Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 31 Guiding Apprentices

"Master, are you really going to teach me the cooking method of Buddha Jumping over the Wall?"

Tian Suohui didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, whether it was excitement, excitement, or apprehension.

As a famous Chinese national banquet dish, Buddha Tiaoqiang is quite famous in the culinary world. She has also learned about the general method, but this alone is enough to stop her. It is too difficult to do it well.

"I do have this idea, but you have to be mentally prepared. That dish is not easy to cook. There are so many steps that need to be done, and it can even be said to be cumbersome. As long as there is a mistake in one aspect, it may ruin the whole dish." Pot soup, and you, as my deputy, have to work hard."

"Yes, I will work hard." Tian Suohui made fists with his hands and cheered himself on.

Although she was a little nervous at the moment, it was much better than when Liu Ming first met her.

The mental outlook of the whole person has a lot of self-confidence.

"Although this dish is difficult to prepare, as long as you master it, your cooking skills will definitely take a big step forward.

Because it involves a lot of cooking techniques and skills, including steaming, stewing, braising, boiling, simmering, fire control, knife skill mastery, and flavor blending. When you master these, it will be difficult for you to improve your cooking skills.”

"Yes, master." Tian Suohui's eyes were shining brightly.

"Very well, what I want is this kind of serious attitude, so now let's start with the soaking of the ingredients"

Because it was already past business hours, Liu Ming was not afraid of someone ordering food to interrupt their operations.

He carefully guided Tian Suohui, the advantages and disadvantages of each ingredient, the details that need to be paid attention to when cooking, and regardless of whether Tian Suohui could remember it or not, he said everything he could think of in his head.

However, fortunately, Tian Suohui is really talented in cooking. Even if there are some things that he doesn't fully understand, he still keeps them in his heart.

She believes that one day she will fully master it.

In this way, one is willing to teach, and the other is willing to learn. The two work together to complete the preliminary work of the ingredients very quickly.


"Ms. Liu, I'm here again." Around 12 noon, Natsuno Wuji, who hadn't been here for a long time, appeared in the restaurant.

"Yo, I haven't seen anyone these days, I thought you moved back, and I don't write anymore, just call me by my name"

Liu Ming almost handed over the kitchen to Tian Suohui now, unless someone ordered special dishes, he would hug Kang Na leisurely and watch children's animation together in the lobby.

"Before the inspiration came, I stayed at home and wrote. I finally wrote it today. It is a great work. I will give you a copy after the book is published. I came here today to treat myself. Why doesn't your store have a delivery service? I can't help but want to eat at home," Natsu Ye Wuji complained.

"Insufficient manpower" Liu Ming said calmly.

"You won't hire someone?" Natsu Ye Wuji looked at him with contempt.

"Small business, please can't afford it," Liu Ming said solemnly.

Natsuno Wuji really convinced him that a single dish costs thousands of yen, which is the lowest, and even tens of thousands of yen, and special dishes are as high as 100,000 yen.

"It's all small things, what do you want to eat today, today is my apprentice cooking, try it and see how it tastes"

Liu Ming took Kang Na's little hand and waved at Xia Ye Wu Ji.

"Xiaohui's food is delicious too," Kang Na raised her head and said cutely.

"Then I want to try it out, a steamed turbot, a coriander tofu fish head soup, and the magic mapo tofu that is scheduled for the evening"

Every time she talked about the magic mapo tofu, her pretty face couldn't help showing a tinge of red.

Even so, she couldn't help but want to taste it again.

"Okay, we are all acquaintances, I won't entertain you, you can find a seat by yourself"

Liu Ming didn't think too much about it, and waved her hand to let her find a place by herself.


At the same time, not far from the restaurant, four people were walking in the shopping street.

"Wow, it's more prosperous than it looks like." Looking at the people coming and going around, and the tall buildings next to Daxia, Xiaotiao Yumeiyu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Yeah, shopping in a big city like this must be very convenient." Xiaoniao Youkong nodded in agreement.

"You guys are too naive, the apartment I live in is far away from here"

Segawa Yuta pointed to the iron ground in the distance, and said calmly.

"What, you still have to take the subway?" Xiao Sora and Meiyu couldn't help exclaiming, they had been riding the subway for more than an hour, and they still wanted to take it again.

Yutai scratched his head in embarrassment, he didn't want to, who made it cheaper to rent a house in the suburbs.

"Hehe, let's go to lunch first." Knowing that everyone was tired, Yuta proposed.

After eating, everyone should feel refreshed.

"Great, little uncle, lunch, lunch" Xiao Niao Youchu happily raised her hands.

It's just that during this peak dining season, it's so easy to find a suitable restaurant. After searching for more than half an hour, it was either full of people or too expensive.

Just when a few people were disappointed, a Chinese restaurant appeared in front of them.

Holding the last hope, Segawa Yuta led the three of them into the restaurant.

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