What Shizhigong Isao showed Chen Mu was a little too far-fetched.

To some extent, it refreshed Chen Mu's worldview.

Oh, Chen Mu's worldview was originally chaotic.

That's okay.

After following Shizhigong Isao and touring this secret base for a while,

Shizhigong Isao also talked about the real purpose.

He brought Chen Mu here for a reason.

On the one hand, he wanted to show his sincerity to Chen Mu.

On the other hand, he wanted something.

"What? You want me to form a new expeditionary force?"

Chen Mu was a little confused.

Although in terms of strength, he was fully qualified to be the captain of an expeditionary force.

But, how much experience did he have?

Those who entered the team at the same time as him had just gotten rid of the title of rookie.

He directly ascended to become the captain in one step. This was not appropriate.

However, Shizhi Gong Gong was serious.

"As you can see, as the Star Guides become more and more proficient in monster transformation technology,"

"The challenges we will face will become increasingly severe."

"In this situation, it is difficult to fight against the monsters of the Star Guide with the existing strength."

"We can only continue to expand our strength"

"We also know that this request is a bit difficult, but there is no way, you are the most suitable candidate!"

Shinomiya Isao asked Chen Mu.

The reason why he brought Chen Mu to visit this secret base was actually to let Chen Mu understand the difficult situation of mankind now.

Put yourself in a very low position.

Then ask Chen Mu for help in the lowest posture.

In this way, the effect will be much better than asking directly.

Of course, this is only Chen Mu who needs this kind of coaxing method.

If it is someone else, coaxing?


And even so, Chen Mu still has some doubts in his heart.

If you ask him to fight monsters, there is no doubt that he will go.

But for things like bringing in newcomers, how can he have the leisure time.

It's not that he doesn't want to take responsibility, but he thinks it's too troublesome.

Fortunately, Shinomiya Isao also thought of this problem.

He said directly to Chen Mu:"I can let Jinmu Qianshu be your deputy captain."

"If there is anything, just push it to her."

The implication of Shinomiya Isao's words is to let Chen Mu put his name on it.

If that's the case, then Chen Mu has no problem.

He just doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

But if he doesn't need to trouble himself.

Then it's okay to help.

However, with Jinmu Qianshu's personality, can she manage it?

Sensing Chen Mu's questioning eyes, Jinmu Qianshu immediately got angry.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's that look on your face?"

"Are you doubting me?"

Seeing Chen Mu's serious doubt, Jin Mu Qianshu was angry for a moment, and then nothing happened.

"Okay, I admit that I usually suck."

"But that's because I know that Yabai Mina will take care of everything"

"With her around, I can rest assured."

"But can I feel at ease if I take you with me?"

"Besides, can't I just want to do some serious work occasionally?"

There is no doubt about the ability of Jinmu Qianshu.

In terms of strength alone, she is definitely the strongest one in the entire defense force, except for Chen Mu.

Because only she is a 100% combat power liberator.

Others, even Shinomiya Isao, have not reached this level.

In addition, Jinmu Qianshu has undergone countless trainings before.

With rich experience.

She is definitely capable and competent in leading newcomers.

The only question is, how long can Jinmu Qianshu last?

It is one thing to have popularity, and how long the popularity can be maintained is another.

Chen Mu's suspicion of Jinmu Qianshu is mainly in this aspect.

But soon, Chen Mu saw it.

If Jinmu Qianshu wants to play badly in the future, it will be very simple.

She can also train a deputy for herself.

Otherwise, if she dares to play badly, Chen Mu will dare to hang her up and beat her.

After considering all this, Chen Mu reluctantly agreed to this request.

The fifth punitive force is the fifth punitive force.

Anyway, there is the capable Jinmu Qianshu in.

The establishment of the fifth punitive force was decided just like that.

And Chen Mu also became the captain of the fifth punitive force. He directly created the fastest upgrade legend of the defense army.

It took only about two months for him to become the captain from a newcomer.

Compared with Soshiro Hoshina, who had been in the defense army for ten years and was only the deputy captain, he saved more than ten years of detour.

However, because the fifth punitive force was established in a hurry, the existing punitive force is not enough.

After discussion, the defense army decided to temporarily expand the recruitment to help Chen Mu select some good seedlings from the society.

Chen Mu would not object to such a thing.

Anyway, when the recruitment is expanded, Nishiki Chitsuka will be in charge.

There is no need to trouble him.

However, even if the procedure is green light all the way.

It will take a long time to establish the fifth punitive force.

Mainly, various supporting facilities need time to build.

So in the short term, Chen Mu will stay in the third punitive force.

However, the position has become the captain level.

I won’t talk about the benefits.

From the moment Chen Mu merged with the"Superman Template", worldly finances had no meaning to him.

The main thing is authority.

In the past, Chen Mu could freely choose whether to accept tasks.

But now, Chen Mu has the authority to assign tasks to others.

In other words, his current position in the defense force is already at the highest level.

A high-ranking official.

However, this did not have a profound impact on Chen Mu.

Life went on as usual.

Even because there were no monsters around.

Chen Mu also took the time to go out with Sister Jing to play for a few days.

He also experienced the fun of air combat.

I can only say that air combat is amazing......

While Chen Mu was waiting for the establishment of the fifth expeditionary force, somewhere on the Blue Star, in the temporary headquarters of the Star Guide Civilization, in a cultivation tank specially used to transform monsters, a newborn"Monster No. 9" crawled out of the cultivation tank.

"Chen Mu, revenge! Chen Mu, revenge!"

"This time, I won't lose again!"

Just as Chen Mu guessed, Monster No. 9 was indeed a war weapon specially made by the Star Guide civilization.

Moreover, this weapon was far more terrifying than Chen Mu imagined.

Because of the fusion of the world.

Compared with the original version, Monster No. 9 has been upgraded on the basis.

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