"How is it? Have you learned it?"

Everyone looked at Lu Li curiously, wanting to know if Lu Li could learn even this kind of lost magic.

Lu Li shook his head.

Seeing Lu Li shaking his head, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Makarov said:"This is normal! Don't be discouraged. The Fire Dragon Slayer Magic is a lost magic, a magic taught to humans by dragons. How can it be so easy to learn...?" Huh!

Lu Li's hands were wrapped in flames, exactly the same as the magic cast by Natsu.


"Lu Li... you learned it?!!"

Everyone looked at Lu Li in shock.

Lu Li shook his head slowly and said:"No, if you want to learn dragon-slaying magic, you need a dragon to personally implant his own dragon seed into his body. I don't have a dragon seed, so I naturally can't learn dragon-slaying magic. So I found another way and used my magic power to imitate and create an artificial dragon seed. The effect should be similar to the real dragon seed, but it is not the fire dragon-slaying magic after all. I named this new magic 'Dragon God Transformation'.’"


The entire guild was in complete silence, and everyone looked at Lu Li as if he were a monster. What did you say? Because you didn't have a dragon seed, you created an artificial dragon seed, and used the artificial dragon seed to create a new magic called"Dragon Transformation" that was similar in power to the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. Is magic so easy to learn? And is magic so easy to create?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that someone could learn such a difficult magic in such a short time, and even create a new magic.

Gray asked Natsu,"What is a dragon seed?"

Natsu was also confused:"I don't know either!"

How could he know what a dragon seed was? He learned the dragon slayer magic just as Igneel taught him. Igneel planted a dragon seed in his body, and he had no idea that there was such a thing.

Makarov asked hesitantly,"Lu... Lu Li, are you sure this is your first time in contact with magic?"

Lu Li nodded.

"Then how come you can understand it at a glance and know so much?"

"I don't know either, but when I see you casting magic, relevant knowledge automatically comes to my mind, and I understand the magic you cast."


They can learn magic just by watching it once. They have learned magic after hard practice. This is too abnormal. How can there be such abnormal talents in this world?

Many people in the guild came to Lu Li and showed their magic, wanting to see if Lu Li could learn it.

Lu Li was very excited to see so many magics. He traveled to the Fairy Tail Guild and could learn so many magics. Such a life is too happy.

Makarov also had a headache when he saw Lu Li like this.

He stretched out his hand to greet Lu Li:"Lu Li!"

Lu Li heard Makarov's voice and immediately ran over:"President, you called me"

"Lu Li, you have a very high talent for magic, but you may not know that the more magic you know, the more powerful a magician is. The truly powerful magicians are all specialized in one kind of magic, and they keep studying it, so that they can become more powerful."

Lu Li nodded. He knew that what Makarov said was right. If you know it, you know it. If you are good at it, you are good at it.

It's like playing a game. Even if you play the same hero, some people can be the top one, while others are eternal diamonds.

"I know, President, I'm just very curious about magic and want to learn more about it."

Then Lu Li looked at Makarov with shining eyes:"President, I heard that you are one of the ten great magicians of the Holy Land. Can you let me see your magic? I want to learn your magic."

Makarov held his forehead helplessly when he heard Lu Li

's words. What he said was in vain. He didn't mind teaching Lu Li his magic. The stronger his child was, the happier he would be. It's just that Lu Li was still too young and didn't know enough about magic.

It's like a baby holding a knife. If he's not careful, he might even hurt himself, and Lu Li was obviously no longer at the level of holding a knife.

Makarov took out a magic book and said,"If you want to learn magic, you don't have to harass guild members everywhere.

There are various magic books in the guild library and you can read them by yourself.

This is a detailed explanation of magic power, and it is also the knowledge that all magicians who study magic must learn.

Magic power is the necessary energy for casting magic and is the foundation of casting magic.

You are very talented and can even learn to fly without even walking.

But magic is not a child's play, nor is it a rigid formula of one plus one equals two.

Only by truly understanding magic can you truly learn magic.

Do you understand?"

"I understand, President, thank you for your guidance, I will study the basics of magic well."

Lu Li excitedly took the magic book from Makarov. He was so absorbed in learning magic that he forgot about the magic book.

He remembered that there were many magic books in the Fairy Tail Guild, which were invaluable treasures. This way he could learn more magic.

"Also, don't practice magic in the guild in the future, go to the back of the guild, there is a lake there, enough for you to practice all your magic."

Makarov pointed to the big hole on top of his head, and Lu Li felt a little embarrassed:"I'm sorry, President, I will fix it."

Makarov waved his hand and said:"No need this time, after all, you didn't mean it, but it's only this time, next time you will be punished"

"I understand. Thank you, President."

Lu Li ran happily to the back of the guild. He had just learned a lot of magic, and he wanted to experiment and practice them one by one.

Makarov's eyes showed sadness, thinking of the miserable situation of Lu Li's village when he picked him up:"Alas! What a strong child! He can still be so optimistic and positive in facing life after encountering such unfortunate things."

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