?" Dojima Yin saw Tian Suohui only took out a dish, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, if my dish is separated, it will lose its original flavor, so I trouble the judges to enjoy it together." Tian Suohui said a little embarrassed.

Although several judges were a little strange, they didn't have much opinion.

However, their sense of expectation for this dish has risen a bit.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of her, Erina's expression became a little complicated.

Did she really do it?

But why did she do it!

Is the gap between me and her really that big?

"Is this dish you made called Phoenix Crystal?" Erina couldn't help asking, she wanted to really confirm the bigness. .

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