The two of them were in a mess.

With one punch, Sibek sent Jingyu flying ten meters away!

She flew to the other side of the duel field like a kite with a broken string.

At the same time,

Zel used the extremely sharp blade on his body to cut across the opponent’s neck.

“You two guys!”

Kaoru Hanayama and Baki rushed over at the same time!

They looked extremely angry.

“You actually sneak attack, do you still have any sense of shame?”


Sbek was a little surprised, and then said in a very joking tone,

“You actually talked about sense of shame with the death row inmates, do you think we have such a thing?”

“Humph, aren’t the rules of the game very clear?”

Zel snorted coldly, he didn’t care about any sense of shame.

As long as he can win, it doesn’t matter what dishonorable means he uses!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have transformed his body.

“Or is this all you can do?”

“Assholes, you are really looking for…”

Baki’s expression was distorted by anger.

The anger almost burned out his reason.

Of course,

He was not angry about Jingyu’s injury.

But his opponent actually sneak attacked someone in front of him.

He was angry about his incompetence!

Just when Baki was about to rush forward.

His shoulder was gently patted.

“Calm down, they are right.”

It was still the calm and deep voice.

When? !

I didn’t sense any breath at all.

I had no idea when the other party approached.

Baki turned his head in shock.

What he saw was Jingyu standing behind him unharmed!

“How is it possible?!”

Zel looked at Jingyu’s neck in shock.

Smooth, white, without any wounds.

Not to mention bleeding!

“Impossible, my blade clearly crossed your neck, why is there no wound?!”

“No wound?”

Sbek was just as unbelievable as everyone else.

You know, his fist can destroy the Statue of Liberty!

Even hard rocks can be crushed!

Why is he unharmed!

Everyone present was filled with questions.

Only Garuda kept sitting in the audience with a smile.

Even when Jingyu was attacked, her expression did not change.

Because those rubbish can’t possibly hurt her husband!

“Jingyu-kun is really mean, he actually let them hit him on purpose…”

That’s right,

Even if the two of them attacked by surprise, Garuda could be sure that Jingyu had already discovered them.

As for why he was so sure.

That’s because Garuda wanted to surprise Jingyu from behind countless times.

And every time without exception, he was discovered.

Compared with her skills in hiding her breath, the two people below are simply noobs.

How could Jingyu not discover it?

“Try again and you’ll know, right?”

Jingyu waved to Zel,

signaling the other party to attack again.


Zel stood there without moving.

He didn’t dare!

A sneak attack couldn’t cause any injuries to the other party, let alone a head-on battle!

Retreating now is the wisest choice.

For a long time,

Zel and Sibek stood there and didn’t dare to act rashly.

Seeing this,

Jingyu couldn’t help laughing out loud, and directly mocked:

“You dare to claim that you want to seek defeat?”

“You cowards, don’t say such big words. Now I’m standing in front of you and you don’t dare to fight me?”

“Or do you think that as long as you run away, you won’t be defeated?”

Speaking of this, Jingyu paused for a moment.

“Don’t worry, you can use any means, and it doesn’t matter if several people come together. Anyway, you are just despicable villains, aren’t you?”

“You guy!”

Being ridiculed in the face, Zel was the first to be unable to bear it.

Perhaps Jingyu’s words hit their hearts.

The sharp blade flashed in the air.

Under the gaze of everyone,

It cut directly on Jingyu’s neck!

It hit!

Zel’s face was happy, and the corners of his mouth began to rise slightly.


His expression froze the next second.


The feel is wrong, so light!

As light as a feather!

The blade passed through Jingyu’s neck and landed on her skin.


it did not leave any wound!

At this time,

the closest blade saw clearly


“Is this force elimination?!”

Turning oneself into something like a feather or a piece of paper.

A knife naturally cannot cut it in mid-air!

But how is this possible!

Can force elimination be achieved to this extent?

It’s simply unbelievable!

In addition to being shocked,

Zel also faced Jingyu’s counterattack!

“I’ve been attacked by you twice, you should also try my attack.”

As soon as the voice fell,

a fist hit Zel’s face.


Consciousness and memory were interrupted instantly.

Zel’s body flew backwards.

In mid-air,

Zel looked at the bright lights on the ceiling.

His brain kept running thoughts.

“Who am I, what do I want to do, why am I here…”

With just one blow,

Zel couldn’t get up again!

The terrifying force can never be understood without personal experience.

Just like that Kaoru Hanayama, no one else understands why he was knocked out by Jingyu’s fist.

Only he knows how much power is contained in the opponent’s fist!

“Good opportunity!”

At the moment when Jingyu punched Zeer.

Sibek moved!

The huge body instantly came behind Jingyu.

He clasped his hands together and clenched them,

and used all his strength to hit the opponent’s spine!

This blow, if it hits, will definitely break the spine easily!


At this critical moment.

Jingyu still has time to sigh.

“You are so weak.”

It is completely impossible to arouse his interest.

