【You begin to think about how to combine your Observation Haki and magic power. Your understanding is incredible and you have created a whole new power. Please name it!】

"『Dragon God Perception Method』!"

【『Dragon God Perception Method' was named successfully! 】

Lu Li's mouth curled up, and now he didn't have to worry about close combat anymore.

Then, Lu Li became a little distressed.

There are too many things to practice!

There is no way to practice them all.

"Let's put these aside for now and practice"Dragon God Transformation" to strengthen my body. At the same time, practice"Unknown Breathing Method" and master it as soon as possible.’"

"When your body becomes stronger, you can practice the"Dragon God Breathing Method". After the"Dragon God Breathing Method" completely replaces ordinary breathing, you can enhance your physical fitness all the time."

"『Dragon God's Domineering Method and Dragon God's Perception Method can be put off for practice at the end."

"After all, the power of these two mainly depends on the strength of the body and magic."

It's like in the world of One Piece, Armament Haki and Observation Haki are actually everywhere.

But with the same Armament Haki and Observation Haki, some people are top masters, while others are just trash.

In essence, it is the difference in qualifications and foundations. For example, Luffy and Lucci had laid an extremely solid foundation before practicing Haki.

Later, they practiced Haki and became masters with strength comparable to the Four Emperors in just two years.

This shows the importance of foundation.

Lu Li was meditating deeply while lying on the bed and sleeping, and his body was burning with flames, looking like... It was like a person being cremated. At the same time, Lu Li began to try to use the"Unknown Breathing Method".

With the blessing of the"Dragon God Transformation" magic, Lu Li's lungs met the requirements for using the"Unknown Breathing Method".

Under the effects of"Dragon God Transformation" and"Unknown Breathing Method", the body's physical fitness is rapidly improving.

After a night, because of practicing meditation, Lu Li not only did not feel tired, but was refreshed.

Meditation is not as simple as making the source of magic power rotate and accelerate magic power, but it can also allow the mind to sleep deeply.

After Lu Li came to the guild and had breakfast, he began to look for tasks he could do.

"Mission: 'Remove the Curse’"

"Mission Description: Toby, Earl Haas's beloved dog, has been cursed, and his hair has grown wildly. He needs to be freed from the curse."

"Mission reward: 30000 J."

Lu Li was very interested in this, but it was a pity that he knew nothing about curses. He would know more after reading more books.

"‘Hunting the Fierce Demon Beast Valken’"

"Mission Description: The monster Valken on Mount Hakbe attacks the passing caravan. The wizard hopes to destroy it."

"Mission reward: 200,000 J."

A hunting mission, the reward is really high, 200,000 J is equivalent to 12,000 RMB, you can earn so much money from one mission, and you can live a carefree month after completing this mission.

But I'd better wait until I become stronger before doing this.

Now it's better to develop slowly and find some simpler missions.

Lu Li's figure wandering in front of the mission board was naturally noticed by Makarov.

"Lu Li, what are you doing hanging around in front of the commission board?"

"President, I want to do some tasks. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Nonsense! You just joined the guild and learned magic for only one day, and you want to do a quest? You do have an unparalleled talent for magic, but talent does not represent strength."

"But I can't eat and drink for free in the guild every day!"

Lu Li didn't like to owe others money, and he was going to leave the dormitory and build a house in a remote place, so he naturally needed to make some money.

"It's a good thing that you have this intention, but you have to wait until you are stronger before you start working."

Now these guys in the guild are all big drunkards. Every time they make money from work, they spend all day eating, drinking and having fun in the guild, and then go back to work when they have no money.

It's a good thing that Lu Li is so eager to work at such a young age.

"I think my ability should be able to complete some tasks that are not too difficult."

"You have a strong talent, and you can even use such terrifying magic, but talent is talent, and strength is strength, and they cannot be confused."

Awesome, that magic is indeed powerful, even too powerful, but powerful magic does not mean powerful people.

Lu Li obviously has no combat experience, and he may not be able to beat Natsu and Gray if he really fights.

"But I really have become stronger!"

"You said you have become stronger, so let's do this, just find a formal magician in the guild, if you can defeat him, I will let you go to work."

Seeing that Lu Li insisted on going to work, Makarov planned to let Lu Li know what a real magician is, so that this kid would give up.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Li heard this, his eyes lit up:"Really?"

He learned magic and naturally wanted to try fighting, but he never had the chance.

Makarov nodded:"Of course it's true, who do you want to choose as your opponent."

Lu Li glanced at everyone in the guild when he heard this, and everyone in the guild also looked over. Natsu had an eager expression on his face, as if asking Lu Li to choose him.

Makarov thought Lu Li would choose children of the same age like Natsu and Gray.

"In that case, I will choose Macao."

Lu Li pointed at Macao who was closest to him and said.

Macao was stunned for a moment, a little bit unbelievable:"You choose me?!"

Lu Li nodded.


Macao was puzzled. Why did Lu Li choose him among so many people in the guild? Did he think he was weak and easy to bully?

"Nothing, because you are closest to me"

"Is this the reason?"

"That’s why."

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