Of course, this is not the only reason.

No matter Natsu or Gray, they are both children. He has an adult soul in his body after all, so he will not fight with children.

If he wins, he will not have any sense of accomplishment, and if he loses, it will be even more embarrassing. He can't even beat a child.

Mira and Erza are both girls, little girls at that, so it is naturally impossible for him to choose them.

As for the others, the only ones Lu Li is familiar with are Makao and Wakaba.

The two have real feelings for the Fairy Tail Guild, and they have been loyal to the Fairy Tail Guild from beginning to end.

Makao also has a good personality, and took good care of him when he came yesterday.

Moreover, he also wants to try to see where the real gap between himself and these wizards is.

"Lu Li, don't you need to change one?"

Makarov asked Lu Li. Now Makarov is also an elite wizard in the Fairy Tail Guild. He works hard and improves his strength every day.

"No need, I think Mr. Macao is very powerful."

Macao was a little proud when he heard Lu Li's words:"Kid, since you know I am very powerful, why did you choose me to challenge you?"

""It is because Mr. Makao is so powerful that I challenge him. If I want to challenge someone, I should challenge a powerful wizard! This way I can learn more."

Lu Li said modestly. This was half true and half false. Makao was a bit of a loser in the anime, but that was because the younger generation was so powerful at that time. Now Makao is undoubtedly the elite in the guild.

""Little boy, you have good vision! All right! In that case, let me teach you the correct use of magic."

Makao couldn't help but curl up his lips. He felt a little proud to be praised by such a genius.

"Open! Open!"

"Monster newcomer Lu Li VS Macao!"

"I bet on Macao! 1000J!"

"I bet on Macao too! 1000J!"


Someone in the guild immediately opened the betting, and Makarov did not stop him. 1000J was just a meal money for most of the mages in the guild. Winning or losing was no big deal, they just wanted to have fun.

Most of the people in the guild bet on Makao to win, and a small number of people bet on Lu Li to win.

Seeing that Lu Li refused to listen and insisted on challenging Makao, Makarov did not say anything more. He wanted to let this kid feel the gap between himself and the real guild mages, so that he could practice magic in peace.

Soon, everyone came to the back of the guild. The lake at the back had been refilled after a night.

The place was spacious and there was no need to worry about damaging other buildings. It was very suitable for a duel.

"Come on! New Monster!"

"Come on! Macao! Don't embarrass the old man!"


Many onlookers cheered and applauded

""Miss Mira, who do you think will win?"

Lisanna said to Mira

"Humph! Of course, if Makao can't even beat a newbie who has just learned magic, then he doesn't need to stay in the guild."

Mira said with her arms crossed.

"But, the magic that Lu Li cast yesterday was very powerful!"

Gray said:"That magic is very powerful, but there must be a chance to cast it."

Natsu said excitedly:"I can definitely defeat Makao!"

Gray curled his lips in disdain:"You are relying on your dragon slayer magic."

Gray and Natsu have fought countless times, and he knows Natsu's magic best. All flames are ineffective against the Fire Dragon Slayer Mage, and will become food for the Dragon Slayer Mage, which will increase Natsu's strength.

Erza said:"Take a closer look, I think Lu Li must have his own ideas since he chose Makao."

How could a guy who has such a heaven-defying understanding be so simple.

Makarov asked:"Are you two ready?"

Lu Li nodded.

"Then, let's begin!"

Makarov announced the start of the duel.

Makarov hooked his finger at Lu Li and said with a relaxed look:"Kid, you attack first, otherwise if I make a move, you won't have any chance to do so."

"Then I'll start first."

Lu Li opened his right hand, and a fireball appeared in Lu Li's hand.

Makao laughed when he saw it:"Little boy, a simple fireball magic can't defeat me."

Lu Li fired at Makao.

Makao dodged it easily.


The fireball landed on the rock behind Makao, and the rock exploded.

The huge noise scared everyone.

Wasn't Lu Li using the most basic magic fireball just now? Why is it so powerful?

"Lu Li, you fireball?"

"Oh, because you didn't allow me to use that magic, I improved the fireball spell to make it slightly more powerful, faster, and consume less mana."

"But you are worthy of being Mr. Macao. Then I will continue to use magic."

Macao's mouth twitched, and he remembered that the strongest point of this little monster was the extraordinary magical creativity. He regretted that he was too arrogant.

But the words had already been said, how could he regret it? He could only say stubbornly:"Come on!"


Lu Li raised his hands, and a fireball appeared in each of his hands.

Lu Li first threw the fireball in his right hand at Macao.

Macao dodged quickly, knowing the power of Lu Li's fireball technique, he dared not take it head-on.

Macao had just dodged when he saw Lu Li shoot the fireball in his left hand at him again, and dodged again.

Before he could stand firm, the fireball in Lu Li's right hand had taken shape again and shot over again, and then the fireball in his left hand was condensed again.

Macao's face turned pale with fright:"Wait... wait... wait a minute!"

Lu Li was extremely excited at the moment and didn't hear Makao's words at all. It felt so good to be able to cast magic.

Boom boom boom boom!!...

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