Just a roll, and easily avoid Sibek’s attack.


The two fists hit the ground, making a roaring sound.

It was just like an iron ball falling from a high altitude.

A hole appeared on the ground!

Sand and dust flew.

Disturbing the sight of the people present.

“If that’s the case, you’d better die here…”

Jingyu hadn’t finished speaking yet.

Sibek stood in the dust and launched a sneak attack!

You could only see the afterimage of the swinging fist, attacking Jingyu’s chin!


With a flick of his left hand on Sibek’s arm,

the direction of the attack changed!

The fist brushed past Jingyu’s ear.

The hair was blown wildly in the air by the wind.

“It’s not over yet!”

Strike without breathing!

Sibek directly launched his special move.

You should know that any exercise, including singing, requires breathing!

However, Sibek can do five minutes of anaerobic exercise with his strong lung capacity!

In other words, he can launch attacks without stopping within these five minutes!


How can you resist it now!

A torrential attack.

Fists and legs turned into countless afterimages and fell towards Jingyu.


The left hand pushed away the opponent’s right hand


Before Jingyu could adjust his posture again.

The opponent’s left hand hit again!

“Boring attack.”

In Jingyu’s vision, the opponent’s attack was extremely slow.

Not only that,

Because of the continuous attack, the power was almost reduced by half.

This also made it effortless for him to resist.

Jeet Kune Do!

Snap, snap, snap…

Left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg…

In Sibek’s shocked eyes.

Every attack of his could be accurately blocked by Jingyu!

Even his hand just raised.

The opponent pressed his fist back!

This made Sibek feel that he had no strength to use.

“How, how is it possible?”

Sibek didn’t believe that his trick was broken so easily!

He roared loudly!

Then he was hit hard in the face!


Blood spurted out,

The brain began to tremble violently!

Sibek finally figured it out,

The man in front of him was a monster!

This power was as heavy as a mountain!

But he hadn’t lost yet!

He still had a gun on him!

As long as the opponent showed a flaw, he could win!

The blade couldn’t hurt you, but what about the bullet?

He didn’t believe that the opponent could even dodge the bullet!

But Sibek still underestimated Jingyu.

From the beginning, he didn’t intend to let them live.

A group of murderers had no value in living!

“Let me show you what continuous fighting is.”

Jingyu said.

He didn’t have the strong lung capacity of Sibek, and he couldn’t not breathe during intense exercise.

But he could breathe while exercising!

Just like a singer can breathe with his abdomen during a continuous high note!



The punch hit Sibek’s chest before he could stand still.

The intense pain made his heart tighten.

There was a sound of cracking from his sternum!

But this was just the beginning!

Jingyu’s attack fell on Sibek like raindrops!

“Stop hitting me, I give up!”

Sibek begged for mercy in the intense pain.

If he continued like this, he would really die!

But Jingyu had no intention of stopping.

Arms, calves, thighs, ribs, stomach, abdomen, face, chin…

All parts of his body,

were hit by Jingyu!

Either fists or legs.

All the limbs turned into afterimages, attacking Sibek’s body like a sandbag.

The flesh that should have been hard was as soft as a rag doll at this moment.

Bright red blood kept splashing in the air.

All the bones in his body were completely broken!

The wailing sound disappeared at some point.

It was not until the breath of Sibek completely dissipated that

Jingyu slowly stopped.


The huge body collapsed to the ground like mud.

“So, do you two want to die too?”

Turning around, Jingyu looked at Silkowski and Liu Longguang.

Together with these two people, they can just make up a five-kill.

He couldn’t get a five-kill in the game, so can’t he do it in reality?


Hearing this,

the two swallowed hard.

Then they looked at each other.

Then, they turned around and ran away without hesitation!

Who wants to fight with such a monster!

They are just seeking defeat, not death!

Those three guys look so strong.

In the end, they didn’t leave any injuries on the monster.

The strength is not in the same dimension!

Instead of fighting with him, it’s better to go back to prison and feel comfortable.

Seeing this, Jingyu didn’t mean to chase him.

Instead, he turned to look at Tokugawa Mitsunari.

“Sorry, the game seems to be over.”

“It seems so…”

Tokugawa Mitsunari nodded blankly.

His expression was a little dazed.

What on earth was he excited and looking forward to?

Are these five death row prisoners idiots?

They came all the way to die,

He thought the other party was so awesome.

Of course, the four Baki were also stunned.

They knew in their hearts that it was not that the three were too weak.

It was that Jingyu was too strong, so the three seemed very weak.

That person’s strength was not in the same dimension as theirs!

“Let’s go, Garuda.”

Turning around, Jingyu called Garuda to walk outside together.


Hearing Jingyu’s call, Garuda ran over happily and hugged Jingyu’s arm.

“Do you want to go get some midnight snack?”

“Sure, I’m a little hungry after two rounds of exercise, so I’ll have some to replenish my energy.”

Until the two of them left.

Shechuan Gangqi sighed.

“Young people today are really scary.”

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