The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Ahem, ahem! Although we don't mind, there are so many students watching, can't you two be more careful..."

Shiranui Genma, holding a senbon in his mouth, walked over with his team members. Looking at the two people who were hugging each other enthusiastically, he wanted to give them each a senbon...

It's annoying enough to take students on missions every day, and I have to see you guys showing off your presence here when I come to eat.

Moreover, are you two changing your interests? You don't want to compete in the mountains, but you have to come here to hone your thick skin?

In this regard, Kakashi can't see it at all with his mask blocking him. Might Guy, you have no chance. You will never win in this regard!

"This guy suddenly went crazy..."

Kakashi pushed Might Guy, who was crying like noodles, with one hand, and turned to look at Shiranui Genma. He was also very upset about being suddenly attacked by this guy.

Moreover, all the students around, your gossiping eyes should be restrained a little!

"It's understandable, after all..."

Shiranui Genma was halfway through his words when he saw the Yuhi Kurenai team passing by the other side of the intersection, and some of his words were taken back.

The genocide of the Hyuga clan is really annoying.

A genius of the Hyuga family ran away after the genocide, and the remaining two were also abandoned. I heard that the two sisters can no longer be ninjas.

"Shikamaru, Naruto, long time no see, how are you doing recently, have you had any powerful missions, I tell you..."

After seeing Naruto and the others, Inuzuka Kiba ran over with Akamaru in his arms.

Moreover, he was particularly rude and grabbed Naruto with one hand and Shikamaru with the other hand, and walked into the store.

As for the other familiar Choji...

He was afraid that he couldn't pull him.

"Woof woof woof!"

Akamaru jumped onto Inuzuka Kiba's head, tilted his head to look at 'Sasuke', and barked at him a few times.

The sudden barking of the dog made Kakashi and Might Guy look over, and they were a little nervous in an instant.

They also suspected that 'Sasuke' might not be Sasuke.

Originally, they thought that they couldn't tell the difference, which would be safer, but the barking of Akamaru at this time made them feel that they had overlooked a very important point before.

Dogs can distinguish the true from the false by smell.

If the dog of the Inuzuka family finds out something is wrong, it will be troublesome...

"That... Sasuke, your cat shouldn't eat dog meat, right?"

Inuzuka Kiba asked while holding Akamaru, and then looked at 'Sasuke' with a horrified face, for fear that his Akamaru would be eaten by the cat.

Very dangerous, very scary, very fierce... cat!

This is what Akamaru told him.

"There's barbecue, no need to eat raw."

A Luo's current identity is Sasuke, so he has to keep Sasuke's cold state as much as possible.

"Yes, yes, eat barbecue, I... I said, are you guys here to eat barbecue in a group?"

Inuzuka Kiba wrapped the frightened Akamaru with his clothes, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have sneaked into someone else's party.

But, we're all playing together, and it's so sad that you didn't invite me to the party!

"Teacher Kakashi said that our training is very hard, so he invited us to eat barbecue!"

Naruto pulled Inuzuka Kiba over and pointed at Kakashi proudly, showing off that they have a good teacher.

In response, Kakashi smiled and waved his hand, accepting it calmly.

"We too, the teacher invited us to eat barbecue."

Shikamaru looked at Inuzuka Kiba and motioned him to look to the side. The teacher of their team was also here.

"We too, Kakashi, please have a barbecue!"

When Inuzuka Kiba looked over, Might Guy pointed at Kakashi and the two students next to him, and that was it.

"I...I'll eat by myself..."

Inuzuka Kiba thought of their team's teacher and the recent events, sighed, and planned to pay for Akamaru to have a barbecue meal, and then go home.

"I'm still here..."

A voice came out from the side, and Inuzuka Kiba jumped to the side in fright, almost knocking Naruto down.

Looking back, it was his teammate, Aburame Shino.

" did you follow me!"

Inuzuka Kiba always felt that his teammate was not right, weird, elusive...

"I've always been here..."

Aburame Shino pointed helplessly, he had always been with Inuzuka Kiba.

So, why did everyone ignore him, they all saw him!

"Let's have a barbecue too!"

Inuzuka Kiba also

Regardless of why Aburame Shino has no sense of existence, he finally has a companion now.

They were all eating barbecue, and when they saw that both sides were busy, Inuzuka Kiba looked at his teammates next to him, picked up some meat, and quietly moved to Naruto's side.

Not only him, Shikamaru and the others also decisively abandoned their teacher and mixed over here after the meat slices were served.

Kakashi and Might Guy looked at each other and went directly to find Shiranui Genma to join the table.

Aburame Shino, who was abandoned by Inuzuka Kiba, had already quietly moved their positions. Ten ninjas of basically the same age group started their barbecue meat melee...

"Kiba, you actually snatched the meat for Sasuke?"

Yamanaka Ino was a little confused when she saw Inuzuka Kiba use a barbecue tongs to pick up the grilled meat and directly put it on Sasuke's plate.

If the tongs were sent a little closer to Naruto next to Inuzuka Kiba, she wouldn't think it was strange.

But, there is a Naruto between you, how could you think of giving the stolen meat to Sasuke...

Crazy, this world must be shrouded in illusion!

"What do you know, his ninja cat is not full yet, only when his ninja cat is full, Akamaru will be safer..."

Inuzuka Kiba raised his head, looked at their shocked eyes, and said his sadness unhappily.

If Akamaru hadn't been urging him, he wouldn't have sent barbecue to that guy...

But, what is the origin of that ninja cat, it scared his Akamaru.

"Don't worry about them, eat more..."

A Luo held the cat, even if he wanted to pretend to be Sasuke, it didn't prevent him from speaking gently to the cat.

After all, Sasuke had coaxed him like this before, asking him to eat more.

"The ninja cat is passed down from the Uchiha family, and Sasuke's current training is taught by the cat teacher."

Naruto saw that everyone was not eating, but just staring at the interaction between 'Sasuke' and the cat, and waved his hand unhappily to interrupt their sight.

"I'm so envious..."

Yamanaka Ino sighed and nudged Sakura next to her with her arm, wanting to hear some first-hand gossip.

The ninja cat that Sasuke can take care of gently must be very special!

"Because Naruto wanted to reach out to the cat, he was beaten by Sasuke many times. Do you think Sasuke will beat you?"

Sakura lowered her head, approached Ino, and whispered in her ear.

She actually wanted to get close to the cat and try the feel...

But after seeing Naruto being beaten by Sasuke and Kakashi being beaten by a cat, she became scared.

Both people and cats are so cruel.

But, they are also so handsome!

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