Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 178 Maho Vs Onitsuka (3)

Seeing all the happy little lolitas, Liu Ming didn't care about it anymore.

Just like that, there were five little tails behind Liu Ming.

No, four is right.

Because Hinata climbed onto Liu Ming's back early, and with Liu Ming on his back, there was no need to walk at all.

Although Maho and the others were very envious, they did not compete with Hinata.

Because they all knew that Hinata's body had always been weak, and they were really worried that Yu Xiang's body would not be able to bear it because of the sudden intense training this afternoon.

It is a good thing that someone is carrying it now.

"Big brother, don't worry, when we go back at night, I will ask the driver to pick us up, and I won't trouble you." Zhen Fan is still very reliable when necessary.

"Actually, you can stay here. We still have a lot of vacant rooms." Mei Yu said with a smile.

"Well, there are indeed many empty rooms." Xiao Lingyin also echoed.

Liu Ming looked at the two speechlessly, and sold him so quickly.

"It's not good." Maho said hesitantly, but his eyes sparkled.

"If there's anything wrong, just treat it as a training camp before the competition." Mei Yu continued to encourage.

"Chi 057 Hana, Jisha, Airi, Hinata, what do you think?" Maho was obviously moved, but she still wanted to see other people's opinions.

"With so many of us, will we bother the big brother too much? The first one to speak is Ji Sha, the top student.

"Yes." Zhihua also spoke, but her face seemed to be very red.

"Huh? But Hinata really wants to live with the big brother for a few days." Hinata has a different opinion.

"Don't worry, there were so many of us at that time, there were not many of you, so we won't bother you at all, right, brother Xiaoming?" Meiyu looked at Liu Ming with a smile.

Liu Ming gave her a blank look, she had already said that, what else could he say, but what should be reminded still needs to be reminded.

"Do you think you can decide this? You should ask your parents first, maybe your parents won't agree.

"Hee hee, my parents are not at home, so I can make my own decisions." Maho said proudly.

Zhihua is distressed, her parents are relatively traditional people, and they may not agree with her staying at a classmate's house. Fortunately, Miu is a girl, so she has a lot of maneuverability (acai).

Ellie, Zhihua and the others also began to think about it.

Liu Ming didn't think of a word from her, but changed everyone's thoughts.

Just now they obviously haven't thought about it yet, they are going to live together at Liu Ming's house. But now he is already thinking about how to persuade the parents at home to agree to their sleeping together.

A group of people talked and talked, and quickly returned to the restaurant.

Perhaps because they got to know Liu Ming a lot, this time Zhihua and the others were not as restrained as the first time.

Seeing that the restaurant was still open, the well-behaved Zhihua suggested that everyone change into waiter clothes and act as temporary waiters, but Liu Ming refused.

They have been training for more than an hour tonight, and their physical fitness is also exhausted. How could Liu Ming continue to let them work.

Although the intensity of the work of the waiters is not great, they are still just a child after all. For the sake of their bodies, Liu Ming still didn't want to make them too tired.

But what Liu Ming didn't expect was that he saw Onizuka in the restaurant.

This time Onizuka's spirit is quite good, not as decadent as last time.

However, his right hand appears to be injured.

He looked curiously at Onitsuka's right hand that was in plaster, and asked, "What's the matter with your hand, how did you get it like this, isn't it because someone beat you?"

"I'm really curious, who is so capable and able to hurt you."

"Hey, isn't this Ah Ming? You're finally back. Tsk tsk, you went there and abducted so many lovely little beauties. It's really enviable."

Onizuka didn't answer Liu Ming's question, but looked at Chika and the others with interest, and even looked at Hinata on Liu Ming's back.

He is really jealous.

He is obviously a great teacher, but what kind of students are in the class he teaches. Although there are many cute girls, but those girls seem to have a grudge against him, they don't dump him at all, and even play tricks on him.

And what about Liu Ming? He just runs a restaurant.

New beauties keep appearing around me, one after another, from lolita to mature young women, all kinds of styles, one after another, I am really envious of others.

Onitsuka really can't understand, Liu Ming was obviously not so popular with girls when he was young.

Uh, it doesn't seem right either.

Onizuka suddenly remembered Xiaobu, Yuzi and the others.

Liu Ming seems to have been very popular with girls since he was a child, it was only because at that time, Liu Ming was either staying at home or wandering around with them, which made people mistakenly think that he was not popular with women.

Thinking of this, Onizuka's mood suddenly became extremely lost.

How can the gap between people be so big.

Obviously he is so handsome.

"Big brother, who is this villain? Is it your friend?" Maho said directly what was in his heart without holding back.

What was even more frightening was that Tomoyo and the others were still nodding in agreement.

Mei Yu knew the truth, but she didn't explain anything, and even stayed aside with great interest, ready to watch the excitement.

"Who are you calling bad? I'm a great teacher, the number one teacher in the world in the future." Onizuka was already very depressed in his heart, but now he heard Maho say that about him, he stopped doing it immediately. Masavan roared directly.

Zhenfan was startled and quickly hid behind Liu Ming.

Liu Ming was really worried that Onizuka would attack Maho, so he hurriedly persuaded him, "Onizuka, Maho is still just a child, what do you care about with her as an adult?"

Zhenfan is not a person who doesn't answer insults, especially now that Liu Ming is backing her, she has no scruples.

She poked her head out from behind Liu Ming, looked him up and down mockingly, and said contemptuously, "How dare you call yourself a teacher, dye your hair, play earrings, and smoke."

Afterwards, Maho took a special look at his injured arm,

"And fight."

"Looking like this, you still dare to say that you are a teacher. Do you think anyone will believe you?"

After speaking, Maho made a face at Onizuka.

Onizuka was immediately speechless, and he really had no way to refute the previous words. But he completely disagreed with the latter words.

The injury on his right hand is a badge of honor, a proof of a good teacher. .

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