Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 32 The Relationship Is A Bit Complicated

At this time, Liu Ming was holding a textbook for children, teaching Kang Na to learn the characters of this world.

After all, Kang Na is still young, and it is not an option to stay in the restaurant. Why not send her to school like in the original book, so that she can make a few friends.

Although she doesn't have this intention yet, there is nothing wrong with preparing in advance.

At this time, four people walked in from the door, and the man in the front, Liu Ming, looked a little familiar.

"Hey, isn't this Yuta?" Liu Ming looked at Segawa Yuta in surprise. He has met Segawa Yuta several times, and the relationship between the two is a bit complicated.

"Senior, why are you here?" Segawa Yuta also looked at Liu Ming in surprise.

"This is my shop. Of course I'm here. You're here to visit me and come in for dinner." Liu Ming glanced at him first, and then shifted his gaze to the other three people.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something.

The improved attribute of the God Sword even affected the memory. As long as there is a little stimulation, the things in the previous life can be recalled.

When he saw the three girls in front of him, he probably guessed what was going on.

It's a pity, if he can get the God's Sword in advance, maybe he can avoid a tragedy. After all, they are related.

"Uncle, do you two know each other?" Miwa tugged on La Yuta's clothes, she was a little curious about the handsome man in front of her.

Kang Na also stopped reading, and looked at Xiao Hina with her big eyes without blinking.

Xiao Chi also looked curiously at the child who was about her age.

When she saw the doll Kang Na was holding, her eyes lit up. Regardless of the number of sisters, Xiaobu walked in front of Kangna, staring at the doll with fixed eyes.

The name of this doll is Luna, and it is the protagonist in the popular children's animation, a magical girl.

Seeing that Kang Na liked the animation very much, Liu Ming bought several Luna dolls online.

Kang Na hugged her every day.

Liu Ming put down Kang Na and said to her, "Kang Na should play with this kid. Kang Na is the older sister, so take good care of her."

"I'm my sister?" There was a gleam of joy and a gleam of light on Kang Na's face.

"Well, Kang Na is now her older sister," Liu Ming said, rubbing her little head.

Kang Na took Xiao Chi's little hand, and the two went to the TV to play together.

When Yuta saw this, he didn't object, he scratched his head, explained to the doubtful little Niaoyou sister, and said: "Strictly speaking, he is my cousin. The relationship is too far away. I don’t really know how to count seniority.”

"Hey, two beautiful girls, hello. My relationship with him is a bit complicated. My grandfather's sister is his grandma, so that's about it. You can call me the store manager, or Brother Ming. Don't call me Uncle, I'm only twenty-two, still young."

Liu Ming briefly explained the relationship between the two.

"Brother Xiao Ming, just now uncle called you senior." Mei Yu asked curiously, not afraid of strangers.

"The university he is studying now is my alma mater, but I have already graduated, so there is nothing wrong with calling me senior. But what is going on with you, you are carrying luggage one by one, you can't run away from home, right?" Liu Ming asked jokingly.

"How is it possible?" Xiao Kong immediately retorted.

"That's right, some people ran away from home in groups." Mei Yu couldn't help giving Liu Ming a blank look.

"Little uncle, eat, eat" Xiao Chi on the other side suddenly ran over, thinking she was really hungry.

"Find a place to sit down first, and we can discuss things after lunch." Liu Ming pointed to the empty tables in the hall.

Yuta nodded and led the three to an empty table. It's just that when he picked up the menu, he felt bad all over. Are you sure there isn't an extra zero in the number on it.

"What's wrong?" Xiaokong leaned over and took the menu from his hand, and then she was also stunned.

"Huh?" Meiyu looked at the two strangely, she approached Xiaokong, and looked at the menu.

"No way, the cheapest one costs 3,000," she couldn't help exclaiming.

The people who were dining in the hall couldn't help but smile knowingly when they heard this.

Basically, people who come here to eat for the first time will have this reaction, but after eating, they are all conquered by the food here. Maybe some people can't come here often because of financial concerns, but they definitely don't think it's expensive.

"Just order it, I'm treating you this time, you're welcome." Liu Ming walked over, knowing that Yuta didn't have much savings.

"This~" Yu was too hesitant.

"Okay, I'm your cousin, why are you being polite to me? Just be casual, anyway, this is my shop, are you afraid that I will lose money? Thor, help me take care of them first. Yuta, you Come out with me."

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he walked towards the yard.

You Tai was taken aback for a moment, but quickly stood up and followed Liu Ming.

The two came to the pavilion in the courtyard one after the other,

Liu Ming picked up the kettle on the table and poured a glass of water for each of them.

"Tell me what happened."

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