The three-tailed beast was found in the lake, and the three-tailed beast was in a sleeping state.

"It has been confirmed that the three-tailed beast is at the bottom of this lake, and is currently in a sleeping state!"

Honglian stood on one side, lowered her head and reported the current situation to Orochimaru.

Beside her was a boy named Youguimaru.

"Thank you for your hard work. I will trouble you to take good care of the teacher in a while."

A Luo came from the side with Hyuga Neji, smiled at Honglian, and then glared at Orochimaru.

In view of the fact that some people always seek death, he needs someone to watch Orochimaru during the time of catching the tailed beast, so as not to let him run out to make trouble.

Usually he would let him play, but Senju Hashirama would be released by him. If that guy took action, Orochimaru's safety would be difficult to guarantee.

"Yes, we will definitely protect Lord Orochimaru!"

Honglian took a step forward, holding Yukimaru's hand and standing beside Orochimaru.

Although she didn't fully understand, she could definitely do it and prevent Lord Orochimaru from any harm!

"Actually, I'm not that fragile..."

Orochimaru looked at Honglian who was so obedient, and felt a little sad.

He didn't do anything. He just did some new experiments for this white-eyed boy when he planted the curse seal on Hyuga Neji, and then the experiment failed...

But there is no experiment that does not fail completely. He didn't have any problems, nor did he kill Hyuga Neji, and he didn't cause too much loss to the laboratory...

"Teacher, you have a good rest. You just need to watch over the next thing. Don't run around. I'm not sure if I can control that..."

A Luo approached Orochimaru with red eyes, and emphasized again that he must not interfere.

Before, he just went to chat with the Senju brothers, but when he came back, he found that Orochimaru almost put the seal of the caged bird on himself.

The Byakugan, the Byakugan that was placed in the petri dish before, was placed on a spare body by Orochimaru. After planting the curse seal on Neji, he temporarily changed his body and wanted to try what the caged bird looked like...

Can these things be tried casually?

Although nothing happened, this kind of seal cannot be used on oneself. If something really happens one day, he may not be able to find it back!

"Be careful, throw it away if it doesn't work..."

Orochimaru tried some experiments when he remembered them, but this was limited to himself. He was still worried about Luo asking the first generation Hokage to come out to work.

"Well, I will throw it away if I can't control it."

A Luo opened a scroll and released the White Zetsu sealed inside.

Chakra appeared from under his feet, and a formation was drawn around this White Zetsu.

Then he took out another scroll, took out a little of the first-generation cells sealed in it, and everything was ready, and then he quickly made a seal.

"That's it, the seal is not very good?"

Hinata Neji stood next to Luo, watching the one-handed seal, the hand speed was so fast that only the afterimage could be seen, and he felt depressed again.

Is this what I said before, not good at making seals?

"Yes, the seal is not very good. If I hadn't tried it before, I wouldn't want to make a seal now... Senju Hashirama, don't stand there, you go!"

A Luo finished the seal, and when White Zetsu was already covered, he pushed his right hand forward and directly slapped the soul of Senju Hashirama who had just been released.

There is no need to summon from the Pure Land, but what is necessary cannot be missing.

As the soul was pulled in, Senju Hashirama, who was wearing a set of Warring States armor and had long black hair flying in the wind, appeared in front of everyone.

"This body is pretty good!"

Hashirama Senju raised his hand and looked at it, and grabbed his hair with his fingers to look at it. The difference from when he was alive seemed to be younger.

Unfortunately, after all, it was not a flesh and blood body, and the overly pale skin color showed his identity as a deceased person.

It seemed that there were no cracks like last time...

"Let's go, go into the water to catch the three-tailed beast, are you going to go directly down, or catch it with wood escape?"

Under the shocked eyes of others, A Luo walked to the side of Hashirama Senju, pointed to the lake behind Hashirama, and asked him to hurry up and work.

As expected of a brother, Tobirama Senju was afraid that his brother would be wronged, so he improved the Impure World Reincarnation. This physical state should be the strongest period of Hashirama Senju, and the degree of freedom is also quite high.

But if you want to break free from the control of the caster, you still need to have a stronger soul power, and A Luo's strongest thing at present is the soul.

"What an unlovable kid..."

Hashirama Senju felt his

He used his strength, blinked his dark eyes, touched A Luo's little head with his big hand, then stood up and turned around, ready to work.

As long as the feeling of being restricted is still there, he will help this brat to work, so there is nothing to worry about, wait until he can be uncontrolled, then talk about it.

"Which bastard disturbed..."

The water surface rolled, and several big trees growing from underwater pushed out the sleeping giant turtle.

The three-tailed Isobu was originally sleeping, and was disturbed at this time. He roared angrily and wanted to settle accounts with those who disturbed his sweet dreams.

However, when he saw the long hair flying, just like the Senju Hashirama back then, he instantly wilted.

Who can tell him why this guy is still alive, isn't it said that he has been dead for many years?

Perhaps, today's dream was not good. If it changes its sleeping position, will it be able to avoid this nightmare...

"Isobu, this is Hyuga Neji. He needs your help now. Before he does anything, let me ask you first. Are you willing to take the initiative or wait for Senior Senju Hashirama to take action before locking you up?"

A Luo grabbed Hyuga Neji's shoulders and used the instant body technique to lead him to a big tree in the center of the lake.

Seeing that the three-tail wanted to attack, he smiled and pointed at Senju Hashirama, waiting for the three-tail to choose.

Anyway, he couldn't escape. If he didn't want to be beaten and locked up, he could choose to take the initiative. At least he could avoid being beaten and get better treatment.

"Can I not live in a cage?"

The three-tail felt wronged. It wanted to resist, but Senju Hashirama was watching.

It had no choice at all, but it really didn't want to live in a cage!

"There's no cage in the water, do you want to go?"

A Luo nodded, this is not a problem, after all, there is no cage in the space developed for Hyuga Neji.

The three-tailed beast likes water, so let's transform the environment to make it live comfortably and get along with Neji.

"No problem, I'll go, I'll go now!"

The three-tailed beast nodded repeatedly without any backbone, as long as he could avoid confronting Senju Hashirama, nothing else would be a problem.

That guy is so scary!

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