""Little brat! How dare you look down on us?"

The bodyguard captain and the other bodyguards were immediately furious when they saw Lu Li looking down on them.

Lu Li shook his head:"No, I'm not looking down on you."

"Then you said let's go together"

"Who said that letting you all go together is looking down on you?"

Lu Li had a surprised expression on his face, which made the bodyguards think that Lu Li was going to say something nice next.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li said immediately afterwards:"You are not worthy of my looking down on you at all!"

"Bastard! Go! How dare a mere kid look down on us?"

All the bodyguards rushed towards Lu Li. They wanted to teach this arrogant kid a lesson.

""Little devil? Then let's see who is the little devil!"

Lu Li's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Then, Lu Li activated the giant magic, and his body began to grow rapidly. In a blink of an eye, Lu Li became a giant more than ten meters tall.

Except for Erza, everyone was shocked to see such a huge Lu Li.


Lu Li grabbed the captain-like man who was rushing in the front and brought him close to his face:"This time, who do you say is the little devil?"


"Tsk! Boring, Lu Li threw the opponent to the ground.

The body returned to its original size.

Erza praised Lu Li and said,"You are becoming more and more proficient in giant magic."

"It's still far behind the president."

Just then, Alice ran over quickly with an excited expression on her face.

The old housekeeper behind her shouted,"Miss Alice, please slow down!"

Alice said to Lu Li eagerly,"You are so amazing! You can actually grow so big! What kind of magic is that?"

"That's Giant Magic"

"Giant magic? I didn't expect you to have such powerful magic! I am short-sighted and was so rude just now."

Alice said as she lifted her skirt and saluted.

Lu Li and Erza were a little surprised. They didn't expect that this arrogant young lady would actually apologize.

And Alice is not without knowledge. One in ten people in this world can use magic, and the proportion of people who can use magic is not low.

However, less than one percent of people really make a living by magic, and among this one percent, there are even fewer who can use such powerful magic.

Although the young man in front of him is not very old, he is definitely a talented magician with unlimited potential.

Erza said,"You're welcome, Miss Alice, we are used to this kind of thing, let's talk about the mission next."

"OK, let's go back to my room and talk about it."

Everyone returned to the hotel suite together.

"Sebastian, take that thing out."

The old butler took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Erza and Lu Li. The two opened the envelope and took a look.

Erza frowned when she saw the content of the letter, and then handed the letter to Lu Li. Lu Li also raised his eyebrows when he saw it.

The content of the letter was also very simple. It was a kidnapping threat letter. The general meaning was that if Alice came to Onibasi for a concert, she would be kidnapped.

The old butler said:"The letter was sent to Miss Alice's house a week ago. I originally advised the lady not to go, but the lady said that so many fans were waiting for her, and she insisted on going. In order to prevent accidents, I commissioned the Wizard Guild."

Alice said with an indifferent expression:"Sebastian just likes to worry about nothing. It's just a threatening letter written by my black fan. Can I not hold a concert because of a threatening letter? If I give in this time, there will be a second and third time. Can I still back down this time?"

The old housekeeper said seriously:"It is better to believe it than not to believe it. It is best to be safe and sound, but we also need to be prepared for any eventuality."

""Concert, are you a star?"

Lu Li said casually.

As a result, many people in the room were stunned.

Alice looked at Lu Li in disbelief:"You...you...you don't know me?"

""What? Are you famous?"

The bodyguard captain immediately said,"Of course Miss Alice is famous. Miss Alice is the most popular singer in the Kingdom of Fiore! How come you don't know Miss Alice?!"

He looked like an avid fan of Alice.



"Now let's talk about the commission. What do you want us to do?"

Lu Li changed the subject. He had just traveled through time and had no idea what celebrities were. He was not interested in them in his previous life, and he was even less interested in them in this life. Wouldn't it be better to learn more magic in that time?

The old butler said,"The concert will be in three days. I hope you two will protect the young lady's safety before the concert ends."

"No problem, we'll take this mission."

Then, Lu Li was arranged to stay in the room next to Alice. Erza was in the same room with Alice because she was a girl and for safety reasons.

As soon as Lu Li put down his luggage, he thought he could practice magic well, but Alice came running over excitedly and changed into a very casual outfit.

"Lu Li! Lu Li! Let's go play!"

"Miss, no! You are being watched by bad guys.……"

"What does it matter? I have Lu Li and Erza to protect me. If they can't protect me on weekdays, how can they protect me at the concert? I can't go anywhere in the hotel these days. I'm so depressed."


The old butler looked at Lu Li and Erza. Alice's actions obviously caused more trouble for Erza and Lu Li.

Erza said,"It doesn't matter. Protecting Miss Alice is our job. We won't let Miss Alice get hurt.""

"Look! Look! Erza said it's okay." Alice happily pulled Erza's arm.

The old butler sighed helplessly, then said to Lu Li and Erza:"Then I'll trouble you two."

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