The two boys were fighting, trying to leave more footprints on each other.

The little girl with long pink hair was holding a half-opened scroll under a tree, studying some illusion knowledge on it very seriously.

On the tree, the white-haired ninja was reading a comic book in one hand and holding a dried fish in the other, trying to arouse the interest of the black cat next to him.

Unfortunately, the black cat didn't even look at him today.

"Cat, didn't I just snatch the snacks you were holding when we gathered this morning? Look, I've compensated you, why are you still angry? I'll treat you to barbecue when we go back later, so don't...hiss! Shouldn't you get your claws trimmed..."

Kakashi failed to tease the cat with dried fish, so he put away the comic book and tried to communicate with the cat seriously, apologize and coax it.

As a result, he was not forgiven, and there was a claw mark on his hand.

"Go away!"

The black cat glared at Kakashi with disdain, jumped onto the branch next to him, and didn't want to pay any attention to this guy at all.

If you don't become a black cat, you really don't know that Kakashi is so nagging that he even snatches cat snacks. I don't know if he has snatched A Luo's snacks before when he wasn't looking...

That was what A Luo bought for him when he went out this morning, but Kakashi snatched it and ate it.

If A Luo hadn't been holding him, he would have given Kakashi two claws on the face at that time.

"Then tell me, how should I compensate you? Otherwise, I will give Sasuke half a day off and let him take you around the village?"

Kakashi looked at the black cat who was particularly bad-tempered today, and for a moment he was not sure whether it was A Luo or Sasuke.

After going out this morning, the way he saw people and cats interacting with each other was different from yesterday.

So he tried to grab the small bag of snacks, but Sasuke glared at him, and the cat glared at him, and it was impossible to tell them apart!

"Not interested."

Sasuke lay on the branch, not wanting to pay attention to Kakashi.

Turning his head to stare at 'Sasuke' who was fighting Naruto, he was thinking about what A Luo said before he came back this morning.

Before the Konoha Chunin Exam began, he needed a training ground, and he also needed an opponent who could help him grow quickly.

The training targets given by A Luo were Izuna, A Luo, and Senju Hashirama.

Of the three options, A Luo was not chosen by Sasuke at the beginning. Now seeing that A Luo was having fun, he wanted his brother to continue playing.

As for Izuna, they have been very familiar with each other in the past few years. Even the scrolls given by Orochimaru, or those that A Luo came back to teach him, were all trained under Izuna's care.

So among these three options, it seems that only Hashirama Senju is still acceptable.

"Teacher Kakashi, Sasuke is cheating!"

Naruto was knocked down by the illusion, and after waking up, he ran to Kakashi to complain.

After training for a whole morning, it's almost time to find a reason to eat something delicious.

He just heard that Teacher Kakashi said that he would treat them to barbecue.

"You lost again. I told you to be careful of Sasuke's illusion. I may not be able to resist the illusion taught by his ninja cat. Let's go. You have worked hard on the mission during this period. The teacher invites you to eat barbecue!"

Kakashi looked at Naruto who was complaining to him. When he found that Naruto secretly reached out to the black cat, he directly jumped down from the tree with this brat.

It is impossible to tell whether this black cat is Sasuke or Luo. You actually reached out to hug it?

Aren't you afraid of scratching a few more marks on your face!


Naruto jumped up excitedly when he heard about eating barbecue.

If the teacher invites him to eat barbecue, he must show his greatest sincerity and eat as much as he can!

"Sasuke, Sakura, let's go, let's eat barbecue!"

Kakashi slapped Naruto on the head to make him quiet down.

Then he called the black-haired boy holding the cat, and Haruno Sakura who had quickly put away the scroll and arranged it, and walked towards the village together.

Today, my wallet will probably shrink!

However, I'll eat it if I can. I don't know how long these two boys from the Uchiha family can stay in my hands.

And he can always feel that there are other forces around these two boys, maybe they are waiting for a certain opportunity to destroy Konoha in one fell swoop.

The genocide of Hyuga Neji that time should be

Start all at once...

They have no shortage of tailed beasts, including the three-tailed beast, the nine-tailed beast, and the one-tailed beast from the Sand Village...

This is just what he knows now. There must be many things he doesn't know in secret.

Konoha is in danger!

The Hokage always likes to compare Konoha to a big tree, but they like to cut off the new branches and leave all the nutrients to the rotten dead branches and roots...

For such a big tree with rotten roots and withered trunks, he really wants to see a big fire and burn the whole tree!

"Hey! Kakashi!"

Might Guy took two students on a mission today. He just handed in the mission and met Kakashi's team at the intersection when he came out.

He jumped in front of Kakashi and showed his big white teeth, wanting to compete with Kakashi.

These days, he has always felt that he urgently needs a hearty game to wash away some of the unhappiness in his heart.

"Kai, do you want to go to eat barbecue? I'll treat you!"

Kakashi was in a good mood today, so naturally he wanted to drag Might Guy along.

Although Luo probably wouldn't tell anyone about Neji, this face should be enough to make this idiot Kai realize where the boy Hyuga Neji was going.

"Barbecue? Li, Tiantian, let's go to eat barbecue!"

Might Guy suspected that Kakashi wanted him to pay, but when he was hesitant, he accidentally saw a familiar smile.

But when he looked closely, he found that Uchiha Sasuke didn't smile at all.

This moment, which seemed like an illusion, suddenly made him feel relieved and understood.

Twins, they are said to look almost the same.

No one has ever seen the true appearance of the other, and the previous lady has been confirmed to be a fake look, so at some times, the exchange of brothers' identities may not be detected.

Moreover, the smile of this 'Sasuke' just now was deliberately reminding him, so does that mean that Kakashi knows some information!

In fact, it was Kakashi who asked Sasuke to remind him!

He knew that Kakashi must not want him to worry about Neji, so he asked this student to pass the message to him. It was really touching!

"Kakashi, you are my most important friend. We will be rivals for life!"

When he arrived at the entrance of the barbecue restaurant, Might Guy finally recovered from his thoughts, and then reached out to hug Kakashi who was walking beside him.

And after hugging, he also said something affectionate about life, and then burst into tears...

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