The two of them were very close.

"Brother, this kid said he wants to use you as a tailed beast..."

Senju Tobirama stared at his brother awkwardly for a few times, then adjusted his state and talked about business seriously.

"It seems that it is not impossible..."

Senju Hashirama climbed up and sat on the roof of the thatched house, tilted his head and thought for a long time, and then gave a result after careful consideration.

But the premise of all this is that he needs to have chakra. He must have power first before he can transfer it to this kid.

"So, little guy, do you dare to let me stay here with the power of my heyday?"

Ignoring the angry Tobirama, Senju Hashirama stared at Luo and asked him if he had the courage.

This sealed space is a bit strange, but if he has the power of his strongest period, it shouldn't be difficult to break the seal and leave.

Unless the kid suddenly loses his mind, he will definitely not do this kind of thing.

"Okay, go catch the three-tailed beast first, and seal Hyuga Neji. Then you can come back with your body after the Impure World Reincarnation. It doesn't matter whether it is a sage body or not, but you should be able to use the chakra of ninjutsu and sage techniques at will."

A Luo looked at Tobirama Senju, who was instantly full of pride beside him, and then continued to look at Hashirama Senju, to make sure he really dared.

"That's not bad, but Tobirama, why did you buy me this kind of house? If you want to buy it, you should buy some land. With the land, I will plant a few trees, and I can have any kind of house..."

Hashirama Senju finished talking about the business, and began to worry about the thatched house his brother exchanged for him.

What is this thing for!

He wants land, land that can grow plants. Now the ground is all illusory. Even if he goes out and comes back, he can't use the chakra!

"If you want land, earn it yourself!"

Senju Tobirama's mood is up and down at this moment. He is angry and doesn't want to pay attention to anyone, not even his brother!

He even complained that the things he bought were not good. This brother can really be thrown away.

He is so angry!

It's not easy for him, a dead soul, to do research and earn points!

"Your brother said he doesn't want points."

A Luo added a sentence beside him, which made Senju Tobirama cover his heart and look at Hashirama with despair.

"Actually, you can also..."

Senju Hashirama raised his hand and scratched the back of his head. He was stared at by Tobirama's eyes. He felt guilty now.

At that time, it was just a casual remark. He didn't really want it!

Moreover, the premise for him not wanting points at that time was that the living environment had to be changed. Although it was indeed changed, it didn't become what he wanted...

So, probably, it should be...

Can we discuss it again?

"You said you don't want it, and it can't be changed. I'll give you a piece of land. Plant some plants and expand it slowly in the future. You can't always bully your brother. Scientific researchers are very precious."

A Luo thought about it under the aggrieved eyes of Senju Hashirama, and a cubic meter of land appeared in front of the thatched house.

By the way, there was also a portion of grass seeds, so that Senju Hashirama could play slowly in the future.

"Uchiha Luo, you're too much!"

Senju Tobirama watched his brother jump off the roof and really go to dig a hole to plant grass. He turned his head and stared at A Luo. Some information that he had ignored suddenly became clear to him now.

Let him do research, come up with that points system, let him work and earn points to see his brother...

Including now, points can only be used to buy houses and land, and the land area can be expanded after farming...

All this is the result of this evil Uchiha kid, he is using a hidden domestication mode!

Uchiha, it turns out that he is born evil!

"You can refuse, anyway, your souls will not disappear here, you can all choose to be rotten.

Now if you do some work to satisfy me, I will let you live a little more comfortably, if you don't satisfy me, I will let you be locked in a cage.

Who told you to run out and meet me so coincidentally, and you even grabbed me and said you wanted to break up my soul...

Senju Tobirama, if you didn't have some value, when you said you wanted to break up my soul, I would have thrown you into the hell of the dead!"

A Luo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and looked at Senju Tobirama, and told some things that everyone should have understood a long time ago, very seriously.

He needs the technology development of scientific researchers, but it does not mean that it must be Senju Tobirama.

If you want to act, then just act together for fun. If you don't want to act, then make it clear.

Anyway, that's all.

He never showed mercy to his enemies. The reason why Tobirama Senju, who wanted to destroy his soul, could continue to exist was because he was valuable enough and had no ability to resist.


Tobirama Senju looked at A Luo in shock. He didn't know what the Purgatory of the Dead Souls was, but he knew it was definitely not a good place.

"Uchiha Luo, I can help you deal with a lot of troubles, but you have to promise not to hurt Tobirama..."

Hashirama Senju shouted from the opposite side, willing to cooperate with A Luo's subsequent arrangements on the premise of not hurting Tobirama Senju.

He only had one brother like this. Even if he was already a dead soul, he definitely didn't want to see Tobirama being tortured.

"I didn't intend to hurt him. I said that I like scientific researchers very much. Even if it was the annoying Senju, I wouldn't destroy them casually."

A Luo raised his hand and touched the screen in front of him, and the next moment he appeared next to Hashirama Senju.

"What do you want me to do? I won't attack Konoha, even if you threaten me with Tobirama..."

Senju Hashirama looked at the child beside him and explained his bottom line before the conversation.

At the same time, it was also a statement that he would agree as long as it didn't destroy Konoha.

"Go and catch the three-tailed beast and seal it first. Other things will be discussed when needed. I will definitely not let you destroy Konoha. I won't go that far."

A Luo nodded. He didn't want Senju Hashirama to participate in destroying Konoha from the beginning.

However, he will have a very reasonable reason to use Wood Release in the future.

The Jinchūriki sealed the tailed beast and borrowed the power of the tailed beast.

And he sealed Senju Hashirama, so it's not surprising that he used some Wood Release!

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