Makarov took Lu Li's happiness as extreme grief, and subconsciously chose to deliberately forget it, focusing all his attention on magic to hide his sadness.

The evidence is that Lu Li has never asked about the village and his family since he woke up, nor has he mentioned the suffering he has suffered, as if nothing had happened.

Most of the children in the guild are like this, and they all have a tragic past, so he wants to make Fairy Tail a home for these homeless children, hoping that everyone can grow up healthy and happy in Fairy Tail.

Makarov didn't know that Lu Li was really happy, and he didn't keep any memory of this body in his mind.

Naturally, the relatives who died didn't have much to do with him. At most, he was just grateful to the original owner of this body for allowing him to continue living.

And he lived again, had a healthy body, could come to this magical world, join the Fairy Tail Guild, and learn magic. Any of these was an extremely huge surprise for him. He didn't have time to be happy, so how could he be sad?

Lu Li came to the back of the guild, sat under a big tree, leaned against the trunk and began to read the magic book.

"Magic is the necessary energy for magicians to cast magic. There is a magic source in the human body, and magic is born from the magic source. The properties of magic are roughly divided into eight types: the four basic properties of earth, fire, wind and water, light and darkness, space and nothingness, and legend has it that there is also a time attribute.……"

The magic book began to analyze and explain magic from the simplest to the most complex. After about an hour, Lu Li had finished reading the magic book and memorized all the knowledge in it. This magic book also benefited Lu Li a lot.

He finally understood what Makarov meant when he told him to learn less magic and specialize in one or two kinds of magic.

Because magic itself has additional attributes, especially when the magician's magic practice becomes more and more profound, the magic in his body will have corresponding attributes.

The higher the density of magic with this attribute, the stronger the power of the magic.

This made Lu Li think of Gildarts. Gildarts is good at using the super advanced magic - shattering.

Just bumping into the wall will shatter the wall. This is not him casting magic, but the magic attached to himself will instinctively destroy the wall.

"Wizards cannot use magic with opposite attributes, such as water and fire, light and darkness."

Lu Li raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this. This was a bit absolute, and it was like this in most situations. For example, it was almost impossible for Natsu to use ice magic and Gray to use fire magic.

But the guy who was the first among the Ten Holy Wizards of Ishgar Continent could use these two magics because he had the Dragon Slayer Crystals of Water Dragon and Fire Dragon in his body.

Light and darkness, in the Great Magic Tournament, the future Rogue also used these two kinds of magic after swallowing Sting.

Moreover, he remembered that in the world of Fairy Tail, different magics, if merged, would even greatly increase their power.

He didn't know what kind of magic was suitable for him now, and his extraordinary understanding made him feel that any magic was very simple.

Then he could only try all the magics one by one, and then find the magic that suited him best.


Lu Li raised his right hand and opened his palm. A fireball appeared in Lu Li's palm. Lu Li fired it at the rock in the distance.


The fireball exploded on the rock. The rock was fine, but the surface was slightly burned black.

"The power is very small! But this is normal, after all, it is just basic magic."

This result was not unexpected to Lu Li. The magic element structure in the fireball technique was simple. If the president used it, the result would be similar.

Then Lu Li opened his palm again, and another fireball appeared. The fireball was burning with blazing flames, and the temperature was obviously much higher than the previous fireball.

This was the fireball technique he used with the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic he learned from Natsu, no, it should be called Dragon God Transformation Magic now.

Lu Li swung his palm and the fireball was launched at a rock.


The rock was shattered.

Lu Li's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself:"It is worthy of being a dragon-slayer magic. It is much more powerful than ordinary fireball techniques. If this fireball can be made bigger, the power will definitely increase."

Lu Li thought so in his heart, and his mind began to work.

【You think the fireball is too small, and you start to deduce that the fireball has its own magic element arrangement structure, and the size cannot be changed at will. Too much magic input will cause the magic to be unstable. You decide to rebuild the fireball structure. You combine the principles of giant magic and start to build. Your understanding is amazing, and you create a new magic. Please name the new magic! 】

Lu Li raised his palm upwards.


A beam of flame shot out from Lu Li's palm, and in the blink of an eye, a huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared above Lu Li's palm.

"It's so big!"

Lu Li was shocked when he saw the huge fireball above him. He didn't expect that the fireball he created would be so big.

"Since this fireball is so big, let's call it Big Fireball. Uh... doesn't this name sound a bit low?"

"I have to think of a cool name, and I got it! Let's call it 'Dragon God·Great Entei'!"

【The new magic 'Dragon God Great Entei' was named successfully! 】

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