Today, the police station caused a sensation. The criminal Sbek, who treated the police station as his home and came and went as he pleased, was beaten into a pile of mud! You know, even bullets can’t pose any threat to him! Not only that, Dorian was also killed. In addition, Zel barely survived, but he temporarily fell into a coma due to brain damage. “Who did all this?” Officer Tian Yuan looked at Tokugawa Mitsunari with a shocked face. “Is that the evil ghost back?” Except for Hanma Yujiro. He couldn’t think of anyone who could do such a thing. “No.”

Tokugawa Mitsunari shook his head slowly.

“It was the King of Jinghai who did it.”

“King of Jinghai?”

Officer Tian Yuan repeated it in his mouth.

He seemed to have heard of this name.

I heard that it was a martial artist from China.

Is that person so powerful?

Maybe we can try to contact him.

Maybe we need his help in the future?

At the same time,

A big thing happened in Kengan Competition!

That is, after the fighter Jukiji Ouma under the Nogi Group defeated Sekirin Jun,

Nogi Hideki challenged the position of president of Katara Metō!

The next day,

Imperial Sakura Women’s University.

In the office.

Souin Shion looked very serious.

It seemed that something big had happened.

And in fact, it was true.

“The Kengan Fatal Elimination Tournament has begun, and the winner will become the new Kengan president!”

She still can’t figure it out.

What on earth did Nogi Hideki rely on to dare to challenge the president.

But now none of this matters.

The most important thing is that the competition has begun!

All Kengan members are excited about this!

They all want to take this opportunity to become the new president!

Including Souyuin Shion!

“Kengan Elimination Tournament?”

Hearing this, Jingyu thought for a while.

There is indeed such a plot in the original book.

Can Kuroki Gensai and Kano Ka bring him a little surprise?

He has a little expectation for this.

“What about the time?”

“In a month, we will land on an artificial island.”

As she spoke, Souyuin Shion’s tone was a little relieved.

Fortunately, she had a Kengan competition with Kuraki Rino last time.

Her ranking has moved up a lot.

She knew some inside information and knew that this ranking would give her a lot of advantages.

“One month? That’s quite a long time.”

In this case,

Jingyu can take this opportunity to visit Shigawa Goki.

He has been interested in Aikido for a long time.

The technique of using softness to overcome hardness is just right for him.


After leaving the office,

Jingyu contacted Tokugawa Mitsunari.

He hoped that the other party would contact Shigawa Goki, and he wanted to visit him.


the other party responded.

The meeting time was scheduled for three days later.

In Shigawa Goki’s dojo!

Time flies,

three days passed in a flash.

Jingyu also came to Shigawa Goki’s dojo as promised.

“Welcome, King Jinghai.”

Shigawa Goki sat on the wooden floor.

He drank tea leisurely.

His expression and temperament were very relaxed.

It gives people a soft feeling like water.

“Nice to meet you, Master Shechuan.”

Since it was a visit, Jingyu’s attitude was very respectful.

After all, the other party was an old man who had practiced for decades.

This was reasonable.

Jingyu’s attitude surprised Shechuan Gangqi.

You have to know that the boy in front of him was not weak.

It can even be said that he was far superior to him.

This also led Shechuan Gangqi to think that the other party would have a bad temper.

After all, it is normal for a genius to be arrogant.

It can only be said that he is a warrior born in China.

Etiquette has been engraved in his bones.

“I heard that you want to learn Aikido?”

Shechuan Gangqi also showed a kind smile.

He asked softly.

“Yes, I think Aikido is a very powerful technique.”

In Jingyu’s eyes, any skill that allows the weak to defeat the strong is very powerful.

It is worth learning.

“Is that so.”

Hearing this, Shechuan Gangqi’s eyes lit up.

He didn’t expect that his Aikido would be so highly praised by the other party.

His expression and eyes didn’t look like he was joking.

This made him like the young man in front of him even more.

“So when do you want to learn?”

There was no idea of ​​hiding his skills.

Shichuan Gangqi was willing to give all his skills to the young man in front of him.

Because the other party was stronger and younger than him.

He was also more talented!

Maybe he could promote Aikido and spread it all over the world!

“Of course I hope to learn now, but I don’t know if Master Shichuan is convenient.”

Jingyu answered.

He had made sufficient preparations before coming.

“That’s just what I want. Let’s change clothes without delay!”

Ever since he saw Jingyu’s strength that day,

Shichuan Gangqi had always wanted to fight with the other party once.

Now that the opportunity has come, of course he will not let it go!

