In addition to the two abilities that Chen Mu knew about, namely devouring and creating monsters,

Monster No. 9 actually has another ability.

That is, it can self-split and self-upgrade.

In simple terms, Monster No. 9 is no longer a single individual, but a group.

The one that usually causes trouble outside is the split body of Monster No. 9.

The main body is always in the cultivation tank of the star guide.

Whenever the split body that is active outside dies, the main body in the cultivation tank will soon split into another split body.

At the same time, all the memories and evolutions of Monster No. 9's split body are shared with the main body.

This means that every time a split body of Monster No. 9 dies, the main body of Monster No. 9 will be upgraded.

The next split body of Monster No. 9 will always be stronger than the previous split body of Monster No. 9.

For example, this one now.

The energy level of Monster No. 9, which has just been born, has broken through 9.5 and reached a terrifying 9.7.

Even among the numbered big monsters, this is considered a very strong one. It is completely different from Monster No. 9 that was hammered to death by Chen Mu before.

Monster No. 9 was not created to fight against humans in essence.

Instead, it was used to fight against the Titan monster Godzilla.

Through the deaths of its split bodies time and time again, the main body of Monster No. 9 gradually adapted to Godzilla's attack methods.

And finally, it evolved to the point of defeating Godzilla.

However, even the Star Guide civilization itself did not expect that before it encountered Godzilla, it ran into Chen Mu first.

Monster No. 9, who was highly expected to evolve, was directly beaten to death by Chen Mu.

In this way, Chen Mu temporarily replaced Godzilla's hatred and became Monster No. 9's most important target now...

Because of the preparations for the establishment of the fifth expeditionary force,

Chen Mu did not accompany Shinomiya Chikolu for special training these days.

Instead, he stayed in the command room of the third expeditionary force to facilitate timely communication.

Well, okay....

In fact, the person who is mainly responsible for the docking work is Jinmu Qianshu.

Chen Mu just shows up.

The rest of the time, he lies on a balcony somewhere in the Third Expeditionary Force to bask in the sun.

Big and small things are basically taken care of by Jinmu Qianshu now.

Chen Mu is a comfortable boss.

Jinmu Qianshu has complained a lot about this.

But it's useless, Chen Mu easily suppressed Jinmu Qianshu's complaints.

Today is just like usual, Chen Mu lies on the lounge chair on the balcony, basking in the sun leisurely.

Although no monsters have appeared during this period.

It has not been possible to improve the fusion degree of the"Superman Template".

But just basking in the sun is enough to make Chen Mu's strength go to a higher level.

However, there is one bad thing about the base of the Third Expeditionary Force.

That is, it is very easy to be disturbed.

For example, now

"Ah, Captain Chen Mu"

""Sorry, I didn't notice you were here!"

Kafka Hibino, who joined the defense force at the same time as Chen Mu, said to Chen Mu with a guilty look on his face.

Kafka Hibino, as the protagonist of the original work, should have made a name for himself with his Monster No. 8 vest.

Unfortunately, because of the butterfly effect brought about by Chen Mu, he didn't have any shots for such a long time.

However, Kafka Hibino himself was happy with it.

Compared to transforming into Monster No. 8 and being studied under the eyes of everyone, he prefers his current life that doesn't attract attention.

Moreover, although there is an element of coincidence, Kafka Hibino at least passed the assessment and became a member of the third expeditionary force, fulfilling his dream when he was young.

This is enough for Kafka Hibino.

However, I don't know if it's Kafka Hibino's illusion.

He always feels that Chen Mu's eyes can see through his secrets.

This also led to Kafka Hibino, to... Chen Mushi's mentality is very complicated.

There is fear and envy.

The fear that Chen Mu may see through his secret, and the fear that the monster No. 8 in his body is facing Chen Mu, which is like facing a natural enemy.

Monster No. 8's fear of Chen Mu also affected Hibino Kafka.

On the other hand, Hibino Kafka is very envious of Chen Mu.

He also wants to be the pillar of the defense force and a hero like Chen Mu.

The most important thing is that he wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with Yabai Mina and become someone who truly walks with her.

But now he can only do it reluctantly.

Although Monster No. 8 is powerful, it is a secret that cannot be leaked.

Without relying on the power of Monster No. 8, Hibino Kafka really doesn't know how he can walk with Yabai Mina.

This also leads to Hibino Kafka always fantasizing.

It would be great if he was like Chen Mu.

Such a high talent, such a confident mentality.

If he can have these, he will definitely be able to become a true companion of Yabai Mina......

Chen Mu has a very good impression of Kafka Hibino.

After all, not everyone has the courage to pursue their dreams regardless of everything.

Most people may still be able to bravely pursue their dreams in their twenties.

But what if they are thirty years old?

What if they have failed for more than ten years, or more than ten times?

Perhaps this is why Monster No. 8 took a fancy to Kafka Hibino.

At least Kafka Hibino will not give up easily after identifying a goal.

Therefore, for the sake of this courage.

Chen Mu is very friendly to Kafka Hibino.

"Ah, it's Uncle Kafka"

"Are you here to bask in the sun too?"

Chen Mu said without any arrogance.

Kafka was flattered.

"Well, I'm taking a break today, so I plan to come here for a walk."

The members of the Third Expeditionary Force are not obsessed with training every day. After all, there are only a few people like Shinomiya Chikolu. Most of them are ordinary people like Hibino Kafka.

They work hard, but not too hard.

After the two chatted for a few more sentences, Hibino Kafka prepared to leave politely.

But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly had an idea.

Moreover, he spoke inexplicably:"Captain Chen Mu, I have a question for you"

"What do you think I should do to be as good as you?"

As soon as he asked this question, Hibino Kafka regretted it.

What made him regret even more was Chen Mu's next words.

"This is actually very simple."

"Just communicate more with that thing inside your body."

"Releasing combat power is in itself borrowing the power of the monster."

Hibino Kafka:!!!

He, he, he has really seen through my true face.

Just when Kafka was thinking about how to slide down to Chen Mu.

The shrill alarm sounded throughout the base of the Third Expeditionary Force.

Chen Mu also put away his leisurely expression and looked up at the sky with sharp eyes.

The monster is coming!

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