It is not difficult for Ye Chuan to withstand missiles with his body now.

Some conventional weapons in the human world can no longer do much to him.

The only damage that can be caused may be to burn off his hair.

As a result, he is now naked and the key parts must be blurred to appear on camera.

Seeing that the restrained woman could not ask anything, Ye Chuan was not polite and knocked her out first.

Then, he stuffed more than 20 people into the armored personnel carrier like stuffing garbage. He tore off the clothes of one person and tied them around his waist to cover the key troops.

Just as he was about to drive the armored vehicle to break through the group of zombies that surrounded him.

The intercom in the car rang:"Dear sir, our branch chief wants to see you. We can provide you and your subordinates with the necessary shelter and help."

""What a shitty minister, if she wants to see me, let her roll over here, don't let me free my hands, I'll kill you all!" Ye Chuan had a look of disdain on his face, at this time, whoever has the bigger fist is right.

Anyway, he couldn't just run to see some shitty minister, he was having a great time killing zombies.

Just shoot a few missiles at their faces, it's just that he can't free his hands now, otherwise I would have twisted your neck.

The other side didn't expect Ye Chuan to be so domineering, and soon there was no sound after a burst of noise.

Seeing this, Ye Chuan didn't care, and drove the armored vehicle and troop carrier to hit.

Due to the missile shock wave just now

, the density of zombies in the field was reduced. The armored vehicle came to an open area after hitting dozens of zombies.

Anyway, they all wanted to attract the zombies away, so the direction didn't matter.

Walking and stopping, Ye Chuan stopped to contact the people in the shelter and the isolated island on the river.

After confirming that the zombies had turned, there was nothing to worry about. After seeing such a dangerous situation, he stepped on the accelerator and flew up.

With his reflexes, he didn't need to slow down too much. If there were too many zombies gathering together, he would go down to clean them up.

Half a day passed, and Ye Chuan was sitting on the roof of the armored vehicle with a knife in his hand, eating emergency food.

Large sections of chocolate energy bars were eaten, and a lot of heat came out of Ye Chuan's body as if he was in a sauna.

Mowing the grass is fun, and it's fun to keep mowing the grass.

But occasionally you have to stop and rest, not because of physical fatigue but because the mechanical movements are a bit mentally fatigued.

While resting, the roar of propellers came from above my head.

Soon a helicopter landed on a flat road, followed by a large number of troops. They were following the road opened up by Ye Chuan when he was mowing the grass and killing zombies, and soon a blonde foreign woman got off the helicopter.

"I think we can talk. It's our first meeting. I'm Alemende Koko, you can call me Koko, and I want to discuss a deal with you."

The woman has a strong aura, and it can be seen that she has been in a high position for a long time.

"Trade?"Ye Chuan was a little surprised. After seeing that he could withstand missiles, he dared to come and show up.

Either he was stupid or he had a trump card. Of course, he was more inclined to think that the other party had a trump card. After all, he was not interested in trading with a fool.

"That's right, as long as you cooperate with our research, we can find you everything you want. Money, status, power, and even...Eternal life." Koko showed a fanatical expression, but Ye Chuan remained calm.

"It sounds good, but I refuse."

"Why! This is immortality, something that all those in power have dreamed of for thousands of years."

"You are so confused. Even if I kill you, all these things are mine. Besides, I will fight for what I want by myself, not by cooperating with the weak. Do you understand?"

As Ye Chuan's words came out, Koko's face changed color instantly.

Fortunately, Ye Chuan had killed a large number of zombies at this time, and most of his murderous intent had gone.

And he also wanted to know the specific situation of the other party's organization, so he did not kill the other party immediately.

Soon, as Ye Chuan dominated the situation, Koko also said very frankly that missiles could not solve Ye Chuan, so there was no point in her hiding.

But she didn't expect Ye Chuan to not care about the temptation of eternal life. No ordinary person could resist this temptation.

Soon Koko explained to him the origin of the Doomsday Virus. They found the remains of an alien.

And extracted a technology from it that can control people by implanting living tissue.

As long as there is no order from the superior living body, the subordinate living body cannot speak and reveal any information. Living tissue can bring eternal life, and it will also automatically emit a virus that causes the death of men.

After that, they launched a virus war to eliminate men, but it didn't take long for them to discover that there was another force.

A dead body virus was created, and the other party didn't know what means to spread the virus to the world in a short time.

A large number of zombies were produced, and the other party's technology Obviously stronger than them, the global headquarters in North America has been captured.

Other places have also fallen one after another, leaving only the current branch in Sakura Country.

As the branch chief, Kokoko knows that if she doesn't do something, she will be annexed sooner or later.

At this time, she saw Ye Chuan, a man who was still alive. While monitoring, she also saw various inhuman performances.

Finally, after seeing that the missiles were useless, she made up her mind to come to negotiate.

Such a truth made Ye Chuan a little unexpected. How could aliens be involved

? He didn't enter the world of High School Apocalypse?

But after thinking about it, the original work didn't mention where the virus came from, and there was another world mutation.

It doesn't seem so difficult to accept that something happened outside the world line.

In this way, under the leadership of Kokoko, Ye Chuan also came to the branch of the organization that created the zombie virus in Sakura Country.

To his surprise, he actually saw a man in that defense facility. As expected, Ye Chuan soon flattened this place.

After countless casualties, the leader of the other party, a strong man with a face full of flesh, was captured.

When he was caught, the other party was lying on a big bed and fighting a group of women

"The Lord God will not let you go!" After being caught, the other party was still very arrogant.

Ye Chuan immediately hit him with a big punch, breaking all his teeth. Just as he was about to ask questions, he saw that the sky suddenly darkened.

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