Since both parties are in love.

The two quickly changed into white uniforms and stood in the field.

“Let’s start.”

Without any nonsense,

the battle between the two began!

Of course, it can’t be called a battle.

It can only be said that Jingyu was asking for advice.

Facing the palm that Shechuan Gangqi extended,

Jingyu shook it without hesitation.

Even though he knew what would happen next.

After all, in the original book, Shechuan Gangqi never lost a handshake!

So thin.

This was Jingyu’s first feeling when he held the other’s hand.

So thin that he was almost skin and bones, without any muscles.


The next second.

“What is this?!”

Power, overwhelming power came from his hand!

It was like a mountain fell from the sky and hit him!

Jingyu finally understood the shock and feelings of those who fought against him at this moment.

Although his body was so thin,

he possessed such extraordinary power.

This is the real martial arts!

His vision fell downward,

and his body pressed downward involuntarily.

At this critical moment,


Jingyu’s legs suddenly expanded more than twice!

In the surprised eyes of Shechuan Gangqi,

she stood up in a bent posture!

“Wow, it’s really amazing!”

In that case, let’s increase the strength!

Shechuan Gangqi used Jingyu’s arm as a fulcrum.

He pressed the strength of his entire body on it!

In an instant.

Jingyu’s legs could no longer hold on.

She fell to the floor in a splits posture.

“How does it feel?”

Shechuan Gangqi narrowed his eyes and looked at Jingyu with a smile on his face.

“So that’s it, I understand.”

[You have learned Aikido (lv1)]

The handshake just now, the other party actually used a technique similar to the principle of leverage.

Using the arms of the two people as a fulcrum, he pressed the weight of his whole body on it.

Combined with the unparalleled technique.

You can burst out several times or even dozens of times the strength.

“Can we do it again?”

Jing Yu stood up from the ground,

asked Shechuan Gangqi.

“Of course, but if you can’t understand the secret, even if you do it again…”

Shechuan Gangqi stretched out his arm while speaking.

But he hadn’t finished speaking yet.

A terrifying force pressed his body to the ground.

“What, what is this?!”

Shechuan Gangqi widened his eyes in disbelief.

No mistake.

This feeling, this power.

It comes from Aikido!

It comes from the Aikido that he has practiced for decades throughout his life!


Shechuan Gangqi couldn’t believe it.

Is there anyone who learned Aikido after experiencing it once?

How could there be such an outrageous thing in the world.

This is no longer a human, but a monster!

“Do it again!”

In order to confirm whether the other party really learned Aikido.

This time, it was Shechuan Gangqi who said the words of doing it again.



The two shook hands for the third time!

“This, this is?!”

Terrible power!

Shichuan Gangqi was convinced.

The other party had indeed learned Aikido!


If two people learned Aikido at the same time, one was a young and strong young man, and the other was an old and frail old man.

Then who would win?

The answer is of course the former!

In just a few seconds,

Shichuan Gangqi’s body kept falling down.

His back almost touched the ground!

Looking at Jingyu’s smiling face.

Shichuan Gangqi shouted:

“Don’t be too proud, young man!”

After saying that,

I saw him suddenly exert force with his arms.

The sudden force,

actually directly lifted Jingyu’s body from the ground

Lifted it up and threw it backwards!


With a dizzy vision,

Jingyu instantly realized the current situation.

The opponent used his own strength to change the direction of the strength.

Thus, he threw his body out!

In other words,

it was Jingyu’s strength plus the help of Shichuan Gangqi that threw him out!

It was equivalent to the sum of the two people’s strength!

“What a great technique!”

After turning several times in the air like a cat, Jingyu’s body landed steadily.

There was undisguised admiration on his face.

[You have learned Aikido (lv2)]

Looking at Shichuan Gangqi who was a little out of breath.

Jingyu slowly walked towards the opponent.

“One more time.”

Just like that,

An hour later.

Shichuan Gangqi collapsed to the ground with disbelief on his face.

His eyes kept flickering.

It was as if his faith had been broken.

“Strange, monster.”

In just one hour,

the other party had completely learned his Aikido.

Not only that,

even the other party’s Aikido realm had reached a higher level than his!

You know, he has been practicing for a whole life!

Is there really such a person in this world?

Can such a talent really exist in reality?

Sure enough, the description in TV dramas or novels is correct.

How could his heart not be broken when he met such a genius?

His whole life is not as good as the other party’s one hour!

Even if he faced death, he would not cry.

For the first time in his life, he shed tears.

He cried loudly like a baby.

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