Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 45 The Third Special Dish

The time passed happily in this way, and soon it was night again.

After restaurant opening hours.

Because tomorrow Liu Ming and Kozora Miu will go back to their original place to go through the transfer procedures, Tian Suohui specially cooked a big table of delicious food tonight.

Needless to say, Magic Mapo Tofu, since Tian Suohui learned it, several foodies in the family pester Tian Suohui to make it almost every day.

Tian Suohui is honest and gentle, he will never refuse every time, and will satisfy their requirements every time. This made Liu Ming's status as a salted fish in the family decline step by step.

In order to restore his prestige as the owner and chef, he specially made a new special dish tonight.

Simple but noble.

Gorgeous yet simple.

And Thor can't do it, and he hasn't been able to make it so far.

As a dragon, she is proud, and it is difficult for her to truly want to serve customers. Perhaps because of the different levels of life, she can easily copy all of Liu Ming's operations. However, once confronted with conceptual things, there is no way to do it easily.

Perhaps only when she truly integrates into the human world, can she make glowing dishes.


Everyone in the hall saw that Liu Ming came out with a covered plate in person,

The eyes of each one were shining with blue light. You must know that since the last time the Buddha jumped over the wall, Liu Ming hasn't made a move. He is really lazy.

"Cousin, the dish you are holding was made by yourself, may I ask how much effort was used?" Mei Yu swallowed her saliva, her expression full of anticipation.

She wasn't the only one, and the others weren't much better off.

Because the shock of the last Buddha jumping over the wall was really amazing,

The cute little chick hugged Liu Ming's thigh directly, raised her head, her eyes were full of stars.

"Hehe" Liu Ming freed one hand and took Xiao Chi's little hand, and the two walked slowly towards the dining table.

"It may be a bit worse than Buddha Jumping the Wall, but it's not worse than Magical Mapo Tofu at all. Just look forward to it." Liu Ming is not belittling this dish,

It is really the last time Buddha jumped over the wall, the ingredients used were too luxurious, and every ingredient was the best among them. Both dishes were made by him, and of course the ingredients are better and better.

Everyone straightened their backs one by one, and under their expectant eyes, the cover was slowly opened.

This time the golden light was accompanied by a song of birds.

High-pitched, sonorous but very pleasing to the ear.

Then everyone saw a phoenix figure appearing on the golden light. After circling around the heads of everyone, it turned into a little bit of starlight and merged into the dish.

After everyone came back to their senses, they found that what they saw was not a dish at all, but a lifelike crystal phoenix.

Getting ready to fly high.

"What a beautiful dish."

"It's already art."

"The master is good and bad, and he can make such a gorgeous and beautiful dish with just a few bean sprouts." Tian Suohui said.

"Miss Hui, you said it was made with bean sprouts." Xiaokong was dumbfounded.

And the other people who heard this were not much better, they couldn't imagine the connection between the crystal phoenix in front of them and the bean sprouts.

Tian Suohui nodded seriously, as Liu Ming's apprentice, when Liu Ming cooked this dish, of course he also called her,

She witnessed the whole process.

Last time it was the extremely luxurious Buddha jumping over the wall, this time it was the extremely simple Phoenix crystal.

Liu Ming is able to control the two extreme cuisines freely. Tian Suohui really admires her master more and more.

Elma couldn't describe how she felt right now.

very complicated,

She never thought of that hateful human being who cheated her. As a senior foodie, how could she take revenge for being able to make such a dish.

Totally can not refuse Ma.

"What are you doing in a daze, let's start." Liu Ming saw that everyone was staring at the Phoenix crystal, but he had no intention of moving his chopsticks at all.

"How can I do this? I'm not willing at all." You Tai smiled wryly, raised his hand, but put it down again.

"That's right, how could anyone be willing to destroy such a beautiful dish." Sora, Miha and the girls also echoed.

"Thor, don't you think the same way?" Liu Ming looked at Thor suspiciously. In his perception, Thor would not be reluctant to eat this dish because it was too beautiful. impossible.

"Uh" Thor smiled awkwardly,

It's not that she doesn't want to do it, in fact, whenever she has this idea. Everyone else at the table will be watching her, even the cute little chick.

That kind of gaze, that kind of look, even a giant dragon like her, couldn't bear it.

"Really, the food is made for people to eat. If you don't eat it, isn't it a waste of my heart?" Liu Ming raised his hand and was about to move his chopsticks.

"Wait, brother Xiao Ming, wait for me." Mei Yu said immediately, and before Liu Ming could speak, she quickly ran to the other side and picked up her mobile phone.

"Sister, take a photo for me." After returning, Meiyu handed the phone to Xiaokong. And she herself was leaning towards the Phoenix crystal, posing in various playful poses.

"I want it too, I want it too." Seeing this, Tian Suohui and his daughters also became interested.

Even the man Yuta silently took out his cell phone.

Liu Ming was speechless for a moment.

After 15 minutes, everyone finally calmed down and sat back in their seats one by one.

"Really, the dishes are cold." Liu Ming muttered.

"Hee hee, it's fine, we don't mind at all." Mei Yu said with a smile.

"I'm starting." Everyone began to eat dinner,

Everyone is interested in the phoenix crystal dish.

"Crisp and refreshing. After eating it in my stomach, my body seems to be on fire, burning blazingly, and I can't help but let out a comfortable sound."

"It's not as thick and delicate as Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, but it's like a kind of plain and comfortable indifference. It's also like a phoenix reborn from the ashes inside, showing unparalleled vitality.

calm and turmoil,

Serenity and pandemonium,

The two diametrically opposite postures kept striking back and forth, which made people look radiant. "

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