Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 177 Another Successful Nonsense (2)

Seeing Ellie crying again, Liu Ming felt a little distressed.

He asked strangely, "Really, Ellie, what are you worried about?"

"Didn't I say that a tall girl like you is very attractive, why do you still care about your height so much?"

Hearing this, Ellie's face turned red immediately, and she hesitated for a while before she explained the reason.

"Because if you are too tall, it will be difficult to find a boyfriend in the future."

After finishing speaking, Ellie covered her face shyly, not daring to look at anyone. .

At this moment, not only Liu Ming was dumbfounded, even Zhihua and the others who were familiar with Aili were also a little dumbfounded.

Although they knew Ellie hated her tall stature before, they never thought that the deeper reason would be this.

"It turns out that Ellie is so mature." Zhihua was dumbfounded.

"As expected of Ellie, not only is her body precocious, but her mentality is also so mature." Maho said in surprise.

"I'm not, I'm not, you heard me wrong." Ellie now can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.

How could she be so stupid? After being persuaded by Liu Ming, she accidentally revealed the little secret in her heart.

Now she is really ashamed to see people.

Liu Ming looked at Ai Li speechlessly. Are all the children so precocious nowadays? I thought of finding a boyfriend since I was in primary school.

However, when he thought of Xiao Xing in the kindergarten, he felt that elementary school was not too early.

It's just that this idea was quickly thrown away by him.

It must be too early to find a boyfriend at this age, and it must be too early. You must know that Liu Ming's family now has kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and students of several age groups.

As their parents, Liu Ming did not allow them to find boyfriends so early.

At least until college.

No, he is so rich, even if he is a leftover woman, he can still afford it.

"big brother, because big brother

Liu Ming's thoughts were quickly pulled back.

He looked at Ellie who was still covering her face shyly, and said in a helpless tone, "Really, you hate tall people just because of this little thing."

"It's not a trivial matter." Ellie couldn't care less about being shy, and said anxiously, "I'm 1.7 meters now. If in a few years, I grow to 1.81.9 meters, who else would want to follow me?" I'm dating."

"Why not? A cute child like Ellie with such a great figure will definitely be very popular with boys in the future, I promise." Liu Ming said comfortingly.

Receiving such straightforward praise from Liu Ming, Ellie blushed again, and she muttered, "What if it doesn't work.

"If it's really not there, then you can come and find the big brother. The big brother's height is close to 1.9 meters, and it must match your height." Liu Ming said casually.

"Wow, is the big brother confessing his love to Ellie, or is he proposing marriage? It's too shocking." Maho's eyes could not help but stare, looking at the two of them non-stop.

"Mafan, calm down, how can you make a fuss. However, the big brother is really bold, and he confessed directly, which is not romantic enough." Saji also became excited, and the top of the glasses flickered from time to time.

"Oh, Hinata will also be the wife of the big brother in the future. Hinata will also join in.

"Brother Xiao Ming is really too cunning, he actually attacked elementary school students," Mei Yu said dissatisfied.

Ellie's already flushed face became hot again, and she was teased one after another by everyone. She squatted down like an ostrich.

Liu Ming raised his head and looked at the ceiling depressedly, it seemed that he really said some terrible words just now.

But what she said just now was just a joke, why is she being so serious.

However, Ellie seemed to be very useful, she no longer struggled with her height, she looked at Liu Ming expectantly.

"In the future, will I be as beautiful as my little sister [and become the focus of everyone wherever I go?"

Liu Ming was speechless again, why did Xiao Bu get involved again.

However, Xiao Bu seems to be a bit perverted. Once the passive charm aura is activated, the whole person will become shining.

Once on the street, pedestrians can't help but be attracted to her.

In order to make Ellie more confident, Liu Ming will not refute of course.

He nodded and said, "Does it need to be said, Ai Li will definitely be no worse than Xiao Bu in the future, and she will definitely become a charming woman."

Ji Sha, a top student, is not so good at fooling around, but she did not debunk Liu Ming's statement either.

After all, it's not completely unreasonable.

She even admired Liu Ming a little bit, for he was able to think of a solution quickly even though he only knew about Ellie's problem.

You know, she still relied on that unreliable argument to persuade Ellie before.

Like Liu Ming is doing now, directly speaking of shortcomings as advantages [she didn't think about it at all.

Although the atmosphere was a bit weird, after Liu Ming's persuasion, Ellie no longer cared as much about her height as before.

As Liu Ming said, confident girls are more attractive.

The next training was carried out in an orderly manner.

However, the time for training is limited after all, and when everyone is exhausted, it will be the end.

What Liu Ming didn't expect was that Zhen Fan and the others seemed to have discussed it long ago, and they followed Liu Ming one by one.

Seeing their familiar movements, Liu Ming could figure out without guessing, that he must be ready to follow him back to the restaurant, and then eat as a matter of course.

Zhihua's face was obviously thinner, facing Liu Ming's weird gaze, she quickly lowered her head and looked at the criminal on the ground.

Ji Sha, like Ai Li, still felt very embarrassed about the behavior of rubbing food, and her face was always red.

The only ones who didn't respond were the naturally dazed Hinata (Leo Wang's) Xiang, and the real sail whose face was like a wall.

Zhenfan met Liu Ming's gaze directly, and said as a matter of course, "We only have one week, of course we must hurry up. Although you can't practice basketball at night, you can discuss related tactics. "

"Besides, after training for so long today, we must have a good meal to replenish our energy, otherwise we won't have the strength to train tomorrow."

"Big Brother, you are our coach, you must take this responsibility."

"Oh, Hinata also really wants to eat the food made by the big brother again," Hinata said happily.

"Brother Xiao Ming, you are an adult, you can't be so stingy." Mei Yu also helped.

In this way, what else Liu Ming could say was that they were happy.

Seeing that Liu Ming didn't object, Zhihua and the others suddenly became happy. The fatigue on their bodies seemed to disappear, and they walked with more energy. .

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