Alice immediately took Erza and Lu Li out.

Onibas City is very prosperous. If Magnolia is a fourth-tier city, then Onibas is at least a quasi-first-tier city.

The streets are bustling with people, and there are all kinds of shops on both sides of the streets, with food, drinks, and entertainment.

Alice bought this and that like a curious baby, and also bought a lot of things for Erza and Lu Li, which made Lu Li deeply realize how happy it is to have a rich friend.

But the two of them are too good at shopping. They didn't stop for a whole afternoon. He felt physically and mentally exhausted, but the two people seemed to be fine. Lu Li finally realized how terrible the physical strength of girls shopping is.

It was not until the sun went down that the three returned to the hotel, which made Sebastian, the old butler, very worried.

At night, Lu Li finally had time to practice magic. Lu

Li sat cross-legged on the bed and started the meditation method. The flames were burning on his body, and he also concentrated on breathing in and out the"Unknown Breathing Method".

His physical fitness was improving rapidly.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the people who wanted to kidnap Alice did not show up.

Alice said smugly that the old housekeeper was too worried, but Lu Li and Erza did not relax their vigilance. Most of the tasks were completed. If they failed on the last day, they would not get any reward.

Of course, it would also be a loss of face for Fairy Tail.

The concert started in the evening of the fourth day. Lu Li looked at the square from the backstage and saw a sea of people outside.

"There are so many people!"

He didn't chase stars before, and he had never been to a concert. He didn't expect so many people to come.

Erza said on the side:"It's natural that there are so many people. Alice is the most popular singer in the Kingdom of Fiore. I heard that other countries have invited Alice to hold concerts, but she refused them all."


"It seems that the king of that country is very annoying. Not only is he dictatorial and lustful, but he also exploits the people."

Erusa has lived with Alice these days. Girls naturally have endless things to talk about. The two are almost becoming good girlfriends now.

Soon, the concert began. As soon as Alice appeared on the stage, the fans below shouted Alice's name. After Alice greeted all the fans, she also began to sing.

The singing was very beautiful, even compared to the classic songs in her previous life.

And he could hear that there was a trace of magic in Alice's voice. With the singing, it could give people a very strong appeal and resonate with people.

Even if the influence of magic is thrown out, Alice is obviously a singing genius.

Although Lu Li doesn't chase stars, he listens to songs! Good songs are good.

It's just that he listens to them, but he can't remember the names of any songs.

For him, a good song is enough to listen to a few times. For him, this song is just good.

Lu Li activated the"Dragon God Perception Method』,『The Dragon God Perception Method has an advantage over the Observation Haki, that is, it is more sensitive to people with magic power.

Soon, Lu Li sensed the emergence of multiple malicious forces, the number of which was about 30 people.

If he guessed correctly, these people were trying to kidnap Alice. After all, normally people who came to the concert were Alice's fans, so how could they have malicious intentions?

Lu Li said to Erza,"Erza, be careful, they are coming!"

"What?! Where is it?"

Erza was stunned, but she knew that Lu Li would not let it go for no reason, and he must have found something.

"In the crowd"

"Who are they? I'll deal with them."

Lu Li stretched out his hand to hold Erza and said,"Don't worry, if you start fighting in the crowd now, it will definitely cause panic, and it will be bad if there is a stampede."

"What should I do then?"

"It's not too late to take action after they make their move."


Erza nodded, and she couldn't help but tighten her sword.

After all, Erza was still only a 13-year-old girl, and she was still a little nervous when faced with such a situation.

The two and a half hour concert was about to end.

"Everyone! Thank you very much for coming to listen to my singing. Now I will sing the last song"Tomorrow" for you all!"

""Get started!"

Just as Alice finished speaking, many people suddenly appeared on the stage.


"What's this?"

"Is it a temporary addition to the program effect?"


Everyone in the audience was stunned

"Catch them!"

The bodyguard captain was the first to react and called on his men to take action.

All the bodyguards rushed forward together, but were all knocked down by the opponent in a few moves.

Alice was a little panicked:"You... who are you?!"

""Miss Alice, my boss likes you very much. Please come with us."

Alice now understood that the other party was the one who claimed to kidnap her. She originally thought it was a joke from her haters, but she didn't expect it to be true.

"Take her away!"

Two people quickly rushed towards Alice.


A figure quickly appeared in front of Alice.




The two kidnappers were chopped and fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Erza pointed her sword at them and said,"I won't let you hurt Miss Alice."

"Erza!"Alice was a little surprised

"Miss Alice, don't leave my back."

Erza felt a lot of pressure when she saw that the other side had more than 30 people. She originally thought that the other side had only 3 or 5 people at most, but she didn't expect that there were more than 30 people, which was comparable to a small wizard guild.

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