But it has a huge attack bonus against zombies. A cherry bomb the size of a marble can instantly kill more than a dozen zombies. If it weren't for the fact that this thing can't be stored for a long time.

It can only be planted and harvested, and then used directly, he would have started hoarding this thing a long time ago.

After all, it's much easier than chopping with a knife because it's large in quantity.

Before everyone was fully prepared, the leading zombie tide had already appeared around the river.

Except for a few zombies that stepped onto the bridge, most of the zombies fell directly into the water.

Ye Chuan didn't waste any words. He grabbed a handful of cherry bombs and threw them into the dense area of the zombie tide.

With his current strength, anything he threw would have the same power as a sniper rifle.

Suddenly, large areas of holes appeared in the dense zombie tide.

The zombies that were blown up turned into a pile of black powder as if their bodies were burnt and disappeared.

At the same time, as the system's large-scale screen-sweeping power-enhancing sound rang out, Ye Chuan knew that it was due to the overly dense positioning.

The cherry bombs exerted a powerful force that they should not have. In contrast , the pea shooters also began to attack.

Unlike the slow attack bullets in the game, the pea shooters now shoot small peas like a string of cannonballs.

Similarly, these pea bullets are almost like BB bullets to people, causing only slight pain. But when they hit zombies, not only does the juice splash everywhere, but a zombie's head can be knocked off in just a few hits.

It looks weak, but it still has special attacks on zombies, and the effect is outstanding.

The key is that there are so many pea shooters. After just a short while, the number of pea shooters awakened has reached hundreds.

The direct quantitative change has produced a qualitative change. The ordinary zombies have not even had a chance to fall into the river before they are beaten to pieces by a group of pea shooters on the other side of the bank.

Not only that, as the battle line stabilized, the women in the rear also began to plant watermelon pitchers and corn pitchers.

Because these two require more solar energy to awaken, the pea shooters that are easy to awaken were planted first.

After the front line was stabilized, it was planted by everyone, and the effect was quite good. In particular, the two adjacent corn pitchers could continue to invest solar energy to promote the birth, so that the two corn pitchers grew up and entangled together to form a corn cannon.

It can be operated manually. As long as the corn silk at the tail is pulled, the thick corn cob can fire a corn cannon at the destination. It is also effective against zombies.

But even so, the million zombie tide is not a joke, and the actual situation is not that the zombies in the game will disappear after they die.

Soon the zombies piled up corpses, not only filling up the river channel, causing congestion in the river. It also greatly hindered the launch trajectory of the pea shooter, and a large number of bullets were shot at the dead zombies.

The only ones that can still operate normally are the watermelon pitcher and the corn pitcher planted behind.

After all, it is a parabola, not blocked by obstacles, and as long as it enters the attack range, it can be accurately hit.

Regardless of Ye Chuan, he also knew that this was not a solution for a long time.

The land area on the island is limited, and it will be swallowed up sooner or later if nothing is done.

So he packed up all the remaining cherry bombs and rushed into the zombie group alone.

The zombies have always been targeting him. As long as he stays away, he can divert the zombie tide here.

The result was just as he expected. With his actions, the zombie tide turned again.

At this time, Ye Chuan had already been killing people. He threw all the cherry bombs out like sprinkled sugar beans.

Instantly created a blank area for zombies, and then found the bridge next to the river and directly cut a section of steel cable used to support the bridge body.

After trying it, it felt a bit thin, so he cut a few more and finally twisted the steel cables together.

Under his strange strength, several thick steel cables were twisted together like a twist. Under the powerful force, the heat accumulated by the friction inside the metal made both ends emit white smoke and appear dark red.

But Ye Chuan didn't feel hot at all, but grabbed both ends and tried it like playing skipping rope.

The whistling sound of the wind started from low and became sharper, until finally Ye Chuan let go of one end and pulled it aside.

Pah~ A sound like thunder exploded in the air.

A zombie at the end of the steel cable was whipped to pieces.

Ye Chuan took back the steel cable, very satisfied, and then took a new weapon and began to slaughter zombies.

Whips are not suitable for large-scale battlefield combat, but that is a soft whip, and most of them are made of leather. What he is holding in his hand now is a twisted steel cable, and in order to prevent it from being whipped apart, he tied a knot at both ends.

Coupled with his unreasonable and huge strength, this steel cable has now become a wire saw on a lawn mower.

With a sweep of Ye Chuan's hand, a large number of zombies were beaten to the point of being bent, or torn to pieces by the whistling steel cable.

Just when Ye Chuan was in the mood to fight, he also integrated the gun skills he learned from Miyamoto Rei into the steel whip.

A strange whistling sound suddenly rang out, and three missiles flew in from nowhere. The target was directly aimed at Ye Chuan.

"Boom~" Two of the three missiles were blown up by Ye Chuan before they even got close.

If it wasn't for Ye Chuan's first time using a whip and his lack of experience, the third missile would have been blown up as well.

But in an instant, there was no if, and the missile exploded directly on Ye Chuan.

A ball of fire shot up into the sky, burning all the nearby zombies together.

"Report to the headquarters, the target has been confirmed to have been hit, and a search team is being dispatched to recover the remains."

A soldier who was watching with a telescope on a tall building in the distance was reporting the situation through a walkie-talkie.

There were still a large number of soldiers below who were being dispatched to the missile landing point.

Soon a team arrived at the explosion site of the missile.

A body was seen lying in the fire at the center of the explosion, with flames all over the body.

Several soldiers wearing heat-insulating clothing stepped forward and extinguished the flames with fire extinguishers.

Just as the body was about to be lifted into the body bag, the body with all the hair burned off suddenly opened its eyes.

A female soldier reacted immediately, raised her gun and shot.

But she didn't expect the muzzle of the gun to be pinched by the opponent and exploded directly.

The man then backhanded another female soldier and punched her away.

The chest that originally had G was directly hit and collapsed into an airport.

Seeing that there was a problem here, the team members behind immediately raised their guns and shot.

But how could this hurt Ye Chuan, who was rushing around.

In less than a moment, the female commander of the team was under control.

"It's quite informative. Who sent you here?"After clamping the other party, Ye Chuan rushed to the collar and controlled the strength to pinch it.

The other party was obviously in pain and cried out, but his voice was still unyielding:"Kill me if you want to, no more nonsense."

"I wanted to kill you, but seeing that you are so strong-willed, I changed my mind."Ye Chuan said, like a villain, he stretched out his tongue and licked the other person's cheek, making a villain's unique laugh.

Combined with his hair that had been burned by fire, the villain aura became stronger.

Just now, after he was bombed by the missile, he immediately thought of the UW organization that blocked his way before.

So he pretended to be dead, waited for the other party to come to check the situation, and then captured a living person to ask about the situation.

Unexpectedly, there were quite a lot of people coming from the other side. This team had 20 to 30 people, and they were all well-equipped.

Thinking of those female soldiers who had been captured before, they had not been fully trained.

Now so many are sent here, the other party is really a kind person.

The secret room, uniforms, torture pal, just thinking about it is exciting.

So Ye Chuan decided to see the other party, not to kill him, at most beat him half to death.

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