Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 47 Going Through The Transfer Procedures

Returning to their home again, Sora and Miha's moods are rather complicated, they have only been away for a few days, but it feels like a long time has passed, and they are full of nostalgia for everything at home.

Xiao Chi didn't have such troubles, and when she got home, it was like returning to her own paradise. Stretching out her little hand, she pulled Liu Ming and happily told her little secrets. Seeing her little head looking around mysteriously, Liu Ming thought it was funny.

He didn't resist, just followed Xiao Chi's movements, and followed her.

Listening to that innocent and childish voice, Xiao Sora and Miha smiled at each other, and the uneasiness and uneasiness in their hearts dissipated a lot. Maybe the sadness still exists in their hearts, but now they are living happily.

Because the matter was a bit urgent, they didn't stay at home for long. After collecting relevant information, Liu Ming drove them towards the school.

Because it is the summer vacation, there are not many students in the school, and most of them are people who participate in club activities.

The two sisters of Xiaoniaoyou are obviously very popular in school. After seeing them,

Many young people stopped to look from a distance, and some bold ones ran over and greeted with red faces.

Sora and Miha dealt with it one by one.

After leaving everyone's sight, Liu Ming couldn't help sighing, "This is youth. Looking back, I was so popular, surrounded by girls every day."

"Brother Xiao Ming, you are really shameless." Mei Yu gave him a big roll of eyes in contempt.

Xiao Kong secretly laughed.

Liu Ming glared at Mei Yu angrily, stretched out his magic hand, and made her hair look like a chicken coop.

Miyu screamed, and immediately fled behind Xiaokong. She looked around nervously, and only secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she found that no one else saw it.

"School, school." Xiao Chi looked around like a curious baby.

In order to prevent her from accidents, Liu Ming kept holding her little hand.

Under the guidance of Xiaokong, several people soon came to the school's academic affairs office. Liu Ming found the relevant staff and explained his purpose.

After the other party confirmed the information and understood the relevant situation, although he was a little regretful, he did not obstruct too much, and issued relevant certificates readily.

After leaving the Academic Affairs Office.

"Do you want to say hello to your teacher?" Liu Ming looked at the two and asked.

"It's summer vacation now, and the teacher went to other places to play. I have already talked to the head teacher by phone." Xiao Kong said.

"It's the same for me." Miha said.

"Well, what about your friends, do you want to say it too?" Liu Ming continued to ask.

Mei Yu raised the phone in her hand, "I've already told them, although I'm a bit reluctant, but there's nothing I can do about it."

"Well, I'm not used to the scene of parting, and communication is so convenient now, I can contact you anytime." Xiao Kong said.

Liu Ming looked at the two of them for a while, then nodded. Girl Ma, always has a little secret, anyway, he can come back as long as he has time in the future, so he won't ask further.

"In that case, let's go."

The two nodded and followed behind Liu Ming.

"Uncle." Xiao Chi suddenly pulled Liu Ming's hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Xiao Hina is sleepy." Xiao Hina rubbed her eyes.

Although they came here by car today, Xiao Chi is still a child after all. After such a long time, it is normal to feel sleepy.

Liu Ming didn't say anything, just squatted down.

Xiao Chi smiled sweetly and jumped onto Liu Ming's back.

"Let's go~"

After walking a few steps, Liu Ming heard the sound of even breathing from behind,

It seemed that Xiao Chi was really sleepy, so he couldn't help slowing down.

Seeing such a warm scene, Sora and Miu couldn't help but smile at each other,

The two trotted forward a few steps, one left and one right followed by Liu Ming's side.

It's quite early now, if you drive back, you can get back to the restaurant before dinner,

However, after thinking about it for a while, Liu Ming decided to go back tomorrow.

After today, the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyou don't know when they will come back.

Just take advantage of the time now, sleep here for one night,

Give them a good memory.

In the evening, Xiao Kong originally proposed to go out to eat,

After all, it’s just one night, it’s too troublesome to do at home,

Liu Ming insisted on doing it at home, since he planned to leave good memories,

It must be as good as it gets,

That night, he cooked himself and made several gourmet dishes,

Eat up the stomachs of the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyou,

Xiao Chi lay on the sofa with a happy face, laughing happily from time to time.

However, not long after, Xiao Chi gave Liu Ming a big problem,

Xiao Chi actually asked Liu Ming to help her take a bath, didn't this kill him. He would bathe children there, something he had never done before.

I had no choice but to look at the two of Xiao Kong with the eyes of asking for help.

What annoyed him was that Xiao Kong pretended not to see it and said that he was going to wash the dishes.

And Miyu went even further, "Brother Xiao Ming, I will leave Xiao Chi to you."

After finishing speaking, he followed Xiao Kong and walked into the kitchen.

"Bath, shower, shower." Xiao Chi cheered as she walked towards the bathroom.

"Xiao Chi, wait a minute, you haven't taken your change of clothes yet." Liu Ming hurriedly followed her, picked her up,

Under the guidance of Xiao Hina, came to her room,

After spending a little time finding a set of pajamas,

The two started to take a shower.

Next, spend time with Liu Ming's crazy operation and Xiao Chi's dissatisfied voice,

It took more than half an hour for the two of them to take a shower.

After coming out, Liu Ming secretly swore in his heart that there would never be a next time.

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