It hadn't been long since Ye Chuan came out of the family space.

With a goal in mind, Ye Chuan was busy for the next period of time.

After filling Nan Lixiang with milk many times, he finally succeeded in sowing.

After Ye Chuan's training, the bold beauty has completely taken on his shape.

It has to be said that the X-path is the passage to a woman's heart! This sentence is still very reasonable.

Especially when the world is experiencing great changes, and Ye Chuan is taking the lead in building a shelter.

Just when Ye Chuan was about to continue his efforts in the following period of time, Nan Lixiang came over.

"Our patrol team in the surrounding area discovered that a large number of zombies were advancing towards the shelter. It is roughly estimated that there are more than one million zombies...."Nan Lixiang covered her mouth, not knowing whether it was fear or morning sickness, she just felt nauseous and retched.

When Ye Chuan nodded, he had already noticed this.

Because the Dave Golden Brain he was equipped with had already given a hint.

【A large wave of zombies is coming.

However, Ye Chuan did not expect that this so-called large wave of zombies would be calculated in millions.

The reason is that Ye Chuan underestimated the zombie attraction range of this golden brain.

Not only did it attract all the free zombies in the city, but it also attracted zombies from several neighboring cities.

When Ye Chuan came to a high place to check the situation in the distance, the dense zombies had filled every street and various forks in the city.

A large number of houses were submerged under the massive tide of zombies, and the rumbling sound of collapse was endless.

Fortunately, the huge number of zombies themselves, coupled with the slow movement speed when attracted, also brought a great impact to the zombie tide itself. The zombie tide did not move so quickly, after all, it was on a scale of over a million.

Even the disciplined modern army soldiers need a strong command center to complete the dispatch.

Not to mention these zombies who have no brains and can only act on instinct.

Many zombies were trampled beyond recognition by their companions before they approached.

Ye Chuan immediately made a decision that he could not let the corpse tide continue to move towards the shelter.

He personally didn't care, but his men were surrounded by such a large scale of corpse tide.

I'm afraid they could only fight to the death to break through. It was not in Ye Chuan's interest to lose precious population here.

Besides, there were a group of people pregnant with his child inside, and it would be unreasonable for him not to stand up.

He quickly gathered everyone, and Marikawa Shizuka held her bulging belly.

With the help of other women, they came to the square. Unknowingly, there were more than 30 pregnant women in the harem.

In addition to the women of the protagonist group in the play, there were some other women with good looks who had borne fruit after cultivation.

There was no need to say much, as they fell in love with each other over time, and Ye Chuan was usually quite good to them.

After he explained the current crisis, the women also showed fear and worry.

However, Saeko Busujima, after throwing Ye Chuan's knife over, also took a knife and said that she wanted to go together.

There were also many fighters who had received blessings, and they also expressed their willingness to go together.

However, Ye Chuan only agreed to let a small number of people follow him, after all, the zombies were targeting him.

But the shelter cannot be without defense, even if a circle of plants to resist zombies were planted around the shelter.

It is always better to have more defense.

As a member of the former special police force, Nan Lixiang has been an instructor and captain of the guard force since she came to the shelter.

At Ye Chuan's signal, she quickly selected several team members and followed Ye Chuan.

As Ye Chuan left with a dozen people, the huge tide of corpses seemed to be attracted by a magnet.

Slowly and firmly began to turn, in fact, as long as Ye Chuan left alone, it would attract a large number of corpses.

But he also wanted to see what kind of damage the plants planted would cause to the zombies.

So the people who followed behind only brought simple pistols for self-defense, and the rest were all large bags of seeds.

Soon Ye Chuan chose the first strategic point, an isolated island at the intersection of the river.

The area is sufficient, and people can easily reach it through the bridge.

Zombies don't have such a brain, and it is surrounded by water, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

As long as Ye Chuan stood on the bridge, he would be able to defend the city with one man.

There was also a lot of land on the isolated island behind where seeds could be planted directly, and the turret defense mode could be activated immediately.

There was also the invincible hero unit of Ye Chuan's activity, which was an excellent defense location.

Soon, under the planting of everyone, sunflowers and pea shooters appeared on the island one after another.

Under the packaging of the church, these plants were also shaped into treasures made by the great power of the Lord of the God's Messenger to fight against zombies.

Ye Chuan had nothing to explain about this. The more unknown things were, the more fanatical confidence they could bring to people. It was better than being bitten to death by zombies in fear.

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