Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 46: Uncle Cousin Is He Handsome?

When it was time to use it, I realized that the garage was empty.

At this time, Liu Ming remembered that his car had been inspected by Long Ernao a long time ago.

"It's been more than half a month, why haven't I seen him drive back? That guy won't play with it."

In desperation, he had no choice but to take out his phone and dial Long Er's phone number.

"Hey, what can I do for you?"

"You still have the nerve to ask me what's the matter? How long have you taken my car? Why hasn't it been repaired yet?" Liu Ming complained.

"You still have the face to criticize me? How long has your car not been driven? Many parts are no longer usable! I have been busy these days to help you fix it, and now you are still blaming me? Believe it or not, I smashed it." Long Er was suddenly upset.

"Haha, um, is that so? That means I blame you." Ming was a little embarrassed, but soon he no longer cared.

This little matter is really nothing to the two of them.

"Then what should I do now? I'm waiting to use it." Liu Ming was troubled.

"I have a motorbike here, do you want it?"

"Please, I still have several people to sit here, and there are still a lot of things to carry, the motorcycle is not enough at all." Liu Ming was helpless.

"It's only a few people. Your single record for the strongest locomotive in the past was ten people. What are you afraid of?" Long Er suddenly laughed.

"Are you ashamed to say that if you and Yingji hadn't been instigated by the two bastards back then, I would have done such absurd things? In the end, I not only wrote a self-criticism, but also had to read it in front of the whole school. I don't want to lose face."

Liu Ming immediately became upset when he heard this, and yelled into the phone for a while.

"Ahahaha, this is none of my business, it was all suggested by Yingji." Long Er hurriedly separated the relationship.

"Hehe, Yingji said you suggested it." Liu Ming sneered.

"That bastard pushed me on the head, you are really thick-skinned. Xiao Ming, we have known each other for so long, do you think I am such a person?" Long Er's tone changed.

"Hehe." Liu Ming continued to sneer, then recovered, and said, "Forget it, I won't brag about it with you. I'll ask other people to see if I can borrow a car. I'm really waiting to use it today."

"You're lucky. Your car was just finished yesterday. Come and drive away."

"Haha, tell me sooner when you're done, it's a waste of my phone bill."

"You're ashamed to mention your phone bill, I'll help you out, have you asked for these before?" Long Er said in a bad tone.

"A man is so fussy, be careful no one wants him."

"I already have a girlfriend, you should worry about yourself"

Liu Ming choked suddenly, wanted to refute, but couldn't.

"Big deal, please come to my shop and have a good meal."

"Only one meal, at least a month."

"One week at most, don't pull down."

"Deal" Long Er immediately hung up the phone after speaking, not giving Liu Ming a chance to repent. .

Looking at the mobile phone that gave off a busy tone, Liu Ming felt helpless for a while.

"Backed again"

Liu Ming shook his head, and walked directly towards Long Er's motorcycle shop.

ten minutes later.

An MPV car drove to the gate on the other side of the yard.

"Uncle, are you going to drive there?" Mei Yu ran out and looked the car up and down.

"I also thought about taking the subway, but after thinking about it again, I think it's okay. After all, you may have a lot of things to bring, and there are many places to go, so it's more convenient to drive." Liu Ming Get out of the car and explain to the few people who just came out.

"Long live cousin." Meiyu cheered happily. When she came here last time, she walked a lot, which exhausted her.

It is of course very good to have a car now.

Half an hour later, everyone stood outside the door.

"Then I'll leave things to you in the store. After I'm done, if it's not too late, I'll be back tonight. If it's too late, then I'll be back tomorrow. I'll call back then."

Liu Ming waved his hands at Thor, Tian Suohui and the remaining people. He didn't know how long it would take to go through the transfer procedures.

"Be careful on the road, call back if you need anything, and I will fly there as fast as possible." Thor said with a serious expression.

"Well, I get it, you have an advantage here, don't make a big fuss with me."

"Go back to the store, it's time for us to leave too." Liu Ming started the car and left slowly.

It's been a while since I've driven it, but the tech is still awesome.

After all, he was also a motorcycle driver when he was young, and his driving skills have not been left behind.

Moreover, the improvement of physical attributes also made it easier for him to grasp the details.

But there were children in the car, so he didn't drive too fast, and drove smoothly along the way.

"Dump, drop, drop" Xiao Chia seemed to be very happy, humming the theme song of the animation all the time.

"Brother Xiaoming's driving skills are very good, I don't even feel the bumps at all."

Mei Yu leaned her head forward and said a word of praise to Liu Ming.

"Hehe, don't think that if you say it like this, I will cook something delicious for you"

As soon as Liu Ming said goodbye, I could already see through your tone.

"Delicious? Xiao Chi wants it too, Xiao Chi wants to eat it too." Xiao Chi stopped humming and said anxiously.

"Xiao Chi wants to eat too, so I have to answer a question from my cousin," Liu Ming said without looking back.

"Chicken is the smartest."

"Is uncle handsome or not?"

"My cousin is the most handsome." Xiao Chi replied without thinking.

"The answer is correct, my cousin will cook something delicious for Xiao Chi tonight."

"Really, Xiao Chi is so happy."

"Brother Xiao Ming is so thick-skinned that he even used food to lure Xiao Chi." Mei Yu rolled her eyes.

Several people were talking and laughing,

Before I knew it, I came to Tachikawa City.